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Spica. By Sarah & Natalie. Characteristics: Color and Temperature . Spica is currently a blue giant, and its color is white. Its surface can reach a maximum of ____ degrees, while the core is usually ________ degrees. Characteristics: Size.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Spica By Sarah & Natalie

  2. Characteristics: Color and Temperature • Spica is currently a blue giant, and its color is white. Its surface can reach a maximum of ____ degrees, while the core is usually ________ degrees.

  3. Characteristics: Size • Spica’s diameter is ______, and it has _______ of mass.

  4. Characteristics: Chemical Composition • Spica’s composition is mainly helium.

  5. Characteristics: Brightness • Spica has a luminosity about 2,300 times that of the Sun.

  6. Characteristics: Distance From Sun

  7. H-R Diagram

  8. Constellation: • Spica is part of the constellation Virgo. There are many stories behind it, and several follow: • Virgo means virgin, and was commonly identified with the goddess Astraea or Dike in Greek mythology. • In another Greek legend she is Persephone, daughter of the goddess of the harvest Ceres. • In Asyrria, Virgo was believed to be the wife of Bel. • In Bablylonian lands Virgo was Ishtar, Queen of the Stars. • In India Virgo was identified with Kanya, the maiden and mother of Krishna. • Medieval Christians saw Virgo as the Madonna, or as Ruth of the fields. • In Roman times Virgo was the Goddess Pax with her olive branch. • Virgo has been identified with the Saxon goddess Eoestre or Eostre. • Virgo has also been honored as Diana, Minerva, Athena, and occasionally as Urania, muse of astronomy.

  9. Life Cycle • Spica is currently a blue giant. This is a supergiant. It was once part of a nebula. It then turned into a high-mass star. It is currently (as stated above) a supergiant. Eventually it will become a supernova. Then it will become either a Neutron star or a black hole.

  10. Sources • http://stars5.netfirms.com/hertzsprune.gif • http://www.souledout.org/cosmology/highlights/spicahighlights/spicahighlights.html

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