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What’s Up? * Rules/Respect *Rights/Responsibilities *Listening/Following Directions

Our Class News No. 22 1/27-1/31. Spelling Words bear tear haircut stairs wear airplane compare repair pear prepare stare glare sharing fairy aware BONUS WORDS : fortunate faithful generation persistently summoned. What’s Up? * Rules/Respect *Rights/Responsibilities

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What’s Up? * Rules/Respect *Rights/Responsibilities *Listening/Following Directions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Our Class NewsNo. 22 1/27-1/31 Spelling Words bear tear haircut stairs wear airplane compare repair pear prepare stare glare sharing fairy aware BONUS WORDS: fortunate faithful generation persistently summoned What’s Up? *Rules/Respect *Rights/Responsibilities *Listening/Following Directions *Procedures/Routines *Problem Solving Skills *Manners/Courtesy *Teambuilding/Class-building *Bucket Fillers/Dippers *Cooperative Learning *Personal Narratives *Non fiction writing *Drawing Conclusions *Prefixes/Suffixes *Cause/Effect *Author’s Purpose *Main idea/details *Predicting/Inferencing *Summarizing *Fact/Opinion *Sequencing *Elements of Non-fiction *Proverbs/Fables *Timed Math Facts *Equivalent Fractions *Multiplication /Division(facts to 10; methods and strategies) *Handwriting *Problem Solving *Rocks/Minerals/Fossils Vocabulary Words illuminated generation persistentlysummoned faithful fortunate What’s coming! 1/27-1/31……Acuity Testing (reading, math) 1/28……….Kindergarten Information Night 5:00-7:00pm MPR 1/31……….RED HOT READING Sheets due for January 2/5……… .Extra Early Release @ 12:15pm 2/6……….Mid term of 3rd quarter 2/6……….Spring Pictures 2/7………..Spirit Day---Twin Day 2/7………..Pastries With Parents----7:00-7:40am, MPR 2/7………..Jamba Juice ($3.00) 2/14……….Arizona’s Birthday Celebration/Flag Ceremony Class Valentine Party 2/17………..President’s Day….NO SCHOOL 2/27……….Celebration of Excellence 5:30-7:00pm, classrooms Spaghetti Dinner Night, 5:00-5:30 ($3.50/person) ! Keep Reading!

  2. A note from me …… Parents thank you for your patients during the three days that I was out sick. I know it can be hard on your child with different teachers teaching styles. It is a good opportunity to for your child to learn to adapt to changing environments. Congratulations to the following students who were on the Firebird’s Nest for the second quarter. Carter Hyden, Susan Lewis, Nanthaniel McKinley, Lashaw White, Timber Scharringhausen. This is a great honor for these students, indicating they earned all 4’s in the Skills and Behaviors area on their report card, and 3’s and 4’s in all Effort areas. Awesome job everyone, and keep up the great work! Hopefully we will have some more names to add to this list by the end of this quarter. There is no duplicate for good attendance in school. It is virtually impossible to make up everything you miss in a school day when you are absent. We participate in lots of direct instruction, discussions, and group activities which cannot be replicated. Obviously a sick child should not be in school and those times arise during the year when an occasional absence due to sickness becomes necessary. Thank you for helping your child maintain good school attendance, which helps with their attitude toward school and pays off in the end with increased confidence and success. This week we are taking our district Acuity assessments for the final time in both reading and math. These assessments serve as a predictor as to how a student is progressing with the state standards and how they will score on AIMS, when it is taken in April. Students are expected to take their time, work carefully, do their best, and always check over their work before they submit it. These are not timed assessments, so students have all the time they need to complete the test. Many of our students apparently did not practice their spelling words very well last week, as we had some very low scores on Friday’s spelling test. We are not beginning a new spelling unit this week due to the time needed for Acuity, so students who did not score 100% on their spelling test last week will be repeating those same words this week, with hopefully a much better result! Is your child using their agenda each night to organize their homework assignments? There are several purposes of the agenda, one being a place for students to write down their homework assignments and then refer to it again at home as homework is completed. As an assignment is completed, the child should be checking it off in their planner in the appropriate spot. Acuity is our mystery word for this week. This check off procedure not only provides a feeling of satisfaction for completing a task, but eliminates the “Oh! I forgot to do that!” or “I didn’t know I had to do that” which is often heard the following morning as homework is collected and something is missing. We have had lots of missing library books lately. Students should return their books to the library each Thursday, even if they are choosing to recheck the book out. This helps reduce the amount of lost/missing books, and prevents the book from being overdue. Students who lose a book are responsible for the cost of the replacement. Please help your child remember to put their library books in their backpack Mondaynight as soon as they get home….this helps to ensure it gets here on Tuesday morning and eliminates the harried frenzy of searching for it in the morning.Students are unable to check out another book if one has not been returned. Returning library books on time is a great practice in responsibility! “If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.” ~~~Abigail Van Buren

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