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DØ Calorimeter Status. _. p. Liquid argon sampling Stable, uniform response, rad. hard, fine spatial seg . LAr purity important Uranium absorber (Cu or Steel for coarse hadronic) Compensating e/ 1, dense compact Uniform, hermetic with full coverage
DØ Calorimeter Status _ p • Liquid argon sampling • Stable, uniform response, rad. hard, fine spatial seg. • LAr purity important • Uranium absorber (Cu or Steel for coarse hadronic) • Compensating e/ 1, dense compact • Uniform, hermetic with full coverage • |h|< 4.2, l int > 7.2 (total) y p q j x ICD Z L. Ar in gap 2.3 mm • Energy Resolution • e: sE / E= 15% /ÖE+ 0.3% (e.g. 3.7% @ 20 GeV) • p: sE / E= 45% /ÖE + 4% (e.g. 14% @ 20 GeV) Ur absorber 3, 4 or 6 mm Cu pad readout on 4.6 mm G10 with resistive coat epoxy
Run II Calorimeter Electronics new low noise preamp & driver new calibrated pulse injection SCA analog storage > 4msec, alternate Trig. sum BLS Card Bank 0 SCA (48 deep) Replace cables for impedance match SCA (48 deep) x1 Filter/ Shaper Output Buffer Preamp/ Driver SCA BLS x8 SCA (48 deep) SCA (48 deep) DETECTOR Bank 1 Additional buffering for L2 & L3 Shorter shaping ~400ns 55K readout channels Replace signal cables from cryostat to preamps (110 30) Replacement of preamps, shapers, baseline subtraction circuitry (BLS) Addition of analog storage: 48-element deep Switched Capacitor Array – SCA New Timing and Control New calibration pulser + current cables
Preamp All tested and installed (1152 motherboards x 48 preamps = 55k) ECS recabled after being off platform All 24 + 1 ICD power supplies installed All calibration pulsers installed, cabled, tested and commissioned Commission preamps and readout chain Fix known broken cables in shutdown BLS 36/36 PS installed + 3 spares; 12 BLS fanouts installed >10/12 quadrants populated (964/1152). Need 200 more (~100 for high eta – MG, ICD) Final board assembly/modifications/testing at SUNY-SB (> 20/week). Commission ADC Readout and Timing & Control Run I ADC’s working fine and being readout as part of data taking 12 Timing and Control cards being used need T&C controller (1-2 week layout, 2-4 week production) PIB control working and being readout into data Calorimeter Electronics Status
ICD Tiles and Electronics Readout through Calorimeter BLS system with slightly different preamps 1.5 tiles installed and instrumented on ECS-SW for 36 x 36 PMT box, HV + LV power, electronics pulser installed Calibration, fiber characterization and PMT matching for signal optimization ongoing in cosmic ray test-stand Final install in May shutdown on ECS. ECN might depend on FPS cabling issues Intercryostat Detector (ICD) Installation
Calorimeter Commissioning prior March 1 startup. Got most of CC done (<0.5% bad channels) Shifts ongoing 2-3/day. Thanks to all who contributed U. Bassler, F. Beaudette, G. Bernardi, M. Bhattacharjee, V. Bhatnagar, L. Duflot, T. Eltzroth, S. Fu, M. Gao, R. Hauser, M. Hohlfeld, B. Kehoe, N. Parua, M. Ridel, D. Schamberger, M. Tuts, V. Zutshi Will finish up ECS and most of ECN in May shutdown Calorimeter Commissioning Shifts
LAr and HV All cryostats filled with LAr – no leaks!!! All HV has been turned on to 2kV on all channels – stable over the last few weeks LAr purity tested (< 0.4 ppm O2 equiv.) LAr temp. and purity being monitored Calorimeter LAr, HV
Downloads/controls Final download system (COMICS) not in place yet but tested with prototype Pedestal/limits files will be read from pickle file in Comics and downloaded to ADC Working on pulser and T&C communication Control GUIs (via EPICS) for LV and HV work General alarm monitoring of all systems via SES needs to be fully implemented General “health” GUI for shifters needed Calorimeter Downloads & Controls
