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Efficiency of Cars

Efficiency of Cars. Create a Presentation about how increasing the efficiency of car engines will change America. How efficient are car engines?. Part 1. Explain in detail the efficiency of a car engine How much power is “Useful Work Output”? Where does all the other energy go?.

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Efficiency of Cars

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Efficiency of Cars Create a Presentation about how increasing the efficiency of car engines will change America

  2. How efficient are car engines?

  3. Part 1 • Explain in detail the efficiency of a car engine • How much power is “Useful Work Output”? • Where does all the other energy go?

  4. How can a car become more efficient?

  5. Part 2 • Name five different ways in which car manufactures can increase the efficiency of cars: • What type of non-mechanical energy conversion does each improvement address • Explain how it will reduce that type of energy conversion • Use the following article to help find ways to increase efficiency: http://arstechnica.com/features/2012/10/the-road-ahead-how-well-get-to-54-5-mpg-by-2025/

  6. Why would car companies invest billions in research and development to make these improvements?

  7. President Obama’s Fuel Efficiency Standards President Obama and the United States Government passed CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) which will require Automotive Companies to improve the fuel efficiency of car and light trucks to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025!! Read the NY Times article: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/29/business/energy-environment/obama-unveils-tighter-fuel-efficiency-standards.html?_r=0

  8. Part 3 • After reading ‘US Sets Higher Fuel Efficiency Standards” answer the following questions: • How could the government “encourage” companies to pursue fuel efficiency improvements? • What are the new Efficiency Standards? • How will these new standards effect US dependency on foreign oil? • How much would these standards save Americans at the pump? • What effect would these standards effect greenhouse gas emissions?

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