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Strategy. Rook to F5 – huh??. The Importance of Strategy. Consistency in your investments Emotionally stabilizing – gives a sense of direction Facilitates an easier learning environment . What to ask yourself. How much time do I want to put into this? What businesses do I know ?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Strategy Rook to F5 – huh??

  2. The Importance of Strategy • Consistency in your investments • Emotionally stabilizing – gives a sense of direction • Facilitates an easier learning environment

  3. What to ask yourself • How much time do I want to put into this? • What businesses do I know ? • How would I feel if I lost it all? • What does common sense tell me? • Why don’t I own an awesome Wildcat Investors T-shirt?!?

  4. *Other • Make sure to periodically reassess your goals • Be open minded to other strategies • Ease into it • Have others critique your strategy • Never stop learning

  5. And lastly … • Stick to your guns as much as possible, therefore keep this in mind when you design your strategy • I.E Don’t build exceptions into your strategy but start with a broad brush and refine it like a painter, adding layer and layer of complexity only after the simplest has first been mastered. WB - Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for ten years. 

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