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MARINE PUBLIC SCHOOL. About Us Curriculum Admission Events Contact. Message Objective Basic Information Academic News Overview Beginners Classes Levels Sports News

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  1. MARINE PUBLIC SCHOOL About Us Curriculum Admission Events Contact. Message Objective Basic Information Academic News Overview Beginners Classes Levels Sports News Mission Statement Standard Courses Admission Procedure Competions News General Information Facilities Examination & Calander Academic Information Results Uniform General News Financial Support Gender Equality Donation Information Child Support Programme


  3. Patron-in-Chief Rear Admiral (R) Saeed Ahamd Sargana HI(M) Message: It gives me immense pleasure to observe that the Marine Public School has exceeded my expectations in almost all fields of students development. Dedication and hard work of management and faculty, indeed, has brought laurels to this fine institution. Consistent growth of students, both in boys and girls strength, and their outstanding academic results in the board examinations is a true reflection of Marine Public School outstanding performance. State of the art computer lab and Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs have provided excellent opportunity to students in gaining practical knowledge and confidence in their respective subjects. Availabilities of Green lush lawns and playing grounds are indeed most needed but rarely available with schools for pursuing sports and physical fitness activities. MPS staff may be congratulated for maintaining healthy environment and playgrounds. Please convey my best wishes to all those involved for their selfless devotion and dedication in making MPS one of the best academic institutions in the area.

  4. Overview. Marine Public School is a brain child of our Pattern-n-Chief who under took this gigantic task of extending high quality education to boys and girls for rural students scattered in numerous small villages of Teh. Kabirwala District Khanewal of southern Punjab. Absence of English Medium institution pursuing Oxford Syllabi had denied the opportunity to the boys and girls of rural areas of southern Punjab for quality education. MPS has been established to satisfy the above need by extending education to the door step of every family. MPS prides itself for collecting and dropping children from their homes in line with most advanced and affluent communities of the world.

  5. MISSION STATMENT • Marine Public School envisions to provide high quality education (English Medium) to young boys / girls of rural communities of Kabirwala Tehsil. • In line with national aspirations, Provide conducive environment to the students in their overall development. • Prepare students to stand shoulder to shoulder with their colleagues of urban schools for higher education and National Service. • To change the mindset of rural parents for women education and their empowerment. • Involve Parents and Students in school and community activities for all round development of village focus.

  6. Fields of Growth. Language reading exercises Vocabulary development, Story time, nursery rhymes, Poetry, drama, puppetry . Mathematics Number work, concept development. Science Observations, analyses, synthesis exploring. Creative Art Hand control, art , movements. Physical education Development of motor skills, comforts, sports, team building. Moral value Ethics, basic of religion. Examinations.

  7. Why Are We Different! Education at door step. MPS being in rural setting has to collect children from small villages scattered in all directions. Parents can neither afford nor can arrange transport of their children to and from school. MPS has arranged a fleet of six busses to pickup children from their door steps and drop them in the evening at subsidized cost up to 40 kilometers area. Provision of High quality education for rural children. Girls and boys are encouraged to join in an English medium school environment with high quality sports facilities and general to compete with their urban colleagues on merit for higher education. Quality education at bearable cost MPS aims to help low income parent for extension of quality education to their children. Deserving Students MPS assists children with fee concession Payments and other forms of support to see children education completed irrespective of parents economic upheavals . Outstanding students are admitted free of cost.

  8. Donations MPS turned into reality through generous donation of our Patter-n.Chief . His timeless efforts bore fruit and four buses were purchased and one each were donated by the Govt. of Punjab and TVO respectively. Due to Excellent academic results of MPS and high quality computer Lab, Physics, Chemistry, Bio Labs, the demand for admissions has increased manifold. But building capacity restriction do no allow any more students. Due to low income of parents, MPS can not always resort to revision of transportation cost and tuition fee. It is intended to collect donations to fill the growing financial gap. Supporters MPS management is grateful for the generous support of the following respected members of the the community. a. Raza Hayat Hiraj MNA. b. Honorable Mahr Ahmad Yar Hiraj (District Nazim Khanewal) Financial Assistance. School welcomes donation to extend education to poor deserving students, increasing existing capacity and faculty. Donations can be forwarded to MPS account No. ……………..

