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Disaster Planning for Hospitals

Disaster Planning for Hospitals. Julie Ann P. Casani, MD, MPH DHMH. Fake Hospital Inspectors Probed FBI Investigates Incidents at Facilities in Boston, Detroit, L.A. By David Brown Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, April 22, 2005; Page A10 . Bomb threat unfounded at Stanford hospital.

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Disaster Planning for Hospitals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Disaster Planning for Hospitals Julie Ann P. Casani, MD, MPH DHMH

  2. Fake Hospital Inspectors Probed FBI Investigates Incidents at Facilities in Boston, Detroit, L.A. By David Brown Washington Post Staff WriterFriday, April 22, 2005; Page A10 Bomb threat unfounded at Stanford hospital Chemical spill forces partial hospital evacuation By Curtis LumAdvertiser Staff Writer

  3. What disaster do you prepare for? • The likely events are likely • What you prepare to do for one event, you can use in another event • What you learn form one “event”, you should apply to another event.

  4. Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis • Completed with FFY 2005 HRSA application • Preliminary Data • HazMat, Weather-related emergencies, power outages were biggest threats • HazMat, large scale bio events were biggest vulnerabilities • Regional vs Individual hospital results • How do these relate to other agencies’ analyses?

  5. Basic Plans • EOP • COOP • IMS/ICS • Evacuation Plan • Power outage, fire, etc • Surge Plan

  6. Cooperative Planning • Leveraging across region • Leveraging across health/public health/EMS/EMA etc, etc • Leveraging within business partnerships

  7. This is about the “business” • Balance between market forces and moral imperatives • Being creative with funding streams • Using political capital

  8. …any preparations you make before an event are alarmist…any preparations you’ve made, when evaluated after an event, are inadequate

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