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Course Note Credit: Some of slides are extracted from the course notes of prof. Mathieu Desburn (USC) and prof. Han-Wei

CSC 830 Computer Graphics Lecture 5 Rasterization. Course Note Credit: Some of slides are extracted from the course notes of prof. Mathieu Desburn (USC) and prof. Han-Wei Shen (Ohio State University). . Rasterization.

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Course Note Credit: Some of slides are extracted from the course notes of prof. Mathieu Desburn (USC) and prof. Han-Wei

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  1. CSC 830 Computer GraphicsLecture 5 Rasterization Course Note Credit: Some of slides are extracted from the course notes of prof. Mathieu Desburn (USC) and prof. Han-Wei Shen (Ohio State University).

  2. Rasterization • Okay, you have three points (vertices) at screen space. How can you fill the triangle? v2 E1 Simple Solution v2 v1 2 E1 E1 1 2 v1 1 E2 E0 E0 E2 v0 v0

  3. My simple approach int draw_tri(render,t) GzRender *render; GzTriangle t; { sort_vert(t); /* Vertices are properly sorted, so edge1 can be composed by ver[0],ver[1] and edge2 by ver[1],[2], and so on */ init_edge(render,E0,t[0],t[1]); init_edge(render,E1,t[1],t[2]); init_edge(render,E2,t[0],t[2]); step_edges(render); return GZ_SUCCESS; }

  4. void init_edge(GzRender *render,int i,GzVertex ver1,GzVertex ver2) { Interpolater *ip; float dy; ip = &render->interp[i]; ip->fromx = ver1.p[x]; ip->fromy = ver1.p[y]; dy = ver2.p[y]-ver1.p[y]; if(dy== 0) ip->dxdy = zmax; else ip->dxdy = (ver2.p[x]-ver1.p[x])/dy; ip->tox = ver2.p[x]; ip->toy = ver2.p[y]; ip->fromz = ver1.p[z]; if(ver2.p[y]-ver1.p[y]== 0) ip->dz = zmax; else ip->dz =(ver2.p[z]-ver1.p[z])/dy; vec_copy(ip->from_norm,ver1.n); ip->dnorm[x]=(ver2.n[x] - ver1.n[x])/dy; ip->dnorm[y]=(ver2.n[y] - ver1.n[y])/dy; ip->dnorm[z]=(ver2.n[z] - ver1.n[z])/dy; }

  5. Interpolater x3, y3, z3 x2, y2, z2 (xn,yn,zn) xn = x1 + (yn-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1) zn = z1 + (yn-y1)*(z2-z1)/(y2-y1) x1, y1, z1

  6. v2 v2 Step Edges v2 v1 v1 v0 v1 v0 E1 v1 v2 v0 v2 v2 E1 v1 E2 E0 E2 E1 E0 E2 v0 v0 v1 E0 v0

  7. Better & still simple approach • Find left edge & right edge from v0 • You can not tell when y==v0.y • But you can tell by comparing x values when y == v0.1+1 • You need to treat horizontal edges carefully (divide by zero).

  8. How can you handle this?

  9. Or this?

  10. Back-face Culling • If a surface’s normal is pointing to the same direction as our eye direction, then this is a back face • The test is quite simple: if N * V > 0 then we reject the surface

  11. Painters Algorithm • Sort objects in depth order • Draw all from Back-to-Front (far-to-near) • Is it so simple?

  12. 3D Cycles • How do we deal with cycles? • Deal with intersections • How do we sort objects that overlap in Z?

