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Annual Town Floor Meeting March 3 th , 2014 7:30 PM Shaftsbury Elementary School Gym

Annual Town Floor Meeting March 3 th , 2014 7:30 PM Shaftsbury Elementary School Gym. Town Meeting Agenda. Town Moderator Calls Meeting to Order Special Recognitions Representative Miller’s Report Selectboard Financial Report FY 2013 Selectboard Report for FY 2013

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Annual Town Floor Meeting March 3 th , 2014 7:30 PM Shaftsbury Elementary School Gym

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Annual Town Floor Meeting March 3th, 2014 7:30 PM Shaftsbury Elementary School Gym

  2. Town Meeting Agenda • Town Moderator Calls Meeting to Order • Special Recognitions • Representative Miller’s Report • Selectboard Financial Report FY 2013 • Selectboard Report for FY 2013 • Budget Presentation for FY 2015 • Town Meeting/BUDGET VOTE • Ballot Articles for Australian Ballot Vote • Adjourn

  3. Special Recognitions 2013 Town Garage Committee Harold Baldwin Barry Mayer John Endres, Sr. Karen Mellinger Michael Gardner Ron Schoof Ken Harrington Tim Scoggins Ron Jennings Terry Stacy Rick Kobik

  4. Special Recognitions Hometown Olympian: Andy Newell 2014 - Sochi, Russia 2010 - Vancouver, B.C. 2006 – Turin, Italy

  5. Special Recognitions Shaftsbury Road Crew: Terry Stacy, Foreman Steve Washburn, Asst. Foreman* Tim Greene Tim Gulley Ron Jennings Dave Worthington Roy Ware *Completed VT Local Roads Scholar Level I

  6. Special Recognitions Retirement WATER SUPERINTENDENT Joe Herrmann 35 Years of Service

  7. Selectboard Financial Report General Overview FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 (Last Year) (Current Year) (Next Year) Raised by Taxes: $ 1,302,614 $ 1,302,258 $1,420,231 Change: 0.00% 0.00% 9.1% Grand List: $ 3,988,275 $ 3,995,234 $3,995,234* Tax Rate: $ 0.3284 $ 0.3280 $ 0.3575 ** * Estimated Grand List ** Estimated tax rate, inclusive of local agreement adjustments

  8. Selectboard Report for FY 2013 Finance & Administration • Ended FY 2013 with an excess of revenues over expenditures of $66,736 • Total Accumulated Fund Balance - $390,318 • Delinquent Tax Collections - $228,186

  9. Selectboard Report for FY 2013 Finance & Administration All Departments came in below budget goals Health Deductible Expenses less than budgeted; utilization rate of 60% Installations of Town Office computer network came in significantly less than budgeted Continue to minimize fuel costs due to energy-efficiency improvements of 2009-2010

  10. Selectboard Report for FY 2013 • Highway Department: • Performed emergency deck replacement to Bridge 35 on Lower East Road utilizing State Culvert grant funds • Completed realignment, ditching, and guardrail installations on Cider Mill Road • Replaced 2002 One Ton with One Ton Flatbed to promote flexible use • Installed 1,000’ of fabric on Shaftsbury Hollow Road and added 12 inches new gravel to correct spring thaw problems • Installed 1,200’ of fabric on West Mountain Road and added 12 inches new gravel as another spring thaw remediation project • Replaced 1988 Cat Excavator

  11. Selectboard Report for FY 2013 Fire Department & Fire Warden: Downsized fleet: Sold Truck No. 66 & acquired new multi-use Rescue Pumper Truck Completed retrofitting former Rescue Truck into firefighting Brush Truck at minimal cost Painted & repaired Depot Road Fire Station

  12. Selectboard Report for FY 2013 Other Projects: Due to the efforts of the Economic Development Committee, Town received 5-Year Renewal of Village Center Designation As part of a review of our law enforcement needs, the Town extended contract with Sheriff’s Department for continued 20 hours/week coverage Garage Committee helped to refine overall Town Garage/Salt Shed Facility needs for future action School/Town initiative to lower speed limit through downtown successful

  13. Budget Presentation for FY 2015 Budget Overview A budget is: • Estimate of revenues and expenses for Fiscal Year 2015 (Fiscal year runs July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015) • A policy document honoring existing commitments (Debt Service, Contracts, Taxes, Insurances, Salaries and Benefits and Dues). • Based on previous years’ actual costs.

  14. Budget Presentation for FY 2015 Goals for FY 2015 • Continue planning for New Town Garage facilities and Cole Hall renovations, inclusive of a recommended $75,000 set-aside into the Garage Reserve Fund • Completion of Sidewalk Project on RT 7A & Church St. with federal and state grant funds • Board of Listers, Cartographic Associates, and Mountain Air Assessor to complete parcel mapping initiative in order to provide 24/7 electronic access to tax maps and grand list data via website; will be an important and ongoing tool for refining the Grand List

  15. Budget Presentation for FY 2015 Goals for FY 2015 • Continued enhancement of Town Website • Continued discussions on law enforcement needs • Continue to work with Emergency Management Director to identify potential funding sources to finance installation of of generator at the Shaftsbury Elementary School (which has been identified as an emergency shelter) • Repave a portion of White Creek Road with State paving grant

