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Explore the institutional and general framework of pasture management, with an analysis of policy approaches in official planning documents by Enver AKSOY, showcasing the impact of climate change on Turkish livestock production and the initiatives taken to combat erosion and overgrazing.
Policy approaches of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestockto pasture management in the context of climate change Enver AKSOY, MSc Head of Strategy Development Board of MoFAL
INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK • Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MoFAL)is the most important institutional body making and implementing policy regarding livestock management, pasture management and pasture rehabilitation. • In this study, it is aimed to reflect the policy approaches of the MoFAL on pasture management and climate change by analyzing the planning documents.
FRAMEWORK OF PASTURE MANAGEMENT • Turkish livestock production is a predominantly small-scale activity, implementing traditional livestock production system with very low productivity which is found in up to 90% of farms. • Turkish livestock farming is extensive. • Due to insufficient and costly domestic fodder production, farm animals’ nutrient needs are mainly covered by grazing and so pressures on pastures. • Erosion is a major problem in the Country due to a combination of topographic, climatic, geological and soil conditions. • Unsuitably applied agricultural methods, destruction of forest and pasture areas and mismanagement of pasture lands by overgrazing have been contributing to the erosion problem.
POLICY APPROACHES-1 1. Ninth Development Plan (2007-2013) and Annual Programme 2012 • The Ninth Development Plan has been setting the national frameworkfor social and economic development of the country including the priorities and targets for all sectors in the long term. • The annual programmes and the annual investment programmes are the main means for the implementation of the development plan. • One of the priorities in the Annual Programme is stated as to change the Law on Pastures No 4342. • The management of pastures which was under the control of the government has been changed recently and the regulations to enable to rent the pastures by the private sector have been put into effect.
POLICY APPROACHES 2. Rural Development Plan (2010-2013) • RDP sets the priorities and policy framework for rural development in national basis. • RDP includes four strategic objectives for development of rural areas one of which is “Protection and Improvement of Rural Environment” settled as Strategic Objective 4. • Activities are; • preparation of grazing plans, • raising awareness of farmers on planned grazing, • natural terracing, afforestation to provide resting places for animals, • weed control, • supports to farmers for protection of pastures.
POLICY APPROACHES 3. IPARD Programme (2007-2013) • Programme has been prepared to use the funds of European Union (EU) allocated under the fifth component of Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). • Programme has been elaborated by the MoFAL in close cooperation with public institutions and involving the opinions of all relevant stakeholders: local authorities, social, economic and environmental partners, centres of knowledge, NGOs and universities. • Programme targets three problems related with agricultural activities and the use of land which are soil erosion, pressure on water resources and biodiversity.The measures under soil erosion are; • Conversion of arable land to permanent extensive pasture • Reduction of grazing period on eroded pastures • Management of soil cover and enhancement of rotation on arable land
POLICY APPROACHES 4. Strategic Plan (2010-2014) and Performance Programmes • The Plan determines five main strategic areas for the activities of the MoFAL which are agricultural production and security of supply, food safety, plant and livestock health, rural development and institutional capacity. • Six main priorities are identified. The second one is related to pastures and climate change; • 2-Development of agricultural infrastructure, protection and sustainable use of environment and natural resources, taking of measures to decrease the negative effects of natural disasters,
The actions include under the Prioritiy regarding pastures and climate change are; 1) the protection and sustainable use of agricultural land, 2) development and extension of agri-environmental implementations, 3) improvement and sustainable use of pastures, 4) establishment of early warning system 5) implementation of agricultural insurance 6) providing of the losses of farmers due to natural disasters. POLICY APPROACHES 4. Strategic Plan (2010-2014) and Performance Programmes 10/16
POLICY APPROACHES 4. Strategic Plan (2010-2014) and Performance Programmes • The measure protection and sustainable use of agricultural land includes the following activities; • Land evaluation studies based on land and soil analysis, • Preparation of land use plans, • Consolidation of land parcels and on-farm services. • The measure development and extension of agri-environmental implementations includes the following activities; • Studies on land classification and modelling, • Nitrate monitoring programmes for surface and ground water, • Soil analysis, • Agri-environmental implementations which are applied under a project called Environmentally Based Agricultural Land Protection Project.
POLICY APPROACHES 4. Strategic Plan (2010-2014) and Performance Programmes • The measure improvement and sustainable use of pastures includes the following activities; • Formation of inventory for pastures, • Preparation of maps and identification of borders, raising awareness, • Rehabilitation of pastures, erosion control.
The measure regarding establishment of early warning system includes the monitoring of risks like drought and flood which are caused by the climate change and establishment of an early warning system. The measure implementation of agricultural insurance includes the support payments accounting 50 % of the bills of farmers making agricultural insurance. The measure regarding providing of the losses of farmers due to natural disasters includes the payments made to farmers who suffer from the natural disasters to sustain their farming activity. POLICY APPROACHES 4. Strategic Plan (2010-2014) and Performance Programmes 13/16
The needed resources identified in Performance Programmes 2011 and 2012 14/16
CONCLUSION • Policy framework in existing policy documents refers mainly the structural problems of agriculture in the Country and targets generally the productivity, food quality and safety, modernisation of agriculture and food sector and integration to markets. • Environment related priorities are particularly found in every policy document in which pasture management is emphasised however the climate change policy implications have remained weak. • Irregular grazing (heavy, early, uncontrolled etc.) especially on the hillsides is specifically stressed in all policy documents since the extensive livestock farming is the major reason of degradation of the pastures in the Country.
CONCLUSION • Strategic Plan and Performance Programmesare themost comprehensive and detailed policy documents regarding the pastures and climate change. • Measures for decreasing the impacts of climate change.The needed resources for the interventions have been also identified. • Establishment of early warning systemandsupports for natural disasters and implementation of agricultural insuranceare policy interventions for adaptation purposes.
CONCLUSION • Resources in Performance Programme 2012 account for 6.5% of total budget showing significant increase of importance to pastures and climate change when compared with the Performance Programme 2011 (1.8%). • Activities are clearly identified with measurable indicators. • Strategic Plan 2013-2017 and Performance Programme2013 has been prepared.
THANK YOU… enver.aksoy@tarim.gov.tr