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Opening sequence powerpoint


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Opening sequence powerpoint

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Presentation Transcript

  1. media presentation-opening scene By immy m

  2. Genre horror-it (2017) opening scene!!

  3. What narrative is given to us and from this opening scene what do we expect the rest of the films narratives to be? From watching this opening sequence we learn from the narrative that it is a horror and includes many subgenres such as good vs evil,innocence,blood,comedy and eeriness as well as mystery. These genres are shown through just this opening 3-minute scene. The rest of the film's narratives will most likely be about this dancing clown known as penny-wise. Which. The movies narrative is based off.

  4. How is the genre of the film set up in the opening scene..? To set up the genre being ‘horror’ there is a representation between good and evil. Particularly through the way the main little boy who we are introduced to straight away is portrayed as very innocent as he is a young, cute and innocent playful character, this interprets the idea that he could be vulnerable. As the opening scene goes on we then meet the evil character in this circumstance it is a clown known as ‘pennywise’ from an audiences perspective we instantly no hes evil from the way he looks, with cracked white skin, huge red mouth and all together incredibly creepy looking;. Therefore I’d say the genre of this film is set up mostly through what the characters look like in this opening scene.

  5. Who is the target audience for this film. I would say this film is targeted towards teenagers through to middle aged adults. Roughly age wise 15-35. I would say it is male dominated as in this opening scene the three characters we are introduced to are all male, and most of the cast of this film are male. It is most likely to be white race dominated, as most of the cast are white. Heterosexuals dominated as again in the film there are no other relationships apart from the heterosexual ones. It would also be targeted at the fans of the novel written by Stephen King. As they would definitleygo and see the film.

  6. How many characters are introduced and what do we know about them? • We are introduced to three characters these characters are Billy- an older brother who is sending his little brother of with a paper boat down the road. He is a white 13-year-old teenager. • Secondly, we are introduced to Georgie he is a young little boy who is roughly around 6 years old. He has gone down the road to send a paper boat off to his dad. The final character we meet is pennywise, he is an evil clown who is looking for victims, he is living in the sewers, he is thousands and thousands years old.

  7. Key moments of sound and camera work • Sound- • When Georgie (the young main boy) leaves the house with this paper boat we instantly hear the sound of the rain falling, which quickly connotes a creepy and dark setting for the audience, however when Georgie starts running along the street some music is introduced, it is quite joyful music that takes the audience on the journey with Georgie, it is played as a long diegetic sound in the back whilst Georgie is running and giggling along the road. This connotes that he is a young happy boy and brings us away from the fact that it is dark and raining and all together quite miserable. • Camera work- • When Georgie looses his boat and it falls into the sewers the camera work instantly changed to the clowns pov from the sewer and looking up at Georgie, however when pennywise shows himself the camera angle again changes to outside the sewers and almost looks down on pennywise, which is a high shot angle, this gives the audience the sense that he is vulnerable and maybe not so evil, it also makes him look unpowerful and not in control. I believe the director did this in the opening scene to trick the audience and to not let on how evil the clown really is. It is also interesting how the camera is taken from a low shot when filming Georgie communicating with the clown, as this gives Georgie status, power and to seem like he is in control. Both shots are clearly opposite to what each of these characters are.

  8. Conclusion of horror genre-it I believe that this opening sequence was very good as there was clear information supporting the genre of the film, it gave us a clear introduction of the characters and. What the plot was, however, it saved surprises and did not give away too much which is good as it attracts the audience to watch the whole film. 

  9. Genre-war 1917-2019 opening scene!!!

  10. What narrative is given to us and from this opening scene what do we expect the rest of the films narratives to be? • In this film we get the sense that the narrative is war and going to fight for your country however there are many subgenres aswell, in this film being • Freidnship. .comradery .mission .mystery. .protection .realism. .tension .battle .violence. .gory. .exhsausted

  11. How is the genre of the film set up in the opening scene..? The genre of the film being war is set up in the opening scene,particularly through the set. For example, the movie opens with an open. Field in which it changes to two soldiers lying up against a tree, these men are in soldier uniform and look beyond exhausted. As the opening scene goes on, the two main. Soldiers get up and go on a walk towards the sarjants office, while they are walking we see the ww1 like trenches with all the mud, injured people and soldiers layed out, sitting and standing up In them, we even see some of the soldiers go off to battle. Therefore I believe as an audience member that the genre of war is set up very well through the set.

