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Follow these step-by-step instructions for your work. Contents of final portfolio: * Title page * Typed Works Cited Page * Typed outline (VERY detailed) * Folder with all past work. STEP 1: Title Page. Original title. The Secret Shame of Shoplifting. (Your name) Ms. Cerulli
Follow these step-by-step instructions for your work. Contents of final portfolio: * Title page * Typed Works Cited Page * Typed outline (VERY detailed) * Folder with all past work
Original title The Secret Shame of Shoplifting (Your name) Ms. Cerulli Due date (May 29, 2013) English 8R Janie Smith Ms. Cerulli May 29, 2013 English 8R
Task 2: Create a Works Cited Page: (Alphabetize your entries) Works Cited “Guy Anderson.” The Ripper Webroom. June 2001.http://ww w.andersonguy/org/ “Living the Green Life.” Teen Health and Wellness. November 2008. http://www.teenhealthandwellness,article.com/435 “People Who Make the World a Better Place.” Oklahoma University online. June 2011. http:www.ouo.edu
This was the ORANGE title on the Health and Wellness website. The blue subsections don’t count as separate articles. How do I cite for the Internet? “Title of Article.”Person or Organization Responsible for the Site.Date last updated.Exact Web Address. INDENT the second line so the first letter of the entry stands out for your reader. For Example: “Living the Green Life.” Teen Health and Wellness. November 2008. http://www.teen healthandwellness.article.com/435
The eighth grade requirement is that you learn to research and organize a report on a topic. Your job is to hand me one DETAILED, TYPED OUTLINE by the due date. • Very Important Reminders: • Use 12 point font in either Times New Roman or Ariel Narrow. • Put the article source (sources A-?) in parentheses at the end of each detail. • Use proper outline structure. • Incorporate SPECIFIC facts. This ma involve doing some more research and then adding to your Works Cited. Page. Remember, the more detailed, the higher the grade. • Use standard, FORMAL English in your writing.
Here’s a sample of my proposed paper on the topic of shoplifting . . .
I. Introduction Think about your next trip to the mall. Imagine walking through the aisles of the store with every security guard’s eye on you, your palms sweating, and pulse racing. All because you have a book bag filled with items you did not pay for. This is the experience of many young shoplifters. B. A surprising number of teens struggle with shoplifting urges that compel them to steal even items they do not want. C. Rosie Everyman, a fourteen year old from North Mission California, is one such teen. D. But there is help out there for teens like Rosie. E.Teen shoplifting compulsions are often caused by low self esteem and family dysfunction but sufferers can seek help through counseling, behavioral therapy to identify triggers, and family support without shaming.
II. Main Point 1: Identify the problem Shoplifting is becoming an increasingly common dysfunction among teens today. 1. About 1 in 5 American teens say they have shoplifted in the past year. (source B) B. A television documentary on shoplifting in 2009 said that 80% of Americans have shoplifted at least once in their lives. (Source C) 1. Terrence Shulman was an expert interviewed in the film. He said about 10% of people shoplift on a regular basis. (Source C) 2. The Retail Council of Canada estimates that shoplifting costs Canadian retailers $3.6 billion each year. . . ****Continue on like this until you run out of facts for each main point. Then go back and check the order, make sure you’ve written the source in parentheses at the end of each entry, and look up even more facts to add to your outlines!
V. Conclusion A. Shoplifting is becoming the secret shame of more and more teenagers. B. Teens at risk for becoming shoplifters are often depressed or suffer from a family culture that emphasizes strict rules. These teens begin stealing as a way to gain a feeling of control over their lives, but the embarrassment of their secret often increases their depression and problems within the family. The most successful therapies for these individuals involve the whole family. C. Teens out there who are afraid to tell about their stealing problems should not only know that there are others out there who deal with the same problem, but that there is help available. Our school counselors can speak to you about it and they have a social group that meets every other week. The students in the group discuss their problems in a nonthreatening atmosphere and it seemed to help some of the students there. One said she has not had the urge to shoplift and another revealed that when he did he texted a friend who is also in the group and he talked his friend out of stealing. It seems like a great way to get over a problem—getting new friends like yourself to help!