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Noisy topology: (1) coherent

Noisy topology: (1) coherent. Spikes in trigger rate. Sporadic. Periodic: With B ON in 2008 Without B on during MWGR18. Noisy topology : ( 2) coherent. MWGR 19. High rate: constant like during MWGR19 or in 2008 because of DT HV problem in one sector).

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Noisy topology: (1) coherent

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Noisy topology: (1)coherent • Spikes in trigger rate Sporadic Periodic: With B ON in 2008 Without B on during MWGR18

  2. Noisy topology: (2)coherent MWGR 19 • High rate: • constant like during MWGR19 or in 2008 because of DT HV problem in one sector) REASON: HV problem in RB1 out sect 12 22 April 6 may Strip noise profile

  3. Noisy topology: (3) non coherent (?) Run history (MWGR 18) Done by Seungen Noisy OK No data

  4. TH = 230 mV to all TH changed on some chambers W+2 RUN 83079 - 83081 S5 83079 83081

  5. S5 @ RUN 83081 RB4 16 strips x feb RB3 14 strips x feb These SIGNAL CABLES are near each only into the LB LV = off Noisy in the some channels in: RB4 - & RB3- back RB4 + & RB 3 + back FORW OK

  6. LV ON Noisy in some channels RB4- & RB3- back RB4+ & RB3+ back Sect 6 @ RUN 83081 Forw OK

  7. S5 @ RUN 83081 Occupancy vs time

  8. What was done and what has to be done • Coherent Noise: • Hardware interventions: a lot actions done. Other tests will be done this week or when someone has other idea..(DT cables) • From data point of view: • periodic. It was already studied. • Sporadic: we have 6 months of data and monitor on line • Silvia is taking care of the monitor data. • Seungen and (Salvatore ?) is taking care of the data • Noisy chamber/strips (have to be done): • Map of average noise at different FEB threshold and different applied voltages. • Map of dead strips and noisy strips

  9. Mean average noise vs TH

  10. Planning for data taking (this week)

  11. Data taking (coming Weeks) • MWGR is planned for Monday and Tuesday. We can decide to not go in. • Noise map for barrel and endcap • with MiniDAQ & random trigger • with Monitor online • However • No date for missing (few) chambers in endcap • TTU commissioning can not be done. It can be planned for the week after (25 of May). • in principle the noise should be studied in // with the efficiency. For the chamber performance we need DT or with TTU (when and if will be ready). It can be planned for June during CRUZET1 or between CRUZET1 and CRUZET2.

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