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Using Data Protocols to Strengthen Your PLC. Lisa Andrew & Dan Mason Santa Clara County Office of Education Julia Sterne School City. Agenda. Welcome/Agenda Warm-Up Professional Learning Teams Defined Team Roles and Responsibilities Focus on Learning Using STARS Protocols.
Using Data Protocols to Strengthen Your PLC Lisa Andrew& Dan Mason Santa Clara County Office of Education Julia Sterne School City
Agenda • Welcome/Agenda • Warm-Up • Professional Learning Teams Defined • Team Roles and Responsibilities • Focus on Learning • Using STARS • Protocols
Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen Gladwell (2002) identifies three different types of people who help to make trends happen: Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen. • Read the three cards on your table. • Decide which card best describes you when you are at work.
Affinity Groups • Once you have selected the card that best describes you, move to the section of the room denoting your choice. • Discuss with others in your group: • How your type will work to ensure your grade level will stay motivated and engaged with PLT work. • How you will problem-solve when an issue arises in your PLT. • The best strategy (ies) for your principal to use to support you.
Outcomes • Understand the cultural shifts that must occur when a school decides to take action to ensure all students learn through the use of a Professional Learning Community. • Understand the necessary conditions for high quality implementation of a Professional Learning Community • Understand how to plan and facilitate successful PLT meetings • And ultimately…to affect student achievement!
What is a Professional Learning Team? • In pairs, complete a T-chart describing what a PLT is and what it is not • Compare your T-chart to page 24 “Professional Learning Teams”
PLT Meeting Protocol • 1. Collect and chart data. • 2. Analyze strengths and obstacles. • 3. Establish goals: set, review, revise. • 4. Select instructional strategies. • 5. Determine results indicators.
Guiding Questions • What do we want students to learn? • How will we know if each student has learned? • How will we respond when some students do not learn? • How can we extend and enrich the learning for students who have demonstrated proficiency? • How do we ensure equity of access and opportunity for each student?
Roles and Responsibilities • Review the “Team Member Responsibilities” page. • Circle the three that you feel will be growth areas for your PLT. • What strategies will you employ to support this growth? • Review the “Facilitators Role and Responsibilities” • Circle the three that you feel with be crucial to your team’s success.
Moving From a Focus on Teaching to a Focus on Learning • Focus on teaching: • what students should be learning and what assessments should look like… TO • Focus on learning: • monitoring whether or not students are mastering required content, supporting students who are not successful, and challenging those who are
Developing SMART Goals • Write the letters S-M-A-R-T going down the back of your power point packet. • As you watch the video segment write the definition of each letter of the SMART goal acronym. • Be thinking about how SMART goals are similar and different than the goals your grade level team has written in the past
Developing SMART Goals • With a partner, examine the completed SMART goal worksheet. • What parts will be familiar to your PLT? • What parts will be new for your PLT? • Write a SMART goal that you would like to explore today using data from STARS.
Choosing a Data Protocol • What questions should we ask when deciding which protocol to use? • Who in the PLC should choose the protocol?
Conduct a PLC Meeting • Form a group of three. • Choose someone’s SMART goal. • Access data from STARS to monitor progress. • Choose a protocol to analyze data.
Ahas, Oh Nos, What Abouts • On a post-it record three AHAS from the day…and post • On a post-it record one Oh Nos from the day..and post • On a post-t record one What Abouts…and post