  12. Who is the target audience for this film? • I would say an older audience ranging from the ages 18-60 • White race dominated as majority of cast are white. • Very heterosexual dominated as no other relationships mentioned or shown apart from one between girl and boy. • Male dominated as it is a war movie full of action, and it is a full male cast!

  13. How many characters are introduced and what do we know about them? • In the opening 3 minutes of this film, the audience are only introduced to two characters, these characters are both soldiers fighting in war, they are not high up and we can tell they are exhausted however are determined to go on this mission they are talking about. However as an audience member I feel that in the first 3 minutes we do not get to learn much about the characters or what their intentions are we don’t even learn their names; however this is quite clever as it leaves it open for the audience to interpretate. We also have two very different characters introduced In this scene, one soldier is very happy and chatty and seems to be quite calm and collective about everything. Whereas the other soldier does not seem so calm and is very. Quiet, and determined to succeed in his job.

  14. Key moments of sound and camera work sound Camera work • There is a long diegetic sound in the intro when the two soldiers are lying down in the field, it is a weird almost uncomfortable series of notes playing whilst the soldiers get up and ready to complete their task. The sound almost connotes the eeriness of war and how they never know what is going to happen. • It is clever as soon as the film starts it montages into a field, which is beautiful and full of flowers, it then slowly zooms out of this field and zooms back in and shows the two main characters (soldiers) sleeping against the tree. This camera work is very clever as it is almost creating a false reality of war at the beginning when is shows the pretty field, however it quickly snaps out of that when it zooms into the soldiers.

  15. conclusion In conclusion I think this is a good opening sequence, particularly when the whole fiklm has been filmed in one shot, however I feel we did not get to know the characters at all and we were made to think for ourselves from this opening sequence, which sometimes many people don’t like. However overall it is a very clever and well done opening sequence

  16. Action-kingsman-the secret service-2014 opening sequence.

  17. What narrative is given to us and from this opening scene what do we expect the rest of the films narratives to be? • The narrative is obviously action based in this film, and that is particularly expressed through the opening scene. For example, before we meet any characters, some credits are introduced, whilst the credits are introduced, we see massive explosions going off in this temple like building, there is fire, violence and weapons everywhere, it is extremely action packed. Then when we meet the actual action taking place, there is guns, protective suits, spy's and it is all very action packed and mysterious. The narrative of this film, is undercover agents and their job in stopping evil things to take place and evil people, I would say the following films to this one would have a similar narrative.

  18. How is the genre of the film set up in the opening scene..? • Its set up through the action that is taking place. Due to it being an action film there is a lot of action going on such as bombs,fire,guns,ruins, things being destroyed and explosions going off. This all happens before we get into the scene, once we are in the scene, we meet 5 characters, 4 of these characters trying to stop this man who looks like he's been up to something evil, and then there is one man held hostage in the middle. This is immediately a very action-based plot.

  19. Who is the target audience for this film? • The age audience for this film is targeted at a younger age generation I would say from the ages 15-30. as it includes a young teenage boy as the main character, and it is a spy and action-packed and thrill seeker movie. Which the younger generation are more likely to enjoy. • It is again a more male dominated film; this is because it is action packed which the male sex are known to prefer. It is also a male dominated cast. • Heterosexual dominated. Once again, no other relationships shown apart from heterosexual ones. • White race dominated as majority of cast are white. However in this movie there is much more variation of races.

  20. How many characters are introduced and what do we know about them? I would argue that no characters are specifically introduced in this opening sequence apart from three. However we do see 7 different men, however we only see them in action. However 5 of the men we meet in this scene are good and trying to stop the evil. We also meet 3 middle eastern men who are being held hostage as they are obviously evil. However I would argue that we are not introduced to these characters and that we only actually see them. The three characters we are introduced to is at the end, when he takes off his gas mask and he says, ‘oh shit.’ from him saying this line we get the sense that he is a wealthy middle-aged man who is very posh and in the spy force. We also meet ‘James’ who is a trainee spy and has just got selected to join Kingsman, we also hear merlin say ‘your training is over’; this shows he is part of Kingsman.

