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Peru local tour guide -Inka challenge peru

If you are looking for, something different from, standard commercial tours; perhaps a journey that is consistent with, respect of local culture, and natural environment. Welcome to: INKA CHALLENGE PERU. the only cozy, cheerful, personable, Peru Tour Operator, established in Cusco Peru, by a group of multi-lingual, professional, Peruvian tour guides, fluent in the English language, and many different other languages.

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Peru local tour guide -Inka challenge peru

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  1. www.i nkac hallengeperu. com T R A V E L P E R U W I T H I N K A C H A L L E N G E P E R U L O C A L T O U R G U I D E

  2. S A L K A N T A Y T R E K L A R E S T R E K R A I N B O W M O U N T A I N

  3. O N T H E W A Y U P W H E R E T H E C L O U D S A R E Ifaftersurfingouritineraries, youstill needsomethingpersonalized! Youare attherightwebsite, tellusaboutyour interests, oractivitiesthatyouwantto do: dayhikes, trekkingtours, cooking andfoodtours, hikesinthesacred valley, machupicchudaytour; starting incuscocityorthesacredvalley, tours bynewandlessfrequentedpaths, etc. Weareexpertsinalltouractivities. www.inkachallengeperu.com

  4. I N K A C H A L L E N G E Allourtoursareleadedbyexperttoursguides, guideswhose backgroundaretheincacuture, fluentintheincalanguage, english, spanishandotherlanguages. InaChallengePeru’smainfficeislocatedinCuscocitythe heartlandoftheinca, placewheremachupicchuandother archaeologicalsitesarelocated. www.inkachallengeperu.com

  5. A M A Z O N J U N G L E P E R U AmazonJunglePeru, morethan60% ofourlandisjungle, fromBolivianborder passingBrazil, ColombiaandEcuador, alandthatkeepsawideamountof ecoregions, floraandwildlife, theamazonjungleperuisveryrichnotonlyinwildlife andvegetation, thereareaswellalargeamountofnativecommunities. Findoutthe programthatsuitsbetterforyou: IquitosAmazonTour, itislocatedinthenorthern deepestjungle.

  6. O N T O P O F T H E W O R L D W H E R E N O T H I N G E L S E M A T T E R S Earlyphoto-booksare characterisedbytheiruseof photographicprintingaspart oftheirreprographic technology. Photographic printsweretipped-inrather thanprinteddirectlyontothe samepaperstockusedfor letterpressprintedtext. InkaChallengePeru HEADQUARTER  Av. 28deJulioI-2, Urb. LaFlorida - Wanchaq, CUSCO - PERU www.inkachallengeperu.com

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