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Introduction :- Mahendra R. Chaudhari BISAG Expert Teacher M.P.Patel High School Vajapur Ta:- Vijapur Dist:- Mehsana Residence:- Gandhinagar. What is the meaning of ‘English’?.
Introduction :- Mahendra R. Chaudhari BISAG Expert Teacher M.P.Patel High School Vajapur Ta:-Vijapur Dist:-Mehsana Residence:- Gandhinagar
Have you ever faced any difficulty or you are supposed to take others’ help because you have problem with English language? One participant will share one’s experience.
We shall talk in English only during this session. Talk about advantages of English at the given areas : Class Career Home Market Travel Your workbook page no. 41
Let’s watch this video Clip of Importance of English
Why English? • NEET and JEE forms etc. • The world is a big village. FB • Job prospects for those who know less/dull English • Which can be understood by youth all over India
શિક્ષક વિદ્યાર્થી કરતા કેટલો આગળ? (દાયકાઓ કે ૩૫ મીનીટ?) • To change the trend you must know the trend • Advanced technologies and all kinds of branches of Science • This language is a store house of social and political knowledge. • Any study material on net. All in English
Article a/an and the • No article for • Human, cities/villages names • Plurals • Uncountable nouns
Article • 'A' and 'An' are used before countable nouns. (Things that can be counted are called countable.) • a/an never depends on first letter of the spelling but the beginning of the sound only – there is no exception • Beginning with consonant (ક, ખ, ગ, ઘ ..) Article‘a’ • Beginning with vowel (અ,આ,ઈ,ઉ, ..) Article‘an’
Article ‘the’ Basic concept- When the speaker thinks that the listener also knows about the thing referred- ‘the’ is used See you in the library. (Why ‘the’?) I saw a peacock. The peacock was dancing. (Why ‘the’?)
Article ‘the’ When the thing is specified by any adjective- The boy in the corner is my brother. (Why ‘the’?) When you make it particular by sign- Close the door. (Why ‘the’?)
Article ‘the’ • Book (the Bible) • River (the Narmada) • Ocean (the Indian Ocean) • Famous building (the TajMahal) • Four directions (the North) • Ordinal numbers (the first) • Common noun (the dog) • Unique in the universe (the Earth)
Now, tell me what is missing in these three sentences. •Man was walking on road eating apple when car hit him and apple fell from his hand. •Dog and cat were fighting in street for piece of bread which was snatched away by monkey. •Girl wearing red dress was waiting for bus to come when boy on bike came and offered her lift.
Find errors from the below para. I am a boy. I am an SSC student. I am an NCC cadet. I go to school by an ST bus. I have an HMT watch. My papa is a union member. My mummy is a university graduate. My sister is an HSC student. Papa gives me a one rupee coin every day. I give it to a one-eyed lady on my way to school.
Now there are few exercises related to the articels and it is on page no.44.
Preposition tenI p0I Aavelanam,svRnam A4va namnu> kayRkrnarbI= ko[ xBd sa4eno s>b>2 dxaRve 0e. Caalo,Aap`e p/ciltPreposition no ]pyog =e[Ae. At :- smykejGya-’trf’ Darshan cameat5 o’clock. Bhairvi met him at the station. He was born atDehgam. In/Into :- A>dr,ma>- We live inAhmedabad. He is in the garden. Sita is coming into the class-room. By :- @vara,musafrI,git- The tiger is killed by the hunter. I goes to school by my motorcyle. With :- sa2n,s>ga4-’vDe,sa4e’I write with a pen. I go to school with my friend. On :- ]pr- The book is on your benches. Up :- ]pr gitsUcvva-He climbed up a tree. Over :- ]pr,vStu l3ktI,]DtI,2UmtI-He jumped over the wall. The birds are flying over the farms. Above :- ‘]pr’-S4anna s>dwRma>The photograph is above the blackboard. He is above me in the class-room.
Under :-nIce,he#5- The man is sitting under a tree. After :- p0I-The dog is running after a cat. He will come after an hour. Behind :-pa05-He stood behind me. Besides/Beside :-]pra>t,bajuma>,njdIk-Besides this house they have one in the native place. I sat beside my friend. Among :- vCce-We hid among the trees. Between :- vCce-This village is between two hills. Across :- ‘Aarpar’,rSta Ao5>gIneI ran across the road. Beyond :-pelepar,bI+ bajunu>,v2aranu> There is a garden beyond the river. Through :-ma>4I,psar 4vana s>dwR- We walked through the crowd. Of :- no,nI,nu>,na-mailkIna s>dwRAll the nations of the world want peace. He died of cancer. Upto :- Amukhd sU2I We walked upto to the hills. From :- ‘4I’ ko[ coKkssmyke S454I I went from Limbdi to Surendranagar. He works from morning to evening. He is suffering from cholera. To :- ‘nItrf’ idxatrf gitma3e He went to school. For :- ‘ma3’e-coKks smyga5a ma3e He has been here for fifteen years. Till :- ‘jyasu2I,Tyasu2I’ Wait till I come. Hkarma> Untill :- ‘jyasu2I,Tyasu2I’ Don’t go untill I return. Nakarma
Now there are few exercises related to the preposition and it is on page no.48.
