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ENGINEERING. UAEU. United Arab Emirates University Collage of Engineering Training & graduation Project Unit Civil Engineering Department. Design Of Sewerage Network and development of GIS for GIC in Abu Dhabi. Group Members (01-A): Raja Suliman 980722123 Shajan Aladdin 970724949
ENGINEERING UAEU United Arab Emirates University Collage of Engineering Training & graduation Project Unit Civil Engineering Department Design Of Sewerage Network and development of GIS for GIC in Abu Dhabi • Group Members (01-A): • Raja Suliman 980722123 • Shajan Aladdin 970724949 • Lameea Ismaeel 980723239 • Advisor: • Dr. Hassan.I • Coordinator: • Dr. Mohammed Yuness
Presentation Headlines: • Introduction and Overall Idea • System Layout • Design Requirements • Sample Of Calculations • GIS Definition
Presentation Headlines: • GIS Objective • What Can GIS Do? • Integration Procedures • General Notes about Design • Cost Estimation • Environmental Impact
Introduction and Overall Idea: • The main target of this project is to design a sewerage network and development of GIS for GIC in Abu- Dhabi. • The area of the GIC about 40 km2 divided into three major sectors, main center, residential area and industrial area as follows:
The GIC Sectors: • Main Center:It houses the labor and employees residents, police station, medical facilities, civil defense and security offices. • Residential Area:It includes two stories labors hostel including with services such as co-operation for food consumption and restaurants. • Industrial Area:It includes several factories, trade centers and small restaurant to serves this sector.
Residential Area Main Center Industrial Area
System Layout: • The design start by initial draft (hand sketching), consideration should be given as: • Searching for existing services: (Economy of design, avoid pipes conflict)
Continue: 2. Studying the contour elevations: (nature of ground, groundwater and theproximity of foundation, services)
Continue: 3. Locating services reservation: (Simplify the process of locating the pipe line)
Design Requirements: • Hydraulic Design Theories: • Sewage Wastewater Flow • Where: • Q = wastewater flow (L/day) • A.P.F = Abu-Dhabi peaking factor.
Continue: Abu-Dhabi peaking factor (APF) and the Babbit formula:
Continue: • Drainage Wastewater Flow • Where: • Q = peak runoff rate (m3/day) • C = runoff coefficient (dimensionless) • I = average rainfall intensity (mm/hr) • A = drainage area (ha)
Continue: • Flow Velocity (Colebrook-White Equation) • Where: • V = velocity (m/s) • g = gravitational acceleration (m/s2) • D = pipe diameter (mm) • S = hydraulic gradient, (mm/mm) • ks = a linear measure of effective roughness (mm) • ν = Kinematics viscosity of fluid (m2/s)
Population Survey • Collection of building types during site visits. • Suitable factor was obtained according to the population per square meter. • Each area was multiplied by that factor to obtain the population for different blocks.
Sample of Calculation Sewer design calculation from SMH12/8/3 to SMH12/8/3A • D = 400 mm • S = 1 % • A = 37.5 mm2 (the width of street = 5 m and the length = 7.5 m)
Continue: • Sewer Design Calculation (From SMH2 to SMH1):
Comparing the Results with the Standards: Comparing the actual velocity and the actual d/D with the design limits presented before: • V = 0.36 m/s < Vmin = 0.6 m/s • d/D = 0.35 < d/D min = 0.5 The design is not acceptable, either the pipe diameters or the pipe gradients must be changed..
Pumping Stations: The maximum depth to invert is based on maintaining a cost-effective and safe design. The recommended pumping stations used in Abu-Dhabi for sewer and drainage pipes when the depth to invert approximately 10 m or more.
Continue: In our project, the final design of the sewerage and drainage system was changed in order to achieve depth to invert less than 10 m to use the gravity system instead of pumping system for the following reasons:
The cost of the gravity system is less than the pumping system because each pumping station cost about Dhs 3 million. • Each pumping station must be replaced after 10 years of construction period where the gravity system is used one time, either demolishing the whole system after 30 – 50 years. • The maintenance of the gravity system is less than the pumping system.
GIS Definition • GIS is a system of hardware and software used for the storage, retrieval, mapping, and analysis of geographic data • Spatial features are stored in a coordinate system (latitude/longitude, state plane, UTM, etc.), which references a particular place on the earth.
People Procedures GIS is Integrating of Five Basic Components: Software Data Hardware
GIS Objective • The main target of GIS implementation is to provide information useful for users and to analyze and manipulate the data for the sewerage network further purposes of maintenance and development.
What Can GIS Do? A comprehensive and structured GIS database can support: • Network tracing and be used to analyze specific properties or services that may be impacted by events such as (stoppages, main breaks, drainage defects) • Dynamic segmentation and be used to visually represent the complex and heterogeneous nature of sections of the wastewater network, which allows pressure and flow analysis algorithms to run more efficiently
GIS Integration Procedures Preparing and gathering existing information. Building Attributes Table. Building Utilities Database
Continue: • Develop a draft sewerage plan, showing the routes of the main collector sewers and the approximate areas of the various systems. • Finalize the overall sewerage plan and plot the sewer routes at an appropriate scale or scales.
Cost Estimations: • The aim of this project not just to re-design the sewerage system in the GIC in Abu-Dhabi and meeting the design requirements, but also to satisfy the safety, functionality cost criteria. • A detailed cost estimation of the several components of the project of GIC in Abu-Dhabi is determined based on the current construction prices of UAE.
NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTALRATE (AED) 1 Excavation m3 400812 92 36,874,704 2 Backfilling General Sand Fill or Subkha Fill m3 400812 20 8,016,240 3 Disposal m3 400812 7 2,805,684 4 Bedding of Plain Concrete Nr 3340 49 163,660 5 UPVC Pipes m 100203 88 8,817,864 6 GRP Pipes m 100203 295 29,559,885 7 Construct manholes including excavation, bedding and covers Nr 130 920 119,600 TOTAL COST (Dhs) 86,357,637
Continue: In addition, the cost of the software (ArcGIS). The satellite image coasted approximately Dhs 1000-1500
General Comments and Notes About System In our project, the final design of the sewage and drainage system was adjusted in order to achieve depth to invert less than 10 m to use the gravity system instead of pumping system for the following reasons: • The cost of the gravity system is less than the pumping system because each pumping station cost about Dhs 3 million.
Continue: • Each pumping station must be replaced after 10 years of construction period where the gravity system is used one time, either demolishing the whole system after 30 – 50 years. • The maintenance of the gravity system is less than the pumping system.
Continue: To achieve that, each branch assumed to start by 1.2 m depth to invert, which is the minimum depth. The pipelines take different and short direction in length to avoid maximum depth to invert. When we compare between the results of the manual calculations (hand calculations) and results of the calculations obtained using Excel, we found a lot differences between both of them because Excel program more accurate than hand calculations.
Continue: The design velocity should be 0.75 m/s but at the beginning of some portions in the system the velocity will not reach the desired number because of little amount of flow; according to the small number of increment population at the beginning of the system. The velocity should prevent solid blockage and clean the sewer at the same time.
Environmental Impacts: • Environmental impact can be minimized by providing sewers for the GIC with adequate sizes and grades so as not to overflow and cause property damage and danger to health. • Another consideration is the estimation of velocity of flow in the sewers, in order to prevent deposits of solids from occurring with accompanying odors and stoppages.