  13. Z-buffer • Z-buffer is a 2D array that stores a depth value for each pixel. • Invented by Catmull in '79, it allows us to paint objects to the screen without sorting, without performing intersection calculations where objects interpenetrate. • InitScreen: for i := 0 to N dofor j := 1 to N doScreen[i][j] := BACKGROUND_COLOR;  Zbuffer[i][j] := ; • DrawZpixel (x, y, z, color)if (z <= Zbuffer[x][y]) thenScreen[x][y] := color; Zbuffer[x][y] := z;

  14. Z-buffer: Scanline I.  foreach polygondoforeach pixel (x,y) in the polygon’s projectiondoz := -(D+A*x+B*y)/C;             DrawZpixel(x, y, z, polygon’s color); II.  foreach scan-liney doforeach “in range” polygon projectiondo             for each pair (x1, x2) of X-intersections dofor x := x1 to x2doz := -(D+A*x+B*y)/C;                         DrawZpixel(x, y, z, polygon’s color); If we know zx,y at (x,y) than:    zx+1,y = zx,y - A/C

  15. Z-buffer - Example

  16. Non Trivial Example ? Rectangle: P1(10,5,10), P2(10,25,10), P3(25,25,10), P4(25,5,10) Triangle: P5(15,15,15), P6(25,25,5), P7(30,10,5) Frame Buffer: Background 0, Rectangle 1, Triangle 2 Z-buffer: 32x32x4 bit planes

  17. Z-Buffer Advantages • Simple and easy to implement • Amenable to scan-line algorithms • Can easily resolve visibility cycles

  18. Z-Buffer Disadvantages • Aliasing occurs! Since not all depth questions can be resolved • Anti-aliasing solutions non-trivial • Shadows are not easy • Higher order illumination is hard in general

  19. Rasterizing Polygons Given a set of vertices and edges, find the pixels that fill the polygon.

  20. Scan Line Algorithms Take advantage of coherence in “insided-ness” Inside/outside can only change at edge events Current edges can only change at vertex events

  21. Scan Line Algorithms Create a list of vertex events (bucket sorted by y)

  22. Scan Line Algorithms Create a list of the edges intersecting the first scanline Sort this list by the edge’s x value on the first scanline Call this the active edge list

  23. Scanline Rasterization Special Handling • Intersection is an edge end point, say: (p0, p1, p2) ?? • (p0,p1,p1,p2), so we can still fill pairwise • In fact, if we compute the intersection of the scanline with edge e1 and e2 separately, we will get the intersection point p1 twice. Keep both of the p1.

  24. Scanline Rasterization Special Handling • But what about this case: still (p0,p1,p1,p2)

  25. Rule • Rule: • If the intersection is the ymin of the edge’s endpoint, count it. Otherwise, don’t. • Don’t count p1 for e2

  26. Data Structure • Edge table: • all edges sorted by their ymin coordinates. • keep a separate bucket for each scanline • within each bucket, edges are sorted by increasing x of the ymin endpoint

  27. Edge Table

  28. Active Edge Table (AET) • A list of edges active for current scanline, sorted in increasing x y = 9 y = 8

  29. Penetrating Polygons False edges and new polygons! Compare z value & intersection when AET is calculated

  30. Polygon Scan-conversion Algorithm Construct the Edge Table (ET); Active Edge Table (AET) = null; for y = Ymin to Ymax Merge-sort ET[y] into AET by x value Fill between pairs of x in AET for each edge in AET if edge.ymax = y remove edge from AET else edge.x = edge.x + dx/dy sort AET by x value end scan_fill

  31. Scan Line Algorithms • For each scanline: • Maintain active edge list (using vertex events) • Increment edge’s x-intercepts, sort by x-intercepts • Output spans between left and right edges replace insert delete

  32. Convex Polygons Convex polygons only have 1 span Insertion and deletion events happen only once

  33. Crow’s Algorithm Find the vertex with the smallest y value to start crow(vertex vList[], int n) int imin = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) if(vList[i].y < vList[imin].y) imin = i; scanY(vList,n,imin);

  34. Crow’s Algorithm Scan upward maintaining the active edge list scanY(vertex vList[], int n, int i) int li, ri; // left & right upper endpoint indices int ly, ry; // left & right upper endpoint y values vertex l, dl; // current left edge and delta vertex r, dr; // current right edge and delta int rem; // number of remaining vertices int y; // current scanline li = ri = i; ly = ry = y = ceil(vList[i].y); for( rem = n; rem > 0) // find appropriate left edge // find appropriate right edge // while l & r span y (the current scanline) // draw the span (1) (3) (2)

