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Types of Data Privacy

Elevating Your Digital Guard: Swipe through to discover the 4 key types of data privacyu2014shielding not just information but personal spaces, conversations, and territories. How do you prioritize your digital fortress? Share your insights!

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Types of Data Privacy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. www.infosectrain.com WHAT ARE THE 4 TYPES OF DATA PRIVACY #LearnToRise

  2. www.infosectrain.com PHYSICAL PRIVACY 01 It refers to protection from physical harm of any kind, from invasive measures or procedures. #LearnToRise

  3. www.infosectrain.com TERRITORIAL PRIVACY 02 It refers to placing walls/boundaries for controlling/restricting the eruptions into someone’s locality. #LearnToRise

  4. www.infosectrain.com COMMUNICATION PRIVACY 03 It refers to maintaining the privacy of person-specific data during exchanges via phone calls, emails or text messages #LearnToRise

  5. www.infosectrain.com INFORMATIONAL PRIVACY 04 It refers to the secure collection, storage, analysis, management, and publishing of person-specific data. #LearnToRise

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