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Texas Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching Thirteenth Annual Meeting June 27-29, 2007 Hilton Austin Airport Hotel Austin, Texas. Science Update. This presentation is available online at: www.theTRC.org. Discussion Items: Curriculum Update
Texas Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching Thirteenth Annual Meeting June 27-29, 2007 Hilton Austin Airport Hotel Austin, Texas Chris Comer
Science Update This presentation is available online at: www.theTRC.org Discussion Items: • Curriculum Update • TEKS Revision • Graduation Requirements • Assessment Update • SB 1031 • Statewide Science TAKS Results • Resources • Contact Info Chris Comer
Science TEKS Review Process The State Board of Education (SBOE) oversees all aspects of the TEKS, including refinements/revisions • Spring/Summer 2007 • The science review process will begin this fall following the same process that occurred with the mathematics and ELA/R TEKS. • SBOE members will nominate educators to serve on work group committees. Chris Comer
Science TEKS Projected Timeline: • September/October 2007 • SBOE work group members will convene in Austin to review content of science TEKS • Fall 2008 • Recommendations by the work group will be posted in an online survey format. • Feedback from the field will be solicited via listserv’s for public input, conference presentations, professional organization newsletters, education service center representatives, etc. Chris Comer
SBOE Nominated Work Groups • Work group members to convene to make content recommendations for refinement & alignment • Grades K-5 work group members to meet in Austin • Grades 6-12 work group members will meet in Austin • Grades K-12 work group vertical alignment meeting via TETN conferences Chris Comer
Science TEKS Proposed SBOE timeline for revision process • Fall 2007 workgroups will convene in Austin • Spring 2008 National content expert review • Fall 2008 Science TEKS revisions adopted • 2008 – 2009 professional development • 2009 – 2010 revised TEKS implementation Chris Comer
Old: 3 credits, one of which must be Biology (and /or AP/IB) two of which are selected from IPC Chemistry, IB or AP Chemistry Physics, AP or IB Physics, or Principles of Technology I New: 4 credits, One of which must be Biology (and /or AP/IB Biology) Three of which are selected from a list of options that will include IPC until SY 2011-2012 Old and New RHSP- Science Chris Comer
Old: 3 credits of science. One credit must be a biology credit (Biology, Advanced Placement (AP) Biology, or International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology). Students must choose the remaining two credits from the following areas. Not more than one credit may be chosen from each of the areas to satisfy this requirement. Students on the Recommended High School Program are encouraged to take courses in biology, chemistry, and physics to complete the science requirements. Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC); Chemistry, AP Chemistry, or IB Chemistry; and Physics, Principles of Technology I, AP Physics, or IB Physics. New: 4 credits of science, which must consist of a biology credit (Biology, Advanced Placement (AP) Biology, or International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology), a chemistry credit (Chemistry, AP Chemistry, or IB Chemistry), a physics credit (Physics, AP Physics, or IB Physics), and an additional approved laboratory-based science course . (Note the deletion of Principles of Technology here). After successful completion of a biology course, a chemistry course, and a physics course, a student may select the fourth required credit from any of the following lab-based courses: DAP- Old and New Chris Comer
What does the phase-out of IPC mean? • IPC will no longer satisfy the science requirements in the RHSP after school year 2011-2012 • Students on the RHSP and DAP could continue to take the course for state elective credit • As of now, it remains an option for students on the Minimum Plan • IPC will no longer satisfy the science requirements in the DAP, effective SY 2007-2008– no phase-out • At this time, no EOC is being developed for IPC Chris Comer
New RHSP- Science When IPC is phased out, all students must select: • One credit from Biology, AP or IB Biology • Two credits from • Chemistry, IB or AP Chemistry • Physics, AP or IB Physics, or Principles of Technology I • A fourth credit from the following list: Chris Comer
Newly named SBOE courses with a prerequisite of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Earth and Space Science which will replace GMO Engineering The SBOE has directed the TEA to write new TEKS for these courses. The TEKS writing process for these courses will begin this fall. RHSP- Science, 4th yr Chris Comer
Fourth Year Science Credit Courses: Chemistry Physics Astronomy Aquatic Science Environmental Systems RHSP- Science, 4th yr Chris Comer
Also fourth year credit courses include: Advanced Placement Biology Advanced Placement Chemistry Advanced Placement Physics Advanced Placement Environmental Science Dual Credit college science courses RHSP- Science, 4th yr Chris Comer
Also, fourth year science credit courses will include: International Baccalaureate Biology International Baccalaureate Chemistry International Baccalaureate Physics International Baccalaureate Environmental Systems RHSP- Science, 4th yr Chris Comer
RHSP- Science, 4th yr The following health science technology education courses: • Scientific Research and Design • Anatomy and Physiology of Human Systems • Medical Microbiology and Pathophysiology The following technology education/industrial technology education courses: • Principles of Technology Chris Comer
Should IPC be taught in Grade 8? This is a local decision, however, • Most experts agree that this may negatively impact Grade 8 Science TAKS scores and the earth science objective in particular. • 6-8th grade TEKS include foundational concepts presented in various contexts to assure literacy of those concepts. • Thus, compressing the science TEKS into two years is not recommended. Chris Comer
