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Step Up Three. 2014/2015. What is The Step Up Programme?. The Kilkeel facility is formally launching the third Step Up Development Programme (Step Up 3)
Step Up Three 2014/2015
What is The Step Up Programme? The Kilkeel facility is formally launching the third Step Up Development Programme (Step Up 3) Most of you will be aware of the first programme that we ran starting in Sept 2010 and that we are currently running our second programme which is due to finish in October 2014. The aim of the programme is to: • Provide development opportunities for existing employees • attend and successfully complete a comprehensive management development programme that is certified to ILM Level 5
What is the Step Up Programme? There will be a selection process for internal candidates wishing to participate in the development programme We are engaging again with Parity who are a talent development organisation and who successfully ran the first and second programmes and they will help in the selection of participants and in the delivery of the development programme This programme represents a very positive step by the Company to continue to develop the bench strength that we have at the site and to support succession planning
Why are we running this programme? In order to help to ensure the continued success of the facility on its journey to world class manufacturing status it is essential that we work to increase our talent base We want to minimise the need to recruit external replacements for key internal roles We believe we currently have a lot of talent internally but need to develop that talent for the future, hence the commitment and investment in this programme Both programmes have proven to be a sound platform from which to develop and potentially gain career advancement
What is the process for the programme? The flow diagram in the following slide outlines the process for selection In the selection process candidates will be assessed against the core competencies that are required at the first line manager level • Business acumen – understands link between one’s role and their impact on the business • Change management – anticipates and adapts to change • Customer intimacy – ensures internal and external customer satisfaction • Leadership – continuously develops area of expertise and teaches this knowledge to others • Execution – ensure milestones are met in a timely and quality manner • Relationship building – knows how to work with others to achieve common goals • Strategic management – understands and pursues the business goals of the groups work
How do I apply? Process Flow-Selection Process
TIMELINE FOR THE APPLICATION AND SELECTION PROCESS 5pm, 30th April 2014 COMPLETED APPLICATIONS RECEIVED (on-line) 18th or 19th June 2014 FINAL PRESENTATIONS (at Kilkeel) August 2014 PROGRAMME BEGINS (at Kilkeel) MAY JULY JUNE 12th or 13th May 2014 PSYCHOMETRIC TEST (at Kilkeel) 4th or 5th June 2014 ASSESSMENT CENTRE (at Kilkeel) 30th June 2014 SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES NOTIFIED These dates are fixed and can not be changed, you will need to be available to attend all sessions.
How will the programme be managed? B/E and Parity will work together to ensure the programme is a success Parity will manage the following main elements of the programme: • Advertising the opportunity internally • Application returns • Short-listing at various stages in the process • Testing • Running assessment centre • Presenting a shortlist of suitable participants to the Company • Providing feedback • Delivery of the development modules
How will the programme be managed? B/E will be responsible for the following: • selecting the successful participants • managing programme logistics • programme reviews • providing the financial support for the programme • ensuring manager support of participants
Launch Event Project Management Problem Solving Coaching Change Management Maximising Performance Commercial Awareness Presentation Skills Interview Skills and Assessment Centres Managing in a unionised environment Lean Thinking Hot Topic Module( To be decided during the programme) What is the content of the development programme? • There will be a total of 12 development workshops covering the • following topics:
Timeline 11
Things applicants need to bear in mind Participating in the Step Up Programme represents a huge growth and development opportunity for the selected participants The programme demonstrates a commitment by the Company to the development of its internal talent and a commitment to ensuring that we have the talent to sustain and grow the business in the future These types of development opportunities are not that common Participating on the internal development programme will position individuals well to compete for future management roles, although promotion is not guaranteed. This has been borne out through the first Step Up Programme and we have had 2 promotees to date from Step Two. Applications are welcome from all levels of permanent employees up to and including Supervisory level Higher level educational qualifications are not required for the development opportunity as selection will be based on your enthusiasm for the opportunity and an assessment of you against competencies
Things applicants need to bear in mind cont’d The selection process is more challenging than the norm requiring significant input from prospective candidates and is competency driven. The process will involve: • Completing a detailed application form • Sitting aptitude tests and a behavioural questionnaire • Participating in an Assessment Centre • Participating in a final selection process involving a presentation Going through such a process could prove to be developmental in itself You can speak to the participants in Step Up 1 and Step Up 2 and get their input on their experience of the programme-names on next slide Feedback will be available to any unsuccessful applicants
Step up Participants Step Up 1 • Gareth Bailie • Karen Higgins • Ross Kane • Philip Murray • Brian McGorrian • Erwin McKee • Laura O’Hare • Shane Sloan Step Up 2 • Rachel McKee • Laura McCartan • Louise Garvey • Louise Bradley • David Martin • Joe Lawn • Graham Crutchley • Nadine Hewitt • Louis Sloan • Thomas Sloan • Neil McGrady
Questions To Ask Yourself….. • Do I want to develop at B/E Aerospace Kilkeel? • Do I want to have the opportunity for advancement? • Do I want to gain new skills that I can use here and that I will always have to take with me wherever I go? • Do I know that I have the ability to do more and do I want to take the opportunity to prove that to myself? • When am I next likely to get such an opportunity?
