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Bradford Place HOA Updates and Announcements

Keep up with community news and reminders for residents of Bradford Place. Learn about lighting restoration, board positions, and upcoming events.

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Bradford Place HOA Updates and Announcements

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  1. 2012 UPDATES After spending much time troubleshooting the problem, budgeting enough money, and getting quotes; electrical lighting has been restored to the main entrance sign at Morgantown Road as well as to the secondary sign located at Oakleigh Parkway and Pearcrest Way. After many attempts throughout the summer the low voltage lights on all three islands has also finally been restored to working order. Additionally the Board would like to remind residents about our website: www.bradfordplacehoa.com as well as reminding residents to “Like” our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/BradfordPlaceHOA where news and updates will be posted. Check out the website for links to important documents such as the Covenants and Restrictions and payment options for annual dues! We would like to utilize our Facebook page as a place for residents to communicate with board members and neighbors as well as posting news and other information in a more immediate and timely manner than we are able to do with the website. Finally, the Homeowner’s Association Board put out flyers asking for volunteers to replace current board members or board members whose terms are ending in November 2012. Positions available are President, Vice President/Secretary, Treasurer, and Architecture Review Board Member. These positions do not take much of your valuable time but play a very important role in keeping our community safe, peaceful, and attractively maintained. There is still time to volunteer for any of these positions so please contact the Board with any questions: board@bradfordplacehoa.com . BRADFORD PLACE NEWSPublication by the Bradford Place Homeowners’ Association of Johnson county WWW.BRADFORDPLACEHOA.COM November 2012 HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING • COMMUNITY WELFARE & SAFETY • Property appearance– Take a fresh look at your home & update, clean, or fix any areas that need attention. Please be sure that the sidewalks in front of your home are clear & unobstructed by shrubs, low-hanging tree branches, & any other debris. Because it is dark later into the morning & earlier in the evening this is a very important safety issue. The Board has received several complaints from concerned parents & neighbors regarding this violation. • 10am Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 • White River Library • The Board would like to apologize for the short notice regarding the Annual Meeting. There have been some issues and technological problems that set things back and hindered the board from giving the usual two week notice. At this meeting elections will be held for open Board positions and annual dues will be discussed. • Trash containers– trash bins are to be stored in your garage or in a place not visible to common areas or neighboring homes. If you have trouble storing large containers, contact your trash collection company to see if smaller ones are available. • 2013 FEES ARE DUE JANUARY 1ST Street Parking: The board has received multiple complaints regarding this issue. Remember, street parking is a hazard and causes the neighborhood to appear congested. Do not park in front of or close to your neighbors mailboxes or at intersections. Please park in your driveway overnight . Street parking in our community is governed by a county ordinance which allows overnight parking ONLY on Friday & Saturday nights and ONLY if there is no room in your driveway. All other times your car may be TICKETED and/or TOWED! • Bradford Place Homeowners Association fees are due at the beginning of every year. The Board works very diligently to collect dues from all residents so we can maintain the common areas of our community. In recent years we have noticed an increase in delayed and non-payments. In an attempt to improve the payment process and better align invoicing with our fiscal year, dues are now due January 1st. You will begin seeing invoices in the mail in December. Late fees will begin to accrue on dues not paid by January 1st. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to make alternative payment arrangements, please contact a Board member, we are happy to work with you! • Mailboxes– Allmailboxes MUST match the original community design. To order a replacement, call Otto’s Streetscape Solutions at: 534-4224. The post paint color is Sagebrush available at Dannemiller True Value Hardware on S.R. 135 or Brushwood available at Home Depot • YOU BRIGHTEN OUR NEIGHBOORHOOD! • Please check your coach lights!!! All residents are to maintain the lights on their home so they turn on at dusk and remain on until dawn daily. You can make a difference in the crime and safety in our neighborhood by keeping your coach lights replaced! We have had reports of suspicious activity at night and need your help keeping the lights on and out community well lit! Replace old coach light bulbs with energy efficient “squiggly” CFL bulbs. They will save you money and you won’t have to replace them as often.

  2. 2013 HOA ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA • Call to Order • Reading & Approval of Minutes • Reports: • General Report • Treasurer’s Report • ARB Report • New Business: • Elections • 2013 Budget • Adjourn GET YOUR PROJECT APPROVED FIRST!The Architectural Review Board’s mission is to help Preserve and enhance property values, and to maintain a harmonious relationship among structure, vegetation, and topography (15b). To achieve this purpose, the ARB regulates the external design, appearance, use, location and maintenance of residences, structures, or other improvements. Per section 15c., improvements such as building construction, fences, decks and roofs shall not be done without prior written approval from the Architectural Review Board. If the ARB does not approve an improvement, the homeowner may appeal to the Board of Directors. A 2/3 vote of the Board is required to overturn the ARB decision. If you are planning any home improvement projects or construction, please fill out an Architectural Review Application which is available at www.bradfordplacehoa.com or you may can request a copy from the Board: arb@bradfordplacehoa.com. All improvement applications MUST be submitted at least 14 days PRIOR to anticipated project start date. • PLEASE use these important numbers below to protect our community! • Please remember to only call Board Members between 11am and 8pm. However, please feel free to email anytime for any reason. Thank you! • Board of HOA Officers • (through elections on November 3rd, 2012)

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