Policy Implications: High School • Grades 9-12: minimum of 40% of instructional time spent on lab and field investigations • Safety in the labs should be paramount… • Crowding of students in science is dangerous! • Science safety training is crucial. • Plan for more students taking more science. Chris Comer
The Burning Question: What’s the Best Course Sequence for Science? • For all graduation plans, students are encouraged to take Biology, Chemistry, and Physics by the State Board of Education. • Students who take the Biology, Chemistry, and Physics sequence perform better on SAT and ACT college entrance tests according to college entrance data. • Students who take the Biology, Chemistry, and Physics sequence are better prepared for college work. • Some schools are considering the Physics First approach. • Many schools are considering the conceptual approach to teaching of Physics andChemistry Chris Comer Chris Comer
Conceptual Resources The state of Texas has adopted textbooks and instructional materials for conceptual approaches to chemistry and physics and many schools have adopted these materials. Conceptual Chemistry adopted instructional materials:1. Chemistry in the Community by Bedford, Freeman & Worth2. Chemistry: Concepts and Applications by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill3. Chemistry: Applied and Descriptive by J.M. LeBel Enterprises Chris Comer
Conceptual Resources Conceptual Physics adopted instructional materials:1. Conceptual Physics by Prentice Hall2. Physics: Systems and Applications by J.M. LeBel Enterprises Some schools also use:3. Cambridge Physics Outlet (CPO) Science—Adoptedfor Physics. Chris Comer
SB 1031—EOC Assessments • Phase-out high school TAKS and replace it with EOC assessments in: • Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry • English I, English II, and English III • Biology, Chemistry, and Physics • U.S. History, World History, and World Geography • Freshman class of 2011-2012 is first group to have EOC as graduation requirement • To graduate, students must attain • Cumulative score ≥ 70n • n = number of EOC assessments taken in each subject Chris Comer
SB 1031—EOC Assessments • Students must score at least 60 in order for it to count towards their cumulative score • Students scoring below 60 shall retake the assessment each time it is administered • Students scoring below 70 will receive accelerated instruction • Any other student may retake an EOC assessment for any reason. Chris Comer
SB 1031—EOC Assessments • A student’s score on an EOC assessment shall be worth 15% of the student’s final grade for that course • A school district is not required to use the student’s score on subsequent administrations to determine the student’s final grade for that course • A student is not required to retake a course as a condition of retaking an EOC assessment Chris Comer
SB 1031—General Information • Allows the agency to release assessment questions every third year • Requires all assessments (grades 3-12) to be developed in a manner that allows a measure of annual student improvement • Requires a vertical scale in grades 3-8 for mathematics and reading starting with the 2008-2009 school year • Prohibits schools from spending more than 10% of the instructional year administering district-required tests Chris Comer
SB 1031—General Information • Establishes a committee to review the accountability system and make recommendations to the legislature • Requires the agency to conduct a survey and prepare a report to determine the ability of school districts to administer assessment instruments by computer • Requires assessment instruments, starting in 2007-2008, to be administered at least two weeks later than the date on which they were administered in 2006-2007 Chris Comer
TAKS Items Correct by Objectives All Students: 2006 (Percent) Chris Comer
Demographic Summary 2006 Grade 5: (Percent Items Correct) Chris Comer
Demographic Summary 2006 TAKS Grade 8: (Percent Items Correct) Chris Comer
Demographic Summary 2006 TAKS Grade 10: (Percent Items Correct) Chris Comer
Demographic Summary TAKS Grade 11: (Percent Items Correct) Chris Comer
Tips for Students and Teachers • Hands on experiences are important • The fifth grade science test covers TEKS from third and fourth grade. Instruction must cover the TEKS (especially the ones specified in the Information Booklet) • Pay attention to units • Using math skills in science • Carefully reading the details of the item Chris Comer
Physical Science Note • 8th grade students did much better on Motion, Forces, and Energy than Structures and Properties of Matter • Least variation in Asian Scores (7%) • Most variation in White Scores (15%) • Other groups had score variations of 12 or 13, including males, females, African Americans and Hispanics Chris Comer
Life Science Note • In 11th grade all student groups had average percent items correct about 10 points higher for Interdependence of Organisms and the Environment than for Organization of Living Systems Chris Comer
http://k12testing.tx.ncspearson.com/AssessmentResults/ Chris Comer
Committee Participation • Committee member selection based upon demographics • Recommendation forms available at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/develop/recform.pdf Chris Comer
Texas Science Diagnostic System (TSDS) www.accesstsds.com • Web-Based Diagnostic Assessment Tool Free to All Texas Public & Charter Schools • TAKS-based question banks grades elem-HS reviewed by TEA, teachers, experts • Can be used to diagnose student Skills, Finding Knowledge Points of Departure, for tests, quizzes, and/or homework Chris Comer
Science List Serve: www.tea.state.tx.us/list/ Chris Comer
Who To Contact: Curriculum Chris Castillo-Comer Director of Science Chris.Comer@tea.state.tx.us Irene Pickhardt Assistant Director Irene.Pickhardt@tea.state.tx.us 512-463-9556 Assessment Cyndi Louden Science Assessment Manager cyndi.louden@tea.state.tx.us 512-463-9556 Chris Comer