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Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop Session 3: Gas Industry Activity. Denmark Jan de Wit, Danish Gas Technology Centre (JDW@dgc.dk). Presentation outline. Overview CHP/DE Why gas industry interest in micro CHP ? Examples of projects and activities. Many large- and medium-scale CHP plants.
Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration WorkshopSession 3: Gas Industry Activity Denmark Jan de Wit, Danish Gas Technology Centre (JDW@dgc.dk) Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008
Presentation outline • Overview CHP/DE • Why gas industry interest in micro CHP ? • Examples of projects and activities Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008
Many large- and medium-scale CHP plants Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008
More than 80 % of Danish district heating has CHP origin Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008
GNP, Energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Denmark (Data from the Danish Energy Agency) Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008
Domestic heating in Denmark Statistical Yearbook, reference 2006 1) Estimate Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008
Presentation outline • Overview CHP/DE • Why gas industry interest ? • Examples of projects and activities Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008
Improved energy efficiency and improved insulation lowers gas sales per house • Industrial CHP (mostly medium-scale plants) • Domestic sector (direct firing boiler replacement) For micro CHP units of 1-3 kWe an installation potential of approx. 750 MWe exists for domestic gas boiler replacement. Remaining CHP potentials Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008
Presentation outline • Overview CHP/DE • Why gas industry interest ? • Examples of projects and activities Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008
Gas industry mini-micro CHP activities, examples • Demonstration of Senertec (5 kW) Mini CHP units (Shell/NESA) • Early-stage WhisperGen (700 W) Lab test (at DGC) • Lab- & field test of EcoPower Mini CHP unit (1,5-5 kW) • Field performance test of EC-Power (Mini CHP 15 kW) unit • Year 2007-12 Participation in the Fuel Cell Micro CHP development and demonstration programme (Budget 25 mill. Euro, see seperate presentation) • Year 2009 Installation of hydrogen fuelled 3*25 kWe fuel cell units at college (”H2 College”) • Analysis and discussions with authorities to overcome barriers for Mini/Micro CHP implementation, ongoing proces Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008
Obstacles-Challenges • Products: - Price of units is high.. - Long term documentation is needed… - The space needed in the houses…. • Service organisation… • Metering/billing Grid connection access is ok. However if electricity periodic is exported metering/billing is complicated to avoid double taxation. Marcogaz Micro Cogeneration Workshop 2008