Connectives Examples :- And :-Ane,nee- My sister ran fast and caught the bus. I and my friend passed in the final exam. But :-pr>tu,p`-Hetal and Kanan walked fast but they could not catch the bus. He is weak but strong. Though :-=e ke 0ta>-Though I worked hard, I could not succeed. Though he works hard, he can’t pass the exam. Or/Otherwise :- A4va-nhI>tr-Sit quiet or go home. Work hard otherwise you will not get good marks. So/Therefore :- te4I,Ae3le-I reached late therefore he could not get the ticket. The man was sick, so he could not attend the party. Because :- kar`ke-I could not attend the school because I was ill. Since :- kar`ke-Since it was raining, all could not go out. Either..or :- bema>4I Aek-Janakbhai is either a teacher or a writer. Neither..nor :-bema>4I Aekp` nhI-NeitherBhartibennorBhairviben is weak. When :- jyare-Tyare-Birds fly from the nest when the sun rises in the east. When I went to Kanan’s house, she was reading a book. While :-jyare-Tyar- I saw a green snake, while I was crossing the road. Before :- phela- Wash your hands before you take your meal. After :- p0Ie-You can play after you finish your homework.
Connectives Examples :- If :- =e to-If you work hard, you will get the first rank. Unless :- =e nhIto-You will not succeed, unless you work hard.
Now, Let’s play a game and Its name is “Bingo”.Rule is You will have to pay attention To the conjunctions are used. If the conjunction read are common in the paragraph and your table, you will strike out those conjunctions. The first person to strike out all the conjuctions will shout “BINGO”.
Gandhiji was a man of great vision because of his foresight. He proposed ideas for the growth but unless children and teachers, would aid in achieving his vision of an ideal society, things could not be achieved. He believed that an ideal society is one that comprises hard-working, charitable and self-respecting people living in small self-reliant communities so, education in such a society should be based on values held by it though many did not think it to be relevant, yet Gandhiji firmly believed in it. The education model proposed by him accorded respect to skills and crafts involving physical labour, and was based on the concept of ‘dignity of labour’.
The model called ‘basic education’,recommended the incorporation of productive handicrafts such as weaving, spinning, pottery, leather-work, Metal-work,basket-making and book-binding into The school curriculum. These, as per the model, held as much importance as academic learning. Although the proposal supported his views of treating manual labour as equal to mental labour and of leading schools towards self-sufficiency. For teachers, he felt that only when a desire of learning from one’s pupil would ensure worthiness of the teacher. He said that a teacher should, like in every other interaction, try to gain from the other person.When he advocated, for all
teachers, the establishment of good support with students whether an attitude of learning from them, as this would ensure their own wholesome growth. According to him, till a teacher is not ready nothing can be achieved.”
Now there are few exercises related to the conjunction and it is on page no.51.
એક કાગડો હતો. કાગડો કાળો હતો. કાગડાને તરસ લાગી હતી. કાગડો પાણી શોધતો હતો. કાગડાએ પાણીનો એક કૂંજો જોયો. તેમાં પાણી હતું પણ ઊંડું હતું. કાગડાએ કાંકરા જોયા. કાગડાએ કાંકરા પાણીમાં નાખ્યા. પાણી ઉપર આવ્યું. કાગડાએ પીધું.
એક કાગડો હતો. કાગડો કાળો હતો. કાગડાને તરસ લાગી હતી. કાગડો પાણી શોધતો હતો. કાગડાએ પાણીનો એક કૂંજો જોયો. તેમાં પાણી હતું પણ ઊંડું હતું. કાગડાએ કાંકરા જોયા. કાગડાએ કાંકરા પાણીમાં નાખ્યા. પાણી ઉપર આવ્યું. કાગડાએ પીધું.
Read this paragraph. Rama went to the bank. Rama saw a long queue of customers. Rama waited in the line. Rama met a friend in the queue. Rama asked Sita to take a form for Rama. Sita got a form for Rama. Rama and Sita were happy.
Types of Pronoun Personal pronoun refers to a specific person or a thing (you, we, me, it, we,they) Demonstrative pronoun points out or identifies the noun (this, that, these)
Types of Pronoun Interrogative pronoun asks questions who, whom Relative pronoun links one phrase or clause to another phrase or clause who,whom,whose,which,that