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Giving Us Voice What’s happening in the East Midlands ? . A summary of the work with people from black and minority ethnic communities Yasmin Surti Valuing People Now Ethnicity Lead Co Regional Ethnicity Lead Leicester City Strategic Commissioner
Giving Us VoiceWhat’s happening in the East Midlands ? A summary of the work with people from black and minority ethnic communities Yasmin Surti Valuing People Now Ethnicity Lead Co Regional Ethnicity Lead Leicester City Strategic Commissioner Yasmin.Surti@leicester.gov.uk - 0116 252 6957
Who lives here? White British Other Nottingham City 84% 16% Northamptonshire 93% 7% Leicester City 55% 45% Rutland 100% 0% Nottinghamshire 97% 3% Leicestershire Derbyshire 97% 3% Lincolnshire 99% 1% Derby
Real understanding of who lives in the area Understanding the needs of different groups New communities Growing number of young people with complex needs Growing number of older carers Workforce representation Staff training needs Information and communication Involving families and people with learning disabilities in decision making and planning Local services meeting the needs of everybody in the community Working with the Voluntary sector and local religious and cultural organisations Personalisation - Choice and Control Some of the issues The MONEY
What each area is doing • Derby City - Dean.Davis@derby.gov.uk • Have a BME support worker post who will be on signposting and linking people and communities and some advocacy. • I want to work team secured employment for a young person with LD from BME background. • African Caribbean carers forum. • Derbyshire - pauline.dawson@derbyshire.gov.uk • Addressing needs of BME communities is part of local citizen advocacy service contract • Looking at a way of tracking how person centred planning helps BME families • Mapping how different areas reflect the population
Leicester City - Yasmin.Surti@leicester.gov.uk • Asian carers support service helping people have their say about service planning, they also support people with learning disabilities • produces information in other languages • have a toolkit for Person Centred Planning in the Asian community . • training offered in community languages • Part of a national project working with families to hear about their experiences and improving their access to services
Leicestershire – alison.little@leics.gov.uk • had a worker who helped people from BME communities do plan and say what they need • produced a booklet on the needs of different communities • DVD in community languages on PCP and health action plans • other information for families and did a workshop • Lincolnshire - trish.mchugh@lincolnshire.gov.uk • Prioritising people from BME communities for PCP and Health action plans
Nottingham City - sharon.bramwell@nottinghamcity.gov.uk • advocacy service works with people from BME communities • women's Only culturally appropriate day service • good examples of how PCP has helped people from BME communities change their lives • Nottinghamshire - jon.wilson@nottscc.gov.uk • extra advocacy for BME communities making sure people the advocates were well trained and people know about service • BME satisfaction survey by March 2011 • contract with Mencap for working with hard to reach groups • Red Cross targeting families of people from BME backgrounds.
Northamptonshire - dacrawford@northamptonshire.gov.uk • employed a worker to work with people from BME communities to find out what they want. • looking at the training needs of staff and the communities • set up a new health group for under served communities that brings together learning disabilities and mental health. • paying for a DVD to help people understand what learning disability is Rutland – jbillington@rutland.gov.uk