  9. Achievement Mps has a record of exceptional growth for the past seven years and now extends education to almost 450 boys and girls. Board results are 100% as under. Exam. Year Grade A Grade B SSC (Matric) 2010 SSC (Matric) 2011

  10. MPs hold annual Parents day every year. Besides, highlighting various aspects of school achievements students avail opportunity to displaytheir talent through skills and speeches Admission Over view Due to limited capacity parents are advised to get their children registered as early as possible. Registration forms are available in the school prospectus. Registration is not confirmation of admission. Classes Details of classes are available in the prospectus. Admission Procedure Except Nursery all admissions are subject to written test. Uniform Details of uniform are given in the prospectus. Gender Equality Both boys and girls are admitted. Girls are encouraged to enable them to equal opportunity for studying in a conducive environment.

  11. Facilities: • MPS has created facilities to make it convenient for parents to educate their children without much hassle and expense. Since children are devoid of most of basic facilities in village environment, which are taken for granted in cities, MPS has established these to provide friendly atmosphere for their interest and exposure. Some of the facilities are listed below: • Nursery / Prep children play area. • Audio / Video facility. • Computer Lab • Play Grounds • Indoor games for girls • Pick & Drop Transport facility from doorsteps up to 45 Km in all directions • Canteen • Hostel • Separate classes for girls and boys • Library • Regular periods of extempore speeches, debates, dramatics

  12. Gender Equality: Southern Punjab village communities are generally very conservative. Women folks observe Pardah ( Veil ) and are usually allowed to step out of their homes in company of their male members. Women education is either non existent in low cast families or restricted to Primary level only. MPS has been consistently striving to encourage and engage parents to extend equal opportunities to their daughters as available to their sons. Safe environment, separate classes for girls and lady teachers have been made available to female students at MPS. Our efforts are bearing fruits as more and more parents are taking interest in quality education of their daughters.

  13. Curriculum: • Students are mostly coming from illiterate environment where mother, father, grand father, grand mother etc, all indeed folks have either not gone to school or had very little education. Therefore MPS has to concentrate on early years development of child. Curriculum has accordingly been modified to suit quality of children entering MPS. • The early years Program focuses on developing children’s skill through activity based teaching method, children are provided opportunities to: • Grow socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. • Engage in problem solving skills. • Take decision and learn to take responsibility. • Develop communication and interpersonal skills. • Learn, accept and appreciate differences among people. • Develop self esteem and self confidence.

  14. Adop a Child’s Education: A child or a group of a children education can be supported. School is launching child support programme for bright

  15. Aim & Objectives: • To develop the mental and physical potentials of rural girls and boys to compete on merit at national level. • To prepare the students to shoulder responsibilities and accept challenges with confidence and pride. • Creative and progressive curriculum. • Safe, calm and conductive environment. • Monitoring assessing evolution of students and staff for constant improvement. • Home school and community partnership. • Professional and academic leadership.

  16. Grade 9 – 10 • English • Mathematics • Pak. Studies • Urdu • Islamic Studies • Physics • Chemistry • Biology/ Computer • Student Courses: • Begginers – Grade 1 • English • Mathematics • Science • Social Studies • Islamic Studies • Art and Craft • Physical Education • Grade 2 – 8 • English • Mathematics • Science • Social Studies • Urdu • Islamic Studies • Arabic • Physical Education

  17. Examinations: The following examinations are conducted for all classes, from Nursery to 10th according to the prescribed course for that term. The examination, however, covers the whole course of a particular class. Examinations are held according to the following schedule. 1st Term …………………………. 2nd week of April 2nd Term ………………………… 2nd week of June 3rd Term ………………………… 2nd week of November Final Term …………………….. 1st week of February

  18. Results: Inspite of admissions to students from Urdu medium schools, MPS has been achieving outstanding results, even outperforming other earlier established English medium schools i.e Khanewal Public School and Mian Channu Public School. ( Both schools funded by Government) MPS has set the tradition of individual child care and ensures appearance of entire class in Board examination contrary to the practice of schools allowing only outstanding students to sit in Board examinations and remaining to appear as Private students. Our past three years class strength, No of students appeared in Board examination, and their grads are as under: It is significant to note that all the above students who have passed out from MPS were originally students of Urdu medium schools and achieved excellent results while appearing in Board Examinations in English Medium. MPS, with the grace of Allah has achieved the reputation of a quality institution and we are informed by our Ex-students that:

  19. Basic Informations: • Admissions are declared in January for the academic year February to January. • Academic session begins in February. • Each academic session consist of three terms. • Annual exams are conducted in February. • For further details, kindly Contact us.

  20. Class Levels:

  21. Admission Procedure: The admission test / interviews for all classes are held on promulgated dated and admission is granted on merit basis only. Final preference for admission is, however, given to the children of the Marine personnel. Admission in classes, other then those maintained above, is granted only if there is

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