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Comprehensive Guide to Low Back & Lower Extremity Pain

This educational resource covers differential diagnosis and treatment methods for low back and lower extremity pain. It includes learning objectives, risk factors, clinical presentations, and classifications of spinal conditions. Explore causes of back pain, red flags, emergency situations, and surgical indications. Understand diagnostic methods, treatment approaches, and both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Discover common sources of low back pain, related conditions, and factors influencing pain occurrence. Improve your knowledge on managing back pain effectively.

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Comprehensive Guide to Low Back & Lower Extremity Pain

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  2. Learning objectives • 1. be able to differentiate mechanical and non-mechanical pain • 2. be able to enumerate the risk factors for low back pain • 3. be able to define spondylosis, spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis and spondylitis • 4. be able to describe clinical presentation and treatment for acute muscular strain, lumbar discopathy, spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis and spondylolysis. • 5. be able to enumerate non-mechanic causes of low back pain and describe differential diagnosis.

  3. Learning objectives • 6. be able to enumerate the red flags of serious low back pain • 7. be able to enumerate the reasons which cause pain in the lower extremity and make the differential diagnosis. • 8. be able to enumerate situations that require emergency surgery for lumbar back pain and surgical indications in lumbar discopathy. • 9. be able to enumerate diagnostic methods, treatment approaches, pharmacological and non pharmacological methods for low back pain.

  4. Who gets back pain ? • Almost Everybody • Estimates run as high as 80% of the population. • Only 1-2 % need surgery. • 5-10 % develop chronic pain. • 75 % of patients have relapses. • Peak occurrence is between age 30 and 45.

  5. The spine has two basic jobs: 1) to protect the spinal cord 2) to allow us to move Back pain usually involves some loss of ability to move easily.

  6. SPİNAL SEGMENT Every level of the spine is composed of a disc in the front and paired facet joints in the back. The disc acts as a shock absorber in between the vertebrae, whereas the paired facet joints restrain motion. They allow the spine to bend forwards (flexion) and backwards (extension) but do not allow for a lot of rotation.

  7. Classifications • Transient—duration is hours to days, only brought to medical attention when episodic • Acute—duration is days to weeks; most recover spontaneously • Persistent—lasts more than 3-6 months; does not improve with time; no psychological co-morbidities (often associated with spondylotic disease) • Chronic—lasts more than 6 months; worsens with time, associated with major psychological co-morbidities

  8. 90% of low back pain is “mechanical” • Injury to muscles, ligaments, bones, disks • Spontaneous resolution is the rule • Nonmechanicalcauses uncommon but don’t miss them! • Spondyloarthropathy • Spinal infection • Osteoporosis • Cancer • Referred visceral pain

  9. Age Sendentary lifestyle Pregnancy Obesity Smoking Injury Preexisting back injury due to: Lifting a heavy object Improper lifting Sudden movement, bending, or twisting Prolonged sitting or standing Bad posture Vibration from vehicles or heavy equipment Prior back surgery Other factors which may negatively influence back pain include: Psychological factors, such as low job satisfaction Fatigue or sleep deficit Drug or alcohol abuse Stress Risk Factors

  10. Congenital bone conditions Congenital causes (existing from birth) of low back pain include scoliosis and spina bifida Scoliosis is a sideways (lateral) curvature of the spine that can be caused when one lower extremity is shorter than the other (functional scoliosis) or because of an abnormal design of the spine (structural scoliosis) Children who are significantly affected by structural scoliosis may require treatment with bracing and/or surgery to the spine Adults infrequently are treated surgically but often benefit by support bracing

  11. Classification of Scoliosis • Congenital • Failure of formation • Failure of segmentation • Mixed • Neuromuscular - Myopathic - Arthrogryhosis - Musculardystrophy -Neuropathic • Upper motor neuron • Lower motor neuron • Dysautonomia (Riley-Daysyndrome) • n • İdiopathic • Infantil (0-3 years) • Juvenil (3-10 years) • Adolescent (10y + years) • Others • Neurofibromatosis • Mesenchymal (Ehler Danlos s, Marfan’s s) • Traumatic • Tumors • Osteochondrodystrophies

  12. Spina bifida and scoliosis

  13. Common Sources of LBP Somatic dysfunction Muscle in “spasm” Nerve root In somatic dysfunction, some muscles become overactive (“spasm”) and other muscles become inactive.

  14. There are many more joints in the back than discs. • There are many more muscles than joints. • The most common cause of low back pain is when one or more muscles “forget” to relax. We callthis a somaticdysfunction.

  15. Common Sources of LBP Any dysfunction involving thethoracic or lumbar spine, the sacroiliac joint or the hip can createlow back pain.

  16. piriformis sciatic nerve Common Sources of LBP Long dorsal si ligament sacrospinous ligament sacrotuberous ligament

  17. Role of the sacroiliac joint The sacroiliac joint requires muscle activity to keep it stable. If muscles can’t work correctly, perhaps because of a somatic dysfunction, the joint becomes unstable and painful. 1 3 2

  18. The most common causes of low back pain; • Injury or overuseof muscles, ligaments, facet joints, and the sacroiliac joints.