  35. Crow’s Algorithm Draw the spans for( ; y < ly && y < ry; y++) // scan and interpolate edges scanX(&l, &r, y); increment(&l,&dl); increment(&r,&dr); increment(vertex *edge, vertex *delta) edge->x += delta->x; (2) Increment the x value

  36. Crow’s Algorithm Draw the spans scanX(vertex *l, vertex *r, int y) int x, lx, rx; vertex s, ds; lx = ceil(l->x); rx = ceil(r->x); if(lx < rx) differenceX(l, r, &s, &ds, lx); for(x = lx, x < rx; x++) setPixel(x,y); increment(&s,&ds);

  37. d f d f Crow’s Algorithm Calculate delta and starting values differenceX(vertex *v1, vertex *v2, vertex *e, vertex *de, int x) difference(v1, v2, e, de, (v2->x – v1->x), x – v1->x); difference(vertex *v1, vertex *v2, vertex *e, vertex *de, float d, float f) de->x = (v2->x – v1->x) / d; e->x = v1->x + f * de->x; differenceY(vertex *v1, vertex *v2, vertex *e, vertex *de, int y) difference(v1, v2, e, de, (v2->y – v1->y), y – v1->y);

  38. Crow’s Algorithm Find the appropriate next left edge while( ly < = y && rem > 0) rem--; i = li – 1; if(i < 0) i = n-1; // go clockwise ly = ceil( v[i].y ); if( ly > y ) // replace left edge differenceY( &vList[li], &vList[i], &l, &dl, y); li = i; (3)

  39. Crow’s Algorithm Interpolating other values difference(vertex *v1, vertex *v2, veretx *e, vertex *de, float d, float f) de->x = (v2->x – v1->x) / d; e->x = v1->x + f * de->x; de->r = (v2->r – v1->r) / d; e->r = v1->r + f * de->r; de->g = (v2->g – v1->g) / d; e->g = v1->g + f * de->g; de->b = (v2->b – v1->b) / d; e->b = v1->b + f * de->b; increment( vertex *v, vertex *dv) v->x += dv->x; v->r += dv->r; v->g += dv->g; v->b += dv->b;

  40. Scan Line Algorithm • Low memory cost • Uses scan-line coherence • but not vertical coherence • Has several side advantages: • filling the polygons • reflections • texture mapping • Renderman (Toy Story) = scan line

  41. Visibility • Clipping • Culling

  42. Clipping Objects may lie partially inside and partially outside the view volume We want to “clip” away the parts outside Simple approach - checking if (x,y) is inside of screen or not What is wrong with it?

  43. Cohen-Sutherland Clipping • Clip line against convex region • Clip against each edge • Line crosses edge • replace outside vertex with intersection • Both endpoints outside • trivial reject • Both endpoints inside • trivial accept

  44. Cohen-Sutherland Clipping

  45. Cohen-Sutherland Clipping • Store inside/outside bitwise for each edge • Trivial accept outside(v1) | outside(v2) == 0 • Trivial reject outside(v1) & outside(v2) • Compute intersection (eg. x = a) (a, y1 + (a-x1) * (y2-y1)/(x2-x1))

  46. Outcode Algorithm • Classifies each vertex of a primitive, by generating an outcode. An outcode identifies the appropriate half space location of each vertex relative to all of the clipping planes. Outcodes are usually stored as bit vectors.

  47. if (outcode1 == '0000' and outcode2 == ‘0000’) then line segment is inside else if ((outcode1 AND outcode2) == 0000) then line segment potentially crosses clip region else line is entirely outside of clip region endif endif

  48. The maybe case? • If neither trivial accept nor reject: • Pick an outside endpoint (with nonzero outcode) • Pick an edge that is crossed (nonzero bit of outcode) • Find line's intersection with that edge • Replace outside endpoint with intersection point • Repeat outcode test until trivial accept or reject

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