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Sea and Land Breezes Through Wind Patterns and Pressure

Explore the concept of sea and land breezes visually explained by Margot Henric. Learn how wind direction, pressure, highs, and lows affect these phenomena during day and night. Dive into the details to grasp the essence of these natural occurrences.

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Sea and Land Breezes Through Wind Patterns and Pressure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Land and sea breeze Done by : Margot Henric

  2. This is what a sea breeze looks like, a sea breeze normally takes place during the day.

  3. Sea breeze continued. • In my previous picture there are arrows, these arrows indicate the direction the wind is blowing. Above and/or below the arrows there are numbers these numbers tell us the pressure. The capitals H’s and L’s stand for high and low.

  4. This is what a land breeze looks like, a land breeze normally takes place during the night.

  5. Land breeze continued • In my previous picture there are more arrows just as in the sea breeze this indicates where the wind is blowing. The numbers also represent the pressure, and the capital H’s and L’s tell us the highs and lows. However in this picture you see that it is dark, this means that a land breeze occurs at night, and a sea breeze happens during the day.

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