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Leading Profound Change…

Leading Profound Change…. “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present… As our case is new, so must we think anew, and act anew.” - - Abraham Lincoln Message to Congress, 1 Dec 1862. …While Fighting the War. 13 FEB 05 SARCA as of 10FEB05.

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Leading Profound Change…

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  1. Leading Profound Change… “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present… As our case is new, so must we think anew, and act anew.” - - Abraham Lincoln Message to Congress, 1 Dec 1862 …While Fighting the War 13 FEB 05 SARCA as of 10FEB05

  2. Army Reserve Serving a Nation at War 126,942Army Reserve Soldiers mobilized since 9/11 31,829 Army Reserve Soldiers deployed today 10,155 Oct 01 – Dec 02 Average # of Army Reserve Soldiers mobilized per month 49,058 Jan 03 – Dec 04 Average # of Army Reserve Soldiers mobilized per month The Human Toll 69 Army Reserve Soldier Deaths 510 Army Reserve Soldiers Wounded in Action 1 Army Reserve Soldier Captured

  3. Army Reserve Way Ahead • Set Army Reserve (AR) force right for the future • Quickly determine modularity logistics / UEy / UEx requirements for AR • Strengthen AR relationship with MACOMs / Combatant Commanders • Lean out / reduce Soldiers in the generating force (GSUs, IMSUs, DivIT, TSDs) • Relook projected operating force inactivations

  4. More Way Ahead • Build rotational depth • Continue to execute AR initiatives that support the Army Campaign Plan • Separate BASOPS and network operations from training and readiness • Vest C2 (readiness and training) of AR force in UEy GO functional commands • Transition some existing pure C2 headquarters to warfight related/supporting structure

  5. OPERATIONAL OPERATIONAL SUSTAINMENT/DIS OPNL MOVEMENTS PERSONNEL JTF JTF JTF ARFOR ARFOR ARFOR UEX IO AVN AMD ENG NBC ME MP C2 Design • JTFs: Support to CoComs, with J and G staff functions • X JTFs nationwide, divided into the 4 IMA Regional Commanders. Each JTF based on today’s ASCC Mobile Liason Teams (MLTs) of ~32 spaces each, plus Augmentation TDAs Regional Command OPERATIONAL OPERATIONAL OPERATIONAL OPERATIONAL TRAINING AND STABILITY OPERATIONS MANEUVER Proposed C4 INTEL, SURV, RECON PROTECTION OPERATIONAL FIRES & EFFECTS G-1 G-2 G-3 G- 5 G- 4 G- 6 G- 7 COMMAND LINE Functional More TDA than TOE Operational More TOE than TDA DCG-Spt DCG-Ops TRO LINES TRO LINES THEATER SUSTAINMENT Functions THEATER INTEL Functions CIVIL AFFAIRS / CMO Functions THEATER SIGNAL Functions

  6. Bottom Up Review TASS QDR 97 Training Transformation 21st Century Army TRANSFORMATION Leader/Development Command at Ft McCoy 4 TASS regions Based on Continuous Mobilization (DIV (IT) not mobilized) National Defense Strategy (1.5 MCO) casualty decrease Chief Army Reserve transforms C2 10 RSC to 4 RRC (readiness centric) RRC has full peace time C2 Ongoing RAND study to TRADOC supports TASS New GWOT MOB REQs POST WORLD WAR II 25 Combat Divisions in the ORAGANIZED RESERVE PRE/POST COLD WAR ERA 1993 Structure 9 Div/ 3 BDE 1994 TRADOC Concept Plan 7 Divisions (Institutional Training) USARC 10 RSCs Based on PARTIAL MOBILIZATION (Gulf War I/II) 1956 COLD WAR ERA 13 Training Divisions 1973-1985 Re-Organization 12 Training Divisions/ 3 BDE (TRNG) Separate Under the CONUSA’s ARCOM’s USARF Based on FULL MOBILIZATION

  7. Think Big Nothing limits achievement like small thinking.  Nothing equals possibilities like unleashed thinking.                                                                               - William Arthur Ward

  8. The Centerpiece of the Army “Use the energy and urgency of Army Transformation and the operational demands of the Global War on Terror to change from a technically-focused, force-in-reserve to a learning organization that provides trained, ready, “inactive-duty” Soldiers poised and available for active service, as if they knew the hour and day they would be called.” The American Soldier!

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