  16. Budget Presentation for FY 2015 Goals for FY 2015 • Improvements to State Park Road • Continue drainage and surface improvements to Murphy Hill Road, inclusive of fabric installation • Apply for State grant funds to replace large culvert in Shaftsbury Hollow at Hollow Hide-Away Road • Replace 2006 International plow truck • Set-aside $40,000 to the Fire Truck Reserve Fund

  17. Budget Presentation for FY 2015 Community Appropriations for FY 2015 • Budget reflects 100% funding of organizational requests • These requests are voted on by Australian Ballot tomorrow 7AM – 7PM in Shaftsbury Fire Station

  18. Budget Presentation for FY 2015 Budget 2015 2013 2014 2015 Actual Budget Proposed Raised by Taxes $ 1,302,614 $ 1,302,258 $1,420,231 Total Revenues $ 1,882,771 $ 1,854,628 $2,001,165 Total Expenditures$ 1,882,771 $ 1,854,628 $2,001,165

  19. Budget Presentation for FY 2015 Setting the Tax Rate Taxes needed ÷ (Grand List – Exempt property) = Tax Rate $1,420,231 ÷ $ 3,995,234* = .3555 Local adjustment = .0020 Total projected municipal rate = .3575 (In FY14 the Town absorbed $7,144 in education taxes on behalf of eligible veterans; The Town also absorbed $846 of education taxes on the Grange Hall. * Current Grand List; next year’s to be determined

  20. Budget Presentation for FY 2015 Fiscal Year Grand List Tax Rate FY 2015 $ 3,995,234 * 0.3575** FY 2014 $ 3,995,234 0.3280 FY 2013 $ 3,988,275 0.3284 FY 2012 $ 3,999,673 0.3231 FY 2011 *** $ 3,987,354 0.3235 * = Estimate of FY 2015 Grand List. ** = Estimate of FY 2015 Tax Rate – actual tax rate set in August (includes estimated local agreements for Veteran’s and Grange Hall exemptions) *** = Year reappraisals adjusted Grand List.

  21. Budget Presentation for FY 2015 Effect the Budget has on Taxpayer Median House Value (2010 Census estimate) $208,400 Grand List Value $ 2,084 Proposed Tax Rate 0.3575 Total Town Tax on Grand List Value $ 745

  22. Budget Presentation for FY 201Effect the Budget has on Taxpayer Effect the Budget has on Taxpayer ** * Median House Value as of 2001 Census: $117,300 **Median House Value as of 2010 Census: $208,400

  23. Australian Ballot Articles • Zoning • Two bylaws changes • One procedural change (see Background) • Constable • One year ==> two year term • Background • “Procedural defect” in zoning bylaws adoption • Rural vs. Urban Town

  24. Zoning: 1a) Compost • New section 7.13 “Solid Waste Management Facilities - Industrial Composting Facilities” for the purpose of regulating and permitting industrial compost facilities in Industrial I and Industrial 2 zones as a Conditional Use • Regulates lot size, traffic, operations, etc. • Moves Town toward alignment with new state regulations • Exempts backyard composting (< 100 cubic yards)

  25. Zoning: 1b) Flood Areas • Revisions to Section 7.15 Flood Hazard Area Regulations • Minor changes to floodway maps and bylaw language • Mandated by FEMA • IMPORTANT: Necessary for • National flood insurance • FEMA aid after flood catastrophe (like Irene)

  26. Zoning: 2) Procedure Change • Shall the voters of the Town of Shaftsbury authorize future zoning bylaws and amendments thereto to be adopted by majority vote of the Selectboard, in keeping with routine adoption practices outlined in 24 VSA Sec. 4442(c)(1)? • Current practice: Town-wide vote

  27. Zoning: 2) Procedure Change (cont.) • “Rural Town” vs. “Urban Town” • Pop. < 2500 = Rural Town • Zoning bylaws adopted by town-wide vote • Pop. > 5000 = Urban Town • Zoning bylaws adopted by select board majority • Shaftsbury ~= 3600 • We can go either way (and have: see Background)

  28. Zoning: 3) Procedure Change (cont.) • Recommendation: Urban Town • Zoning issues can be technical, complex and consequential • For example: Article 1b) above • Requires identifying “fluvial erosion hazard zones” • Could affect national flood insurance, FEMA aid • Zoning bylaws adopted by select board majority, but only after… • Planning Commission public hearing(s) • Select Board public hearing(s) • Voters retain final say • Voters’ petition can require town-wide vote

  29. Constable • Shall the voters of the Town of Shaftsbury change the terms of its First and Second Constable from one year terms to two year terms in accordance with Vermont Statute 17 V.S.A. Section 2646(7)? • Enhance continuity in office of constable

  30. Background • In 1987 Shaftsbury voted to be Rural Town for adopting zoning bylaws • Requires town-wide vote • Process became sidetracked during a period of multiple personnel changes in Town government • Two year statue of limitations on “procedural defects” in zoning bylaw adoption process • Articles 1a and 1b are only bylaws changes adopted in last two years

  31. Annual Town Meeting (Australian Ballot Voting) Tuesday March 4th, 2014 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM Buck Hill Road Fire Station Please remember to vote!!!

  32. Selectboard Karen Mellinger, Chair Carl Korman, Vice-Chair Ken Harrington Mitch Race Tim Scoggins

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