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LUCX facility introduction: present status and future plans

LUCX facility introduction: present status and future plans. A. Aryshev On behalf of QB group and THz collaboration. Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation. 18 – 19 March 2013. Outline. THz project overview LUCX activity LUCX Projects Overview

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LUCX facility introduction: present status and future plans

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LUCX facility introduction: present status and future plans A. Aryshev On behalf of QB group and THz collaboration Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation 18 – 19 March 2013

  2. Outline • THz project overview • LUCX activity • LUCX Projects Overview • THz program • LUCX Laser system • LUCX 2012 upgrade • LUCX operation modes • e-beam optics • THz program vacuum system, manipulator • Measurement setup and DAQ • Schedule & Conclusion • Resources Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  3. LUCX: international collaboration • Initially the machine was built as a RF Gun test bench in 2005 • In 2006 (RF Gun + Accelerating structure) it was extended to produce ~40MeV e-beam and Compton experiment started • 2009 a new 1.6 cell RF-Gun was made, installed and commissioned. • 2011 RF-Gun replacement -> 3.6 cell • From 2009 CDR experiment started • From 2012 THz program was started • KEK, Waseda University, Osaka University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Royal Holloway University of London. • Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Oxford, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  4. Documentation • & publicity • ZEMAX and CST simulations Accelerator operation Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  5. THz imaging Project candidates Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  6. - ≥ 50% completion !!! – vast importance !!! !!! !!! Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  7. LUCX activities key points • Accelerator • Generation of a stable ps and fselectron beam • Reliable beam diagnostics • Ability to measure longitudinal beam profile • Beam dynamics simulation (with intension to make it on-line) • Control upgrade (Soft&Space) • Laser system • Will be shown in a next talk by Dr. K. Lekomtsev • THz Measurement system • Will be shown in a next talk by Dr. M. Shevelev • Compton experiment • Covered by prof. J. Urakawa on March 18th • CDR experiment • Covered by Dr. A. Aryshevon March 18th Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  8. LUCX Facility LUCX accelerator tunnel Nd:YAG KLY#0 KLY#1 FSTB LUCX control room Modulator #1 Modulator #0 Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  9. LUCX “2012 Upgrade”:THz, 12-cell booster Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  10. LUCX “2012 upgrade” CDR Compton THz GV THz chamber Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  11. LUCX “2012 upgrade”, e-optics “Compton optics” THz Compton CDR Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  12. LUCX beam diagnostics • BPMs • Well established Button BPM system • Profile monitors (Screens: OTR, “DMQ”) • Require upgrade (CCDs, analysis) -> better emittance measurements • Beam Charge monitor • Well established, FC and ICTs • Beam energy, energy spread • Well established, but after 12-cell booster • Beam loss monitor • So-called “plick” or a simple gamma detector – has to be installed • Longitudinal profiling • Has to be developed. Candidates: Streak camera, Deflecting cavity. Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  13. LUCX Control upgrade • Control room re-arrangement to accommodate large collaboration groups • Control PCs and display system upgrade • Control soft at present will be the same with the slow upgrades in the future • FemtoSecondTestBench control and monitors will be installed and included into the main LUCX control soft • Well defined and documented API Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

  14. Resources • THz program web:http://www-atf.kek.jp/thz/index.html • LUCX wiki (documentation, e-log, etc.):http://atf.kek.jp/twiki/bin/view/LUCX/WebHome • QB program web:http://kocbeam.kek.jp/ Mini-workshop for advanced THz and Compton X-ray generation

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