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Webinars. WITS TRAINING for ATR PROVIDERS. Welcome to ATR!. Who is on the Phone?? Introduce agencies. What is Access to Recovery?. ATR is a 4-year SAMHSA grant funded program awarded to the MA Department of Public Health/Bureau of Substance Abuse Services
Welcome to ATR! Who is on the Phone?? Introduce agencies
What is Access to Recovery? • ATR is a 4-year SAMHSA grant funded program awarded to the MA Department of Public Health/Bureau of Substance Abuse Services • Advocates for Human Potential (AHP) is the ASO Rebecca Starr, Beth Fraster, Christine Porter, Carole Goldberg, Stephen Keller, and Jared Sprague. • We are in year 4 of the grant (9/30/13 - 9/29/14) • Hampden County (Springfield) and Suffolk County (Boston) up and running • Goal: The grant is designed to give people with substance use disorders wider access to community services to help them start or continue on the road to recovery.
ATR Coordinator Information • Clients enter ATR through this process • Individuals must be referred to an ATR Coordinator • The ATR Coordinator works with each individual to develop a Recovery Plan • Helps the client choose the services that will be most helpful in client’s recovery and choose the providers of those services from amongst providers in the ATR Provider Network • Authorizes the ATR vouchers. • Call to schedule appointments with ATR Coordinators that are located in your area: • Suffolk County: • South Boston area:Paul Pazniokas - 857-445-8509 • Kristin Driscoll - 857-445-8521 • Back Bay/South End area: • Chiyo King - 617-849-6994 • Hampden County: • Traci D'Agostino – 617-945-6403 Shamika Santos – 413-237-0049 • Wendy Shakoor – 413-781-2050, X8335 • Terry Reynolds – 413-739-2440, X6270
What is Recovery? Recovery is the experience through which individuals, families, and communities impacted by alcohol and other drug problems utilize formal and informal resources to resolve these problems, heal the wounds inflicted by alcohol and other drugs, actively manage their continued vulnerability to such problems, and develop a healthy, productive, and meaningful life. (William White 2007) ATR is designed to support individuals in early recovery. Although recovery is a lifetime process, ATR is not intended, nor appropriate, for people who have maintained long term recovery.
Who is Eligible? Target Population: • Individuals who recognize that they have a problem with alcohol or other drugs and it is negatively impacting on their life. They know they need to address this issue and are motivated to change. • Individuals in the early stages of recovery. • A Massachusetts resident who has been incarcerated in a Massachusetts correctional facility within the last two years, or has been incarcerated in a federal correctional facility within the last two years, or is currently involved with a Massachusetts Drug Court • Individuals who live in Suffolk or Hampden County and plan to stay for at least the next 6 months. • Individuals who are age 18 or over.
Basic Premise of ATR • The Government realized thattraditional clinical interventions may not be sufficient to aid the individual in the recovery process • There are multiple pathways to recovery • Non-traditional organizations can also provide vital support for people in recovery • Therefore, a combination of both clinical treatment and a system of recovery support services – the wrap around services- is crucial to supporting the recovery of people with substance use disorders
Recovery Support Services ROSC- Recovery Oriented System of Care An integrated and comprehensive service delivery system that combines clinical treatment and recovery support services under one umbrella. Examples of Recovery Support Services • Housing • Child Care • Transportation • Employment Readiness • Recovery Coaches • Health and Wellness ATR will pay for many services not currently covered by 3rd party Health insurance or BSAS and other government funded programs.
ATR Principles ATR is Client Centered – Individuals will be given the opportunity to participate in their recovery process and be active agents of change in their lives. They will take personal responsibility for their own recovery, and will develop an individualized recovery plan to follow as a map. A Recovery Plan is at the heart of ATR
ATR is Client Centered A Recovery Plan is at the heart of ATR. What is a Recovery Plan? • A document that lists a person’s plan for how to achieve ahealthy and fulfilling lifestyle 1. Health 2.Home 3.Purpose 4.Community • It includes goals and identifies services that will help improve the life for the person in recovery • Has realistic time frame for meeting goals and how to avoid triggers for relapse • Is continually adjusted to meet changing needs and make sure the plan stays relevant
Who authorizes the vouchers? ATR Coordinators will meet with every client to: • Do an initial intake • Collect data for the GPRA (Government Performance Requirements Act) • SAMHSA requires GPRA at intake and then again 5-6 months later • 80% follow-up rate is required • Assist the client to develop a Recovery Plan • Explain the voucher process and how to access the services • Remind them that in 5 months they will be doing the GPRA again. • Vouchers good for 30 days- why?
