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This assessment evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of METL Company in terms of academics, military discipline, moral-ethical values, and physical effectiveness. Strategies are proposed to improve each pillar of the company.
India Company METL Assessment 04/12/2017
Academic Assessment Overall assessment: T/P Strengths • Overall great effort being put into academics, resulting in the third best cumulative GPA in the Corps. • Good use of on campus academic resources by cadets. (ex: SI, academic support center, etc.) • Great mentoring and guidance shown from upper class (Seniors, Juniors, and even some Sophomore) cadets to lower class cadets (Freshman, and struggling Sophomores) about the importance of studying and doing well academically. Weaknesses • Occasionally gets too rowdy and loud on the galleries during ESP. • Overuse of Netflix and video games during ESP. • Although 80-90% of cadets excel academically and have great or average GPA's (above 2.5), there is a small portion that are severely struggling (Below 2.0, and many cases below 1.5). Essentially, we need to identify and help those cadets that are severely struggling.
Academic Pillar Strategy • Stress the importance of academics, and inform cadets of the great resources located around campus such as the academic support center. • Reduce class absences. • Strictly enforce quiet on the gallery's during ESP by disciplining cadets when they are being loud. • Conduct random checks during ESP to make sure cadets are not watching Netflix or playing video games. • Set-up a plan in which deficient cadets must report to the Academic Officer once a week and update them on if their improving and what steps they are taking to improve.
Military Assessment Overall assessment: T • Strengths • Sending cadets back to their rooms for not shiningand signing in. • Correcting cadets in and out of the barracks. • Discipline with respect to the rules of the college. • Weaknesses • MRI’s. • Formation Discipline. • Not moving down on line at First Call.
Military Pillar Strategy • Enforce major focus during practice parade and have CO, XO, & DM examine the company for discrepancies. • Maintain standards all year long that are set at the first company commanders call. • If an individual is not meeting the standard then verbally counsel them.
Moral-Ethical Assessment Overall assessment: T • Strengths • Most cadets are doing the right thing; the significant decrease in Class 1 offenses is proof. • Cadets seldom miss LTP/Parade/PT, etc. • Improved understanding of the honor system and how it operates. • Weaknesses • Peer leadership is still hard to perform. • Continue to emphasize cadet familiarity with the honor system and manual.
Moral-Ethical Pillar Strategy • Continue to improve all-ins and accountability during formations. • Strive for zero class one violations as well as zero hazing/4th Class System allegations or violations. • One alcohol violations this year compared to two last year, and maintain the zero drug abuse violations from last year with one this year.
Physical Effectiveness Assessment Overall assessment: T/P • Strengths • Good PT scores all around. • Top 10 in the corps at 200.58 • One of the least amount of people on remedial PT: • A few on remedial due to HT/WT. • Weaknesses • Better participation in Intramurals. • Typically a few juniors and some knobs but more seniors this year. • Average PT scores should be improved. • Have incentives for PT during the week. • Ex. Run 5 miles or spend 3 hours in the gym and get to miss one day of regimental PT the next week. • Had a few fail HT/WT, but they can easily pass the PT Test especially since the change this semester.
Physical Effectiveness Pillar Strategy • Have more incentives • People are more inclined to be motivated by positive reinforcement rather than negative reinforcement or types of punishment. Have rewards. • Recognize that there is the issue of “you shouldn’t be rewarded for doing what you’re supposed to do. • Company pride has improved which can be seen through intermural participation. • Incentives for excelling in intermural and parade. Do more company PT during the week. For example gather whoever wants to go on a run or do some body weight work and go to Hampton Park.. Also, get other cadets who are good at specific sports to introduce it to those who don’t know.
Company Commander/TAC Comments • Tours were rarely a necessity, pushups, cons and oral reprimands normally did the trick. • Senior privates are usually the biggest table turner but keep them on a reasonable leash. • Just as we are preached to, preach to the company that they must lead each other and never micromanage someone even if they are struggling to survive. • Give them the tools but do not baby them. • Come on as strong as you can be at the beginning, set standards and hold them to it. It is easier to come on strong and relax periodically than to come in relaxed and then become stern. • Above all else stand up for your cadets; go to bat for them.