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WELCOME TO MRS. SNYDER’S SCIENCE CLASS email-susan.snyder@dvusd.org sisnyderscience.weebly.com work phone # 623.376.4371 home phone # 623.412.1755 (please don’t call after 9pm). 2011-2012 School Year. Meet the Teacher. Teaching Experience: 20 years, 19 of them in the Deer Valley District
WELCOME TO MRS. SNYDER’S SCIENCE CLASSemail-susan.snyder@dvusd.orgsisnyderscience.weebly.comwork phone # 623.376.4371home phone # 623.412.1755(please don’t call after 9pm) 2011-2012 School Year
Meet the Teacher • Teaching Experience: • 20 years, 19 of them in the Deer Valley District • Education: • Associates Degree –Phoenix College • Bachelor of Science – Grand Canyon University • Masters in Secondary Education- ASU Family: Married to Parker for 21 years We have one daughter, Kelsey, a junior at DVHS Will have a son this year, Frederick, from Germany He will be with us until June 15, 2012 Interests: Football, especially the Cardinals, cooking, reading and volunteering
Curriculum-1st Semester • 1st Quarter: • Physics-motion, acceleration, speed, graphs, Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion • 2nd Quarter: • Chemistry-matter, atoms, physical and chemical properties of matter, mixtures, pH, systematic organization of the periodic table
Curriculum –Second Semester • 3rd Quarter: • Genetics – Mendelian and modern genetics, the genetic code and protein synthesis, DNA, pedigrees, genetic disorders, cloning and selective breeding • 4th Quarter: • Diversity, Adaptation and Behavior – Natural Selection and Evolutionary Theory, symbiotic relationships, migration and global warming
Grading • Grades are calculated on a point system. I do NOT weight grades. Grades are taken from homework, classwork, activities, labs, projects, quizzes and tests. • Grading scale is a straight • 90-100 = A • 80-89 = B • 70-79 = C • 60-69 = D • 59 ↓ = F
Science Notebooks • Science Notebooks will be used all year, EVERY DAY It is possible you will need 2, it depends on how big you write. • The Notebook is used for everything we do in this class, from note taking, to labs, to video questions, reading assignments, focus questions and objective/assessment pieces. • It is a major grade, due to the amount of work that is represented. and can have a tremendous impact on your quarter grade! • You must keep up with the work. It is very hard to catch up in your Notebook.
Late or Missing Work • I don’t accept late work. Work needs to be turned in when it is due. • I don’t accept late projects. Projects are due on the prescribed due date. You must contact me IN ADVANCE if there is a problem. • Work with out a name will go into the NO NAME file. This work will have been scored. If you claim the work, you will receive half of the credit you earned.
Positives • Snyder Sense-given for participation and helping out with whatever is needed. • 10 will “buy” you a homework pass PATH – Perfect Attendance Test Helper Must have perfect attendance in my class AND have ALL work turned in The PATH can be used on a test and is averaged in with your test score.
Positives (con’t) • BUG Award- Brought Up Grade-This begins second quarter and is given to those students who have improved their letter grade • Birthdays – celebrated twice a month. We will all sing happy birthday to you and you will get candy and a homework pass! A true gift from me to you : )
Projects • DNA Double Helix • Design and test an experiment • Adopt an Element • Pedigree Project • Personal Time Line • Time Line of Life on Earth • Time Line of Atomic Structure • Time Line of the Story of Genetics • The Speed of Transportation