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Chapter One (Section Three)

Chapter One (Section Three). “The American People Today”. Welcome to America!!. 314 Million Strong!!!. The Census. A census is an official, periodic counting of the population. In the United States, a census is conducted every 10 years. The Census. A census

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Chapter One (Section Three)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter One (Section Three)

  2. “The American People Today”

  3. Welcome to America!!

  4. 314 Million Strong!!!

  5. The Census • A census is an official, periodic counting of the population. • In the United States, a census is conducted every 10 years.

  6. The Census • A census • determines each states population and uses that information to apportion representation to the House of Representatives. • Tracks where people are living and where areas are growing or shrinking. • Collects demographics, that is human characteristics such as: religion, ethnicity, number of children, even number of pets! • Census information is public and can be found at www.census.gov

  7. Population Growth • A country’s population can grow in three ways: 1. Natural Increase • Birthrate • Deathrate 2. Adding Territory 3. Immigration • Since 1820, more than 60 million immigrants have come from all over the world to call the US home.

  8. E Pluribus Unum • As stated on all US coins,E Pluribus Unum, Latin for “out of many, one”embodies the idea that our country, though diverse and ever-changing, is still one unified nation. • Our 60 million immigrants, and their descendants, make up our rich, diverse population today…

  9. Population Changes • Our population is ever-changing due to the following factors: • Changing Households (divorce, marriage, fewer kids) • Changing Women’s Roles (more women work today) • An Older Population (people are healthier than ever… in 2000, there were 65,000 Centenarians! • A More Diverse Population (many Americans today have a mixed heritage) • A More Educated Population

  10. A Population on the Move • The rise of industry caused people to migrate to cities in the early 1800s. • Migrate means a movement of a large number of people from region to region. • Today, more people live in cities and suburbs rather than rural areas. • As well, today more jobs focus on service professions rather than industrial professions.

  11. A Population on the Move • In the 1920s, the invention of the automobile allowed people to work and live in different places. • Because people worked in the cities and moved to places where they could afford more land, larger homes and found quiet neighborhoods, the suburbs began to flourish.

  12. A Population on the Move • Climate can also impact where people choose to live and work. • The “Sunbelt” , ranging from North Carolina to Florida, became a popular place for people to move because of the different types of jobs available and warmer climate. • Many of the cities in the “Sunbelt” have explosive populations to include the nation’s fastest growing city – Dallas, Texas.

  13. A Population on the Move • The most populous city in America continues to be New York, NY.

  14. SO… who are Americans?

  15. White (Anglo) Americans • An estimated 211 million “white” (or Anglo/European) Americans live in the U.S. • +/- 68%…

  16. African Americans • An estimated 35 million African - Americans live in the U.S. • +/- 13%…

  17. Hispanic Americans • An estimated 35 million Hispanic - Americans live in the U.S. • This group is the fastest growing group in the U.S… • +/- 13%…

  18. Asian Americans • An estimated 10 million Asian - Americans live in the U.S. • +/- 3%…

  19. Native Americans • An estimated 2.5 million Native - Americans live in the U.S… • +/- 1%…

  20. Other Statistics…

  21. Religion • Over 50% (158 million) of American citizens are Christians. • Judaism and Islam follow with 1% and .5%…

  22. Age & Gender • The “median age” of the American population is 35 years old… • Women now are the “majority” in the U.S. (50.9% vs. 49.1%)

  23. Unity Among CitizensE Pluribus Unum • How do the following help to unify us as a nation? • Founding Documents • Patriotism • Active Citizenship

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