Calorimeter Calibration • Calibration • Pedestal calibration data sent to and processed in L3 scriptrunner node • Data sent to CalibManager and then to Online Oracle dB. Need to extend for gain calibrations and to send to offline. • Python tools extract data to pickle files • Working on handling dual gain pedestals and gain runs with pulser • Need automatic setup, validation and extraction tools
L1/L2 Cal trigger uses EM and FH layers (no CH) Trigger Hardware – BLS boards Layer weights determined for CC and EC Trigger drivers/summers 94% installed for CC (|| < 1.2) Remaining summers being repaired Triggers drivers here for EC (1.8 < || < 3.8). Summers here in ~ 1 wk New for Run II – trigger on MG and ICD at L2. Recovers jet response and resolution in ICR region Sampling weights have been determined and in the process of ordering parts to make the high eta summers and drivers. Trigger summers – first pass. Final tuning done with beam Trigger Hardware – MCH1 L1 CTFE boards – use Run I electronic resistor network for CC –0.8 < < 0.8 Run II variable gain mezzanine cards out for production soon For start of run expect 16 trigger terms available CEM(1or 2,rsi), CJT(1 or 2,rsi) 4 reference sets: EM: 2, 5, 7, 10, Total: 2, 3, 5, 7 GeV. Uncertainty in energy scale about 30% Full readout to L2 + L3 needs some coding and equipment ~ 1 month Can readout via monitoring path for 36x36 Final timing of trigger to the signal and beam crossing needs to be done L1/L2 Calorimeter Trigger
Hot off the Press!!! Data taken around 00:00 today! Date Created: Friday, April 27, 2001 12:18:00 AM CDT Date Saved: Friday, April 27, 2001 12:38:28 AM CDT Category - Topic - sequence number: CAPTAIN_Shift/Log - General_Log - 3016 Operator(s): Horst Wahl Keyword(s): :CAPTAIN: 0:15 experts around: Dean Schamberger, Mike Tuts, Dan Edmunds, Michael Begel **** first calorimeter trigger run taken *** run # 119575, CAL only, trigger: 1 em tower > 7 GeV 36x0 store in the Tevatron
pulse height increasingpulser delay time sampling time with respect to trigger -3 +3 +6 0 Pulser Timing Studies Variation of pulse delay to study signal shape and to determine timing for maximal response for different preamp type and calorimeter capacitance Variation of pulse height to determine linearity and gain calibration factors Automatic ramp mechanism will allow for detailed studies of timing and linearity Offline unpacking and analysis software needed
EM4 EM1 EM2 FH1 FH3 EM3b EM3a FH2 EM3d EM3c CH CH Pulser Delay Curves • EM – 4 parameter fit • HAD – 6 parameter fit Extract timing parameters and gain calibration coefficients Correction factors due to difference between pulser and physics signal
Status Almost all infrastructure in place All crates reading out. Few need some internal timing for readout. T&C controller still ~6 weeks >10/12 quadrants instrumented. 200 BLS boards to go, 100 for high eta, > 20/week CC mostly debugged (0.5% level), work on ECS + ECN in May Trigger summers/drivers CC essentially done (94%) EC summers should be here for May shutdown – test and install Ordering parts for high eta (MG, ICD) Run Plan for 36 x 36 Think we are timed in relative to TFW using pulser and trigger pickoffs to within one bunch crossing (132 ns) Use triple digitized readout to get this exact Compare L1 trigger energy and precision readout (gains are off a bit as Run 1 hardware at first) Take steady data for online/offline calibrations, -intercalibration, timing + response studies, energy-scale determination etc., etc. Calorimeter Status and PlansApr-May 2001