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Welcome to Marine Technology Laboratory. MARINE TECHNOLOGY AT UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA. Introducing . The Role of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in Supporting the Malaysian Marine Industry. Supplying trained engineering manpower.
The Role of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in Supporting the Malaysian Marine Industry Supplying trained engineering manpower. Providing continuing education to the maritime community. Carrying out R&D. Providing laboratory services. Each of these roles will be elaborated further in subsequent slides
1. Supplying Trained Engineering Manpower UTM the ONLY university in Malaysia offering courses only in Marine Technology covering naval architecture, hydrodynamics, ship and ocean structures design, construction and marine management. Marine Technology Bachelor Degree and Diploma Courses established in 1981. Current enrolment: 300 marine technology students out of 29,000 in the whole of UTM.
Supplying Trained Engineering Manpower Masters by Coursework started in 2002. Masters and PhD by research began in 1995. Graduates employed in the shipbuilding industries, marine-related industries, government maritime agencies (Navy, Marine Department etc.) and in the offshore oil industries.
2. Continuing Education at UTM Marine Technologists at UTM has played an important role in disseminating knowledge, techniques and technology to the maritime community. Conducts a number of seminars, workshops and short courses which is open to the maritime community. UTM also offers part-time degree programme in marine technology for continuing education of working people. .
3. Research and Development UTM is the ONLY institution of higher learning in Malaysia dealing specifically with R & D in marine technology. Currently 10 Masters (by research) students. The areas of research are mainly centered on ship design, hydrodynamics, ship stability, CAD, small ship production, underwater vehicles, offshore structures, alternative materials for small boats and marine transport system.
4. Provision of Marine Laboratory services The most sophisticated marine laboratory attached to a university in the ASEAN region. Commissioned in December 1996 and officially opened by YAB Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia in August 1999.
Functions of Marine Technology Laboratory Three main functions: Teaching facilities Research and development work Commercial work
MAIN FACILITIES • Towing Tank • Towing Carriage • Wave Generator • Model Making Facilities
Model Making Facilities Model Made Using Frames and Planking Method
Model Making Facilities Model Making using Semi Automatic Ship Model Milling Machine
Services Offered 1. Ship and Ocean Structures Model Testing • Resistance/drag Measurements • Propulsion Tests • Fluid Flow and Body interaction Analysis • Seakeeping Behaviour in Waves • Ocean and Coastal Engineering modelling • Equipment Calibration Subsequent slides explain ship model testing methods in detail
Why Ship Model Testing? • Despite advances in computing and numerical methods, marine hydrodynamics still largely depends on empirical and semi-empirical methods. • Ship designs must be tested to ensure its performance. • To test full scale prototype is very expensive. • Tests are therefore conducted on precision built model of the hull of the ship. • The scaling laws: • “If the model is made exactly similar in shape and proportion to full-scale, whatever happens/measurement/behaviour in model scale reflects/mirrors and can be correlated to what actually will happen at full-scale.”
Why Ship Model Testing? • Ship Owners normally wants to ensure that the designs they buy will behave satisfactorily as claimed by the ship designers/naval architects. • Ship designers want to make sure their designs they make will fulfill contract requirements e.g. speed, comfort, turning radius, performance in waves etc. • Ship designers, builders and owners want check effect of various attachments or modifications to the ship hull for example bilge keel, bulbous bow, trim tabs etc. • Ship designers/researchers want to confirm their design method/tools/software/calculations are suitable for the type of hull they are designing.
Typical Ship Model Tests Manoeuvring Tests using planar motion mechanism Fast Planing Hull Resistance Tests
Typical Ship Model Tests TO PLAY MOVIE CLICK MOVIE WINDOW • The scaling laws: • “If the model is made exactly similar in shape and proportion to full-scale, whatever happens/measurement/behaviour in model scale reflects/mirrors and can be correlated to what actually will happen at full-scale.”
Investigative Tests Effect of Bulbous Bow
Investigative Tests New Bow Effect of Different Bow Shapes
Investigative Tests No Tab With Tab Effect of Drag- Reduction Attachments
Investigative Tests Flow Test to obtain streamlines and determine location for bilge keels and waterjet inlets
International Accreditation Marine Technology Laboratory was accepted as full member of the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) in August 1998. ITTC is a conference by membership. Only testing facilities fulfilling certain ‘standards’ are accepted as members. The conference is held once every three years (for delegates from member organisations only) to determine standard procedures and practice. ITTC- accredited facilities can carry out commercial tests.
Other Services Offered • Ship and Ocean Structures Model Testing • Manoeuvring Simulation • Equipment Calibration • Lightship Survey • Inclining Experiment • Expert Witness • Stability Assessment • Ship Design Service • Vibration Monitoring and Mitigation • Full Scale Motion Monitoring • Full Scale Powering Measurement • Professional Short Courses
Modular 4-days Short Courses “ Naval Architecture for Non-Naval Architects” MT001 BasicHydrostatics and Stability MT002 Ship Stability MT003 Ship Structure and Strength Analysis MT004 Ship Resistance and Propulsion MT005 Freeboard and Tonnage Calculations MT006 Ship Drawing MT007 GRP Boat Construction MT008 Damage Stability MT009 Ship Design Modules aim at giving basic naval architectural theoretical knowledge and are open to the maritime industry practioners.