  19. Lumbar Strain • stretching injury to the ligaments, tendons, and/or muscles of the low back • microscopic tears of varying degrees in these tissues • one of the most common causes of low back pain • occur because of overuse, improper use, or trauma • "acute" if it has been present for days to weeks • "chronic" lasts longer than three months

  20. Symptoms • Pain, mostly in thebackandbuttocks • Musclespasms, cramping, andstiffness • It is aggravatedbyweight-bearingorspecificmovementsand is relievedby rest • Themost severe painusuallylasts 48 to 72 hoursandmay be followedbydaysorweeks of less severe pain • Theback is easilyreinjuredduringthis time

  21. Spondylosis

  22. Disc Herniations

  23. Spondylolysis • Spondylolysis(spondylo = spine; lysis=dissolved) refers to the defect (black arrows) present when the pars interarticularis is fractured. This results is the lamina and inferior facet joints being disconnected from the vertebral body.

  24. Spondylolysis • Spondylolysisisn'tsomethingthatpeoplearebornwith, but develop in childhood /adolescence • It is thoughtto be a stressfracturethatdoesn'theal • It is seenmostoften in footballlinemenand in gymnasts

  25. Spondylolisthesis • Spondylolisthesis (spondylo=spine; listhesis=to slip) occurs in the presence of a spondylolysis when the intervertebral disc stretches and allows the vertebral body to slide forward on the vertebra below. This results in widening of the pars defect. This is known as an isthmic spondylolisthesis.

  26. Spondylolisthesis • Displastic (congenital dysplasia between the L5-S1) • Degenerative (elderly people) • Traumatic (fracture in the posterior stractures except isthmus) • Patologic (metabolic bone disease, metastatic Ca..)

  27. Spondylolisthesis

  28. Spinal Stenosis • Spinalstenosis is a medicalcondition in whichthespinalcanalnarrowsandcompressesthespinalcordandnerves • This is usuallyduetothecommonoccurrence of spinaldegenerationthatoccurswithaging • It can alsosometimes be causedbyspinaldischerniation, osteoporosisor a tumor • Inthecervicalandlumbarregion it can be a congenitalconditiontovaryingdegrees

  29. Spinal Stenosis • Spinal-nerve compression in these conditions can lead to sciatica pain that radiates down the lower extremities • Spinal stenosis can cause lower-extremity pains that worsen withwalking and are relieved by resting (mimicking poor circulation) (Neurogenic claudication)

  30. Acute Back Pain in the Elderly Multiple compression fractures

  31. Compression fractures • Morecommonamongpostmenopausalwomenwithosteoporosis, or in men orwomenafterlong-termcorticosteroiduse • Often occurs with forward flexion during normal activity or with trivial trauma • Severe spinal pain • Marked muscle spasm • Some relief with recumbency

  32. Less common spinal conditions that can cause low back pain include • Ankylosing spondylitis • Bacterial infection • Spinal tumors • Paget's disease • Scheuermann's disease

  33. Spinal Infections • Acute infection • Bacterial • Fungal • Chronic infection • Bacterial • Fungal • Tuberculosis • Brucellosis • Sites of spinal infection • Vertebral osteomyelitis • Disk space infection • Septic sacroiliitis

  34. Historical clues Fever, rigors Source of infection: IV drug abuse, trauma, surgery, dialysis, and skin infection Physical exam clues Focal tenderness with muscle spasm Often cannot bear weight Lab clues Mild anemia, Elevated ESR, and/or CRP Spinal Infection

  35. Spondylodiscitis

  36. Pain worse at night Often associated local tenderness WBC, ESR, protein electrophoresis if ESR elevated Multiple Myeloma Spinal Malignancy

  37. Other medical conditions that can cause pain that may be similar to low back pain include: • Pelvic inflammatory disease • Aortic aneurysm • Peptic ulcers • Gallbladder disease • Pancreatitis • Urinary disorders such as kidney stones or urinary tract infections. • Prostate disease

  38. What Are the Red Flags for Serious Low Back Pain? • Fever, weight loss • Intractable pain—no improvement in 4 to 6 weeks • Nocturnal pain or increasing pain severity • Morning back stiffness with pain onset beforeage 40 • Neurologic deficits

  39. Lower Extremity Pain Causes • MUSCLE CRAMP • Dehydration or low amounts of potassium, sodium, calcium, or magnesium in the blood. • Medications • Diuretics, • Statins, which lower cholesterol and can cause muscle injury • Muscle fatigue or strain from overuse, too much exercise, or holding a muscle in the same position for a long time

  40. Lower extremity pain • A tornoroverstretchedmuscle (strain) • Hairlinecrack in the bone (stressfracture) • Inflamedtendon (tendinitis) • Shinsplints - pain in thefront of yourlegrelatedtooveruseorrepetitivepounding

  41. Other common causes of leg pain • Atherosclerosis • Deepveinthrombosis • Osteomyelitis • Arthritis • Nervedamage • Varicoseveins

  42. Less common causes • Benign tumors or cysts of the femur or tibia (osteoid osteoma) • Legg-Calve-Perthes disease - poor blood flow to the hip that may stop or slow the normal growth of the leg • Malignant bone tumors (Osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma) • Sciatic nerve pain (radiating pain down the leg) caused by a slipped disk in the back. • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis - usually seen in boys and overweight children between 11 and 15 years old

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