FAQs Q: Why is the Company doing this? A: The Company recognises that it has talent at the site. The business is stable currently and is continuing to grow and so we need to have a pipeline of potential leaders available to draw on to help sustain and build the business. Q: Who can apply? A: The opportunity to participate on the management development programme is open to all permanent employees at all levels up to and including Supervisory level. If you are moving from a temporary to permanent contract, you are also eligible to apply. Employees who are currently participating in another development programme are not eligible to apply. Q: What do I need to be able to apply? A: The opportunity to participate in the management development programme will not have any baseline requirements Q: How do I apply? A: The process being used for selection is laid out in the process flow in the presentation introducing the programme
FAQs Q: What are aptitude tests? A: Psychometric test is anumbrella name for occupational/ability testing and personality profiling. They are typically used to inform selection decisions and/or understand an individual's career development needs. They are structured tests, taken in exam-like conditions, which aim to measure objectively a person's ability. Q: Can I practice the tests beforehand? A: Yes Q: What is an assessment centre, can I prepare for it? A: Assessment centres evaluate individuals or groups using exercises to simulate important elements of the job for which they are applying. They give candidates experience of a microcosm of the job while testing them on work-related activities as individuals and in groups. Observers can assess existing performance and predict future job performance. A number of candidates attend, and several assessors administer and observe a series of assessments. There is a mixture of group and individual exercises, such as group discussions, situational activities and in-tray or written exercises in addition to interviews. The assessments are designed to discover how well each candidate meets the personal competencies required for the job
FAQs Q: Do you have people in mind already that will go on the development programme? A: No. This is an open process and we want to see as many people apply as possible Q: What is the benefit of the development programme? A: For anyone who is interested in developing their career and progressing in a management role either inside or outside of B/E, participation in a programme like this would represent a huge step in the right direction as you would cover theory and practice in the area of managing people and you would get exposure within the business as presentations and updates will have to be provided to the SMT Q: What is the ILM certification and what does it mean? A: The ILM is the UK’s largest management body, combining industry-leading qualifications and specialist member services. This development programme is accredited by the ILM and as such will be a recognised management qualification in industry. It will be the employee’s qualification to use.
FAQs Q: Are there any exams or assessments? A: There are no exams but there will be 2 assignments that will have to be successfully completed. These assignments will be work related Q: Who will mark my assignments? A: The Consultants from Parity will mark your assignments and they will be reviewed by a representative from ILM Q: Who decides whether I should achieve the ILM accreditation? A: The ILM Q: When and where will modules be held? A: Modules will be run at the site during the working week/day
FAQs Q: What will the Company expect of me? A: The Company will expect that if you are selected to participate on the programme that you will be committed to do all that you can to successfully complete the programme Q: Who decides whether I go on the programme? A: Parity will assist with the selection process up to the final selection stage at which point members of the senior management team will form an assessment panel and make the decision on the successful participants Q: What support will I have on the programme? A: Participants will have the support of the managers within their departments and they will be able to draw on the experience of the Parity consultants. This is an important programme for the site and so we will want to ensure that participants are supported in so far as they can be. Undertaking an opportunity like this requires significant individual commitment
FAQs Q: How long does the programme last? A: The development programme will last for approximately 14 months Q: How much of my time is it going to take? A: Applicants will have to invest time in making their application and in attending the elements of the selection process. The selection process will take place during the working week/day. Just as you would manage while studying through an educational institution for some additional educational qualification, the development programme will require some commitment from you to balance your job responsibilities, attend the modules, work on projects and complete any pre-course reading and coursework that is required. This should all be achievable by each individual. Q: Will I get paid time off work to make my application and attend assessment centres and interviews? A: Employees will get paid time off to attend testing and assessment centres and final selection process. It is anticipated that completing the application will take some time and thought and therefore will need to be done in your own time
FAQs Q: Will there be feedback in the process? A: Feedback will be provided on request after the assessment centre or final selection process Q: How many places are there on the programme? A: 12 in total Q: Will there be a limit on the numbers who can participate from each department? A: There may be a need to put a quota on the numbers who can participate on the development programme from each department but the Company will reserve the right to review this aspect in order to balance the needs of the business
FAQs Q: Will attending the programme change my current contract? A: No Q: Will I be guaranteed a promotion? A: No, promotion won’t be guaranteed but you will be much better positioned upon completion of the programme to apply for promotional opportunities Q: Will I be able to get access to computers? A: Yes Q: Will I have to sign a training agreement? A: Yes Q: What if I can't attend a module -can it be run again? A: The plan needs to be that participants are available for all modules. However should circumstances arise that result in unavailability these will be addressed on a case by case basis.