MA-ATR Client Targets BSAS must manage the yearly voucher budget and meet the yearly client targets for the grant Year 1 967 per Month = 121 Year 2 2,929 per Month =244 Year 3 3,043 per Month =254 Year 4 2,062per Month =258(Intakes will be done through May 31, 2014, 8 months only) TOTAL Unique CLIENTS over the 4 year grant = 9001
Responsibilities of Providers Confidentiality: 42CFR • Protect people’s privacy rights - those seeking or receiving Substance Use Disorder Treatment or assessment Services • Enhance the quality and attractiveness of SUD treatment by furthering a community wide perception that it is safe to enter treatment because an individual’s substance abuse will not be revealed. • Reduce the stigma of seeking, receiving and remaining in treatment
42CFR Continued • Who is considered an ATR Client? • Anyone who has ever applied for, participated in, or received an interview, counseling, or any other service • A former client • A deceased client
42CFR Continued • What does Disclosuremean? • The transfer, dissemination, or release of communication by other means of any information to any outside person or entity. • Any communication of information about an identified client • Information that would identify someone as a client including verification of information that is already known by the person making the inquiry.
Confidentiality Exceptions to the General Rule Prohibiting Disclosure: There are nine exceptions – • written consent • internal communications • no-client identifying information • medical emergency • court order • crime at program/against program personnel • research/audit and evaluation • child abuse • Qualified Service Organization Agreement
Confidentiality Consent Forms: A written consent must include: • The specific name or general designation of the program or person permitted to make the disclosure • The name or title of the individual or the name of the organization to which disclosure is to be made • The name of the client • The purpose of the disclosure • How much and what kind of information is to be disclosed • The signature of the client • The date on which the consent is signed • A statement that the consent is subject to revocation at any time
Confidentiality The data is sensitive in WITS. It is confidential information about ATR clients. Therefore, to protect the client’s confidentiality: • Only access WITS from work • Log off when you leave your office • Never use client’s full name in an email Every provider must: • Take responsibility for training staff on these confidentiality laws
Additional Responsibilities of the Provider • All providers are expected to download the Provider Manual from the ATR website, review it, and be informed about its contents • Providers are expected to bill once a week (through the WITS system) for services rendered during the past week (retroactively) • Grievance Process • Documentation and record keeping – refer to the Provider Manual • Audit site visits to make sure you are complying with documentation and confidentiality requirements • Marketing Your Services • Mandatory call to Christine Porter at 978-261-1433 when you are ready to work on your first “real” ATR clients in WITS • You must go through the process of your first 5 clients with Christine on the telephone
How does ATR pay for the services? Everything is processed via the computer through an electronic Voucher Management System called WITS • Services are paid for by electronic vouchers • No paper vouchers or money ever changes hands • Vouchers are authorized for specific services and for a specific number of units of service • Vouchers are good for 30 days only
ATR Information Website: www.ma-atr.org Provider Help Line: 1-855-491-4567 (Toll Free)
Contact Information • WITS Related questions/issues contact Christine at the Provider Help Line: 1-855-491-4567 (Toll Free) • Payment/Financial related questions/issues contact Jared Sprague of our fiscal department at 978-261-1406 or by email to jsprague@ahpnet.com • Electronic payment functions have begun. For new providers your first reimbursement will be via paper check and a test ACH will be made to the bank to ensure everything is correct. From then on the payments will be via electronic transfer. Direct questions to: Jared Sprague, 978-261-1406, jsprague@ahpnet.com.