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Summary of BOG Reports for MAE Department Graduate Programs. April 13, 2012 MAE Dept. Spring Visiting Committee Meeting John Kuhlman. Self-Study Reports to BOG. BOG requires program a “Self-Study Report” for each academic program once every 5 years.
Summary of BOG Reports forMAE Department Graduate Programs April 13, 2012 MAE Dept. Spring Visiting Committee Meeting John Kuhlman
Self-Study Reports to BOG • BOG requires program a “Self-Study Report” for each academic program once every 5 years. • Purpose #1: to provide data to justify continued program existence! • Purpose #2: also hoping to achieve “Program of Excellence” designation (Haven’t heard results yet.) • I worked with Victor, Jacky, and Nithi to prepare these two reports ( one each, for the AE and the ME M.S. & Ph.D. degree programs) • I also got data and help from several others: Darran Cairns, Greg Thompson, Ed Sabolsky, Debbie Willis, Pam Gelet, and Dave Solley • These reports were submitted to Warren Myers’ office early in Jan. 2012. (Took me about 50-70% time, Oct. 1 –Dec. 23., and Jan. 1-Jan. 5 to complete, partly due to my newness on the job!)
Summary of BOG Self-Study Report Data Budget Summaries of the MAE Department in the Last Five Years
Summary of BOG Self-Study Report Data Summary of MAE Department Performance During the Current Review Period
Summary of BOG Self-Study Report Data Comparisons Between Current Review Period and MostRecent Previous Review Period not incl. $15M this yr conf. papers up 50% 36% of CEMR total 28% of CEMR total
Summary of BOG Self-Study Report Data Comparisons Between MAE Dept Productivity & Other Ranked ME or MAE Departments Faculty Size = 44 or 45 for UCLA, Boston U., and Michigan Tech. So, MAE published 2.2 journal papers/TT faculty, & had $373K expenditures/TT faculty UCLA published 2.3 journal papers/TT faculty, & had $325K expenditures/TT faculty Boston U. published 2.1 journal papers/TT faculty, and Michigan Tech. had $303K expenditures/TT faculty Also, MAE had more PhD graduates than Boston U. & Michigan Tech., and compares reasonably well with UCLA on a per capita basis (0.4 PhD/yr/TT faculty for WVU vs. 0.5 PhD/yr/TT faculty for UCLA)
Summary of BOG Self-Study Report Data Comparisons Between MAE Dept Productivity & Other Ranked ME or MAE Departments (Courtesy of Darran Cairns) Again, based on these quantitative productivity measures, WVU MAE performance measures up well nationally in this comparison! It is my assessment that if MAE cannot qualify as a Graduate Program of Excellence, then who at WVU can?
Summary of Tours of National Institute of Aerospace (Hampton, VA) & Old Dominion University (Norfolk, VA) Distance Learning Programs April 13, 2012 MAE Dept. Spring Visiting Committee Meeting John Kuhlman
Explore Opportunities forDistance Learning • Why Distance Learning (DL)? (As a possible replacement for projected lost research revenues) • Victor Mucino & I met once during fall 2011 semester with Dr. Sue Day-Perroots, WVU Dean of Extended Learning, to “get started”. • Her office has offered to make ½-1 hour presentation to MAE Faculty about WVU DL programs. • We hoped to do this in 2012, but it didn’t happen this semester. • I also met with Dr. Andy Casiello, Assoc. VP of Distance Learning at ODU, in Norfolk, VA on December 16, 2011, and with Dr. Bernie Grossman, at the National Institute of Aerospace, in Hampton, VA on December 15, 2011.
Course-Only M.S. Degree Option • This would be another possibility for additional revenues. • Deliver courses at WVU Potomac State (e.g., ABL & Luke, MD Paper Mill) or at Fairmont-Bridgeport area? • Consider whether to have: a.) Coursework only b.) Coursework plus comprehensive exam c.) Coursework plus problem report • Identify other opportunities (Fairmont, Clarksburg?) • Our hope would be to have increased degree flexibility, as well as additional revenue
Overview of Visits to NIA and ODUDL Facilities Selected photos of the ODU facilities: Older-format DL classroom: students in rowsDL classroom: moving to conference room format First ODU DL classroom in conference room format DL classroom: current “best practice” DL video broadcast facilities: for inside bldg.ODU TV Facility Have 10-12 similar classrooms; Moving to add’l smaller rooms (like conference rooms); NIA has similar facilities.
Overview: Visits to NIA/ODU DL Facilities • I learned some details about current trends in Distance Learning. • NIA is a consortium of 6-8 universities, that does more than DL: has secure facilities for on-site research (secret/ITAR), does workshops & conferences, PR and STEM education video clips, research staff on site, all for NASA LaRC. They focus on providing DL for graduate students of member universities who are doing their research on-site at NASA LaRC. • ODU has been providing DL coursework since mid-1980s (began in engrng), and provide DL to deployed Navy personnel, as well as 2+2 BA/BS degree-completion DL to all state of VA community colleges. Have a $10M/yr budget. Provide faculty mentoring on implementing DL in their courses, as well as help in making posters for research meetings, graphics, etc! • I prepared a brief report for Jacky, that I would be happy to send to anyone interested. • They recommend we start “small” w faculty-driven pilot course.
Overview: Recruiting Efforts • This semester Ryan Sigler began College-wide graduate recruitment efforts: • General Graduate Program brochure • Trip to Rose-Hulman Inst. Technology career fair this semester (Dave Solley attended) • I prepared a list of the 71 colleges and universities in the US with MS-only graduate programs. This has been provided to Ryan Sigler, and offered to graduate program coordinators in other Depts. (15 universities w/in 6 hrs of WVU; 24 w/in 7 hrs.) • Dinner “Graduate Program Information Session” dinner meeting held this semester for our own students. • Hope to organize graduate student posters display to coincide with similar dinner meeting in Fall 2012 semester. (Invite students from nearby programs from list above.) • Also plan to continue to coordinate with Ryan Sigler’s efforts.