  21. Key moments of sound and camera work… • Sound • As soon as the scene opens, we see a stereo and as the camera zooms out from it, it starts playing a very action and fun, thrill seeking music. it is quick, sharp and action seeking. It is played as a long diegetic noise whilst all the action is going on, this helps connote all the action going on. • Camera work- • I found It clever how the camera work and angles were used when the credits were being introduced, for example each credit was introduced the camera would zoom in closer to this temple like building, whilst it was doing this it would smash into the credits and crush them, again connoting the action and violence. In this moment, the camera is also filming for a Birdseye view connoting status.

  22. Conclusion! I would say this is one of the best opening sequences ever done, we get a clear feel of the genre, and how it is an action movie, also not much is given away which is good as it is only the opening 3 minutes.


  24. What narrative is given to us and from this opening scene what do we expect the rest of the films narratives to be? • It is very intense, there is a lot of tension in this opening scene, particularly because it is dead silent, and we can hear nothing. The narrative is that it is a thriller and that it is a very normal family, having to live life being completely silent. However it takes a drastic turn towards the end of the opening scene, when the youngest son takes a toy rocket and presses the button and t shoots out rocket noises, this causes some creature to attack and kill the young boy whilst his family watches. I would say the narrative for the rest of these films would be trying to defeat these horrible creatures.

  25. How is the genre of the film set up in the opening scene..? The genre of the film is a thriller, and this is set up using everything being silent and them not being able to say a word. This is very thriller like as it causes tension for the audience and puts us on edge for what will happen next. It is also set up through the set as there is no one around apart from this family of 5, the town is ruined and deserted. Finally the main action of a thriller type movie in this opening scene, is when the youngest boy gets killed by this strange looking creature.

  26. Who is the target audience for this film? • Older audience probably ages 16-50 as it is a very thriller like movie but about a family, so all these ages would enjoy it. • Male dominated , as males have a tendency to prefer thriller/horror movies. • Heterosexually dominated, as again no other relationships shown apart from heterosexual ones. • White dominated, as cast are all white.

  27. How many characters are introduced and what do we know about them? 5 characters are introduced in this opening scene, we don’t know much about them however we do know they are a family of 5 and there are 3 children, the girl being the eldest, then the middle child who is a boy and then the youngest son. We learn that the middle child is very sick and can hardly walk, we also learn that the eldest child is completely deaf. The parents are around late 30s-early 40s and the girl is around 15, middle child around 13 and the youngest son around 6.

  28. conclusion • Overall I would say it is a very good opening scene, we get introduced to a family of 5 and understand their roles and characters, we also learn that they are not able to speak, they are deserted with these monsters/aliens around them. I would say it is a very good opening scene, as we are taught a lot about the movie in under 5 minutes.

  29. Sci fi- the fifth wave 2016 opening scene!

  30. What narrative is given to us and from this opening scene what do we expect the rest of the films narratives to be? • As the genre of this film is sci-f the narrative we get is from a young teenage girl and it is her experience of what is happening with the world ending. We go through her narrative with her and her family, however we do not learn much apart from the fact that aliens have invaded the world and they are known as ‘the others...’ I would expect the following films narratives to be the main girl defeating the aliens and getting the earth back to normal.

  31. How is the genre of the film set up in the opening scene..? • The genre of the film is sci- fi. With it being a sci-fi they have made this clear in the opening sequence through the way they showed this massive black spacecraft and how it showed the beginning of the first wave- being a massive electromagnet, causing all power and electrics to shut down. The fact that this was shown is very sci-fi like and immediately puts this film into that genre.

  32. Who is the target audience for this film? .I would say roughly from the ages 13-30 as it is sci-fi interesting for the younger generation, it is also following a teenage girl's life. .I would say it is not dominated by either gender, it is an all-inclusive movie, particularly due to the cast being mixed. Heterosexual dominated again no other relationships apart from heterosexual ones. White race dominated as a full white cast.

  33. How many characters are introduced and what do we know about them? • We are introduced to many characters however the 4 main ones we are introduced to is a family of four. We meet them all briefly however we learn that the mum of 2 kids is a nurse, the kids are around 17 and 10. the main girl is 17 and is living a very normal life at high school. However we don’t learn much about there personality's as the focus of the opening scene is to introduce the aliens known as ‘the others’ and to show how the world is coming to an end.

  34. conclusion I would say that the fifth wave is a difficult opening sequence, as we do not learn much, I feel as if we are dragged into the movie too quick, and that there should’ve been longer of getting the audience introduced to the characters and longer introducing the plot.:)

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