PAST CLIENTS • Malaysia Shipyard and Engineering Sdn. Bhd. • Hydromarine Asia Sdn. Bhd. • MARA Shipyard and Engineering Sdn. Bhd. • Borcos Shipping Sdn. Bhd. • Ship Classification Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. • Kay Marine Sdn. Bhd. • PSC-Naval Dockyard Sdn. Bhd. • Brooke Dockyard and Engineering Sdn. Bhd. • Lada Holdings Langkawi Sdn. Bhd • Shiptech Pte. Ltd., Singapore • Mark Ellis Design Pty Ltd., Australia • Tero Marine (S) Pte. Ltd., Singapore • ISD and Associates Sdn. Bhd. • NGV Tech. Sdn. Bhd. • Sea Crest Ptd. Ltd., Thailand • Klang Port Management
People and Expertise • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adi Maimun b. Hj. Abdul Malik, Ph.D. ( Ship Dynamics and Stability)- Head of Department of Marine Technology • Prof. Mohd Afifi Abdul Mukti, MSc. (Turbo Machinery) • Prof. Dr. Abdul Saman Kadir,Ph.D. (Marine Transport) • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omar Yaakob,Ph.D. (Seakeeping ) - Head of Marine Technology Laboratory • Assoc. Prof. Mohd. Zamani Ahmad, MSc. (Nautical & Maritime Studies) • Assoc. Prof. Hamzah Jamal, MSc. (Marine Eng. and Naval Arch.) • En. Nasruddin Ismail, MSc. (Marine Engineering) • En. Yahya Samian,MSc. (Naval Arch. and Ship Production) • En. Ahmad Fuaad Ahmad Sabki,M.Sc. (Marine Engineering) • En. Faizul Amri bin Adnan, M.Eng (Manufacturing) • Dr. Ir. Mohd. Pauzi Abd. Ghani, PhD. (Marine Hydrodynamics) • En. Koh Kho King, M.Eng. (Marine Technology)
ON-GOING R&D PROJECTS SMALL VESSEL BEHAVIOUR AND STABILITY IN DAMAGE SITUATION Head of Project:Assoc. Prof. Adi Maimun Abdul MalikSynopsis:This project aims at studying the stability of Sarawak river express boats especially the safety of these boats after damage due to collision. STATUS:MODEL TESTING IN PROGRESS
ON-GOING R&D PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT OF PUSHER-BARGE SYSTEM Head of Project:Assoc. Prof. Adi Maimun Abdul MalikSynopsis:To develop a pusher barge system for river transportation in Indonesia. Model testing and computer simulation are being carried out to assess the new design. STATUS:MODEL TESTING IN PROGRESS
ON-GOING R&D PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT OF A SEMI-SWATH CATAMARAN FOR MALAYSIAN WATER Head of Project: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omar YaakobSynopsis:Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH) vessels are known for their good stability in waves. This research will develop and test a prototype of a new concept that is the Semi-SWATH, a hybrid of a catamaran and SWATH. STATUS:MODEL TESTING COMPLETED.PROTOTYPE UNDER CONSTRUCTIONEXPECTED COMPLETION: OCTOBER 2005 MODEL PROTOTYPE
ON-GOING R&D PROJECTS OCEAN WAVE DATA COLLECTION USING SATELLITE ALTIMETRY Head of Project:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omar YaakobSynopsis:The project uses satellite altimetry data to develop Malaysian wave database. This will supplement the lack of wave data for design of ocean structures in Malaysia STATUS:SATELLITE WAVE DATA COLLECTION COMPLETED.CD-ROM AND WEB-BASED PUBLICATION IN PROGRESS.EXPECTED COMPLETION: DECEMBER 2005
ON-GOING R&D PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY BOAT FOR INLAND WATERWAYS APPLICATION Head of Project:Prof. Mohamad Afifi Abdul Mukti Synopsis:The project will develop, construct and test a prototype of an environmental friendly boat (use alternative solar electric energy for propulsion, reduction of wake wash to protect rivers banks, etc.) MODEL TESTING BOAT DESIGN STATUS:MODEL TESTING COMPLETED.PROTOTYPE UNDER CONSTRUCTIONEXPECTED COMPLETION: SEPTEMBER 2005 PROTOTYPE
ON-GOING R&D PROJECTS SELF-RIGHTING PATROL/RESCUE BOAT Head of Project: En. Ahmad Fuaad Ahmad SabkiSynopsis:The project aims at developing a high speed 50 knots boat with super-stable, self-righting capability. TO PLAY MOVIE CLICK MOVIE WINDOW STATUS:MODEL TESTING COMPLETED, READY FOR COMERCIALISATION
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Associate Professor Dr. Omar bin Yaakob,Head of Marine Technology Labortory,Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,81310 UTM SkudaiTel: +607-5535700Fax: +607-5574710E-mail: marinlab@fkm.utm.mywww.fkm.utm.my/marine