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ITIE2012: Libraries as Community Education Centers 5th International Conference on Information Technology in Education Hangzhou Public Library, Zhejiang Province, China, November 19 and 20th. Fundamentals of Library Development: Library Policy 图书馆发展基础 : 图书馆政策 Carol Priestley Director, NIDA
ITIE2012: Libraries as Community Education Centers5th International Conference on Information Technology in EducationHangzhou Public Library, Zhejiang Province, China, November 19 and 20th Fundamentals of Library Development: Library Policy 图书馆发展基础: 图书馆政策 Carol Priestley Director, NIDA 信息和数字网络主管
This presentation will include:演讲内容 • Introduction介绍 • Definition of library policy图书馆政策的定义 • Outline of international research findings 国际研究成果概要 • Process towards developing library policy 发展图书馆政策的过程 • Conclusion结论
Definitions:定义 ‘policy’ – in simple terms a plan of action or a statement of aims and objectives providing a framework for action 政策: 简单而言指一项行动计划或对宗旨和目标的陈述,它提供一个行动纲领。 i.e. a policy is developed with the intention to guide, influence and determine decisions, actions and other matters 也就是说,政策是用来指导、影响和决定决策、行动和其他事项。
Definitions:定义 ‘a national policy’: a statement of a government’s perception of and commitment to a particular sector 国家政策:声明一个政府对特定行业的看法和承诺 ‘a national library policy’: a framework for the planned and coordinated development of a country’s libraries; a plan of action and a statement of ideals proposed or adopted by government 国家图书馆政策:一个国家的图书馆计划和协调发展的框架; 由政府提出或采纳的行动目标和计划
Definitions:定义 In many countries ‘policy’ is not the same as ‘legislation’, ‘acts’, ‘guidelines’ or regulations. 在许多国家,“政策”与“法律”、“法规”、“准则”或“规则”是不一样的。 Legislation/acts: lay down statutory responsibilities; library policy must conform to relevant current law. Changes in the law usually necessitate the updating of an existing policy. 法律/法规:制订法定职责。 图书馆政策必须符合现行有关法律。 现有的政策通常需要随法律、法规的变化而更新。
Definitions:定义 Manuals of procedures, guidelines: provide guidance on the best and most efficient ways of implementing policy. 程序或准则手册:对政策的实施提供最好的和最有效的方法指导。 Regulations describe what must be done to support a policy. 规则描述对政策支持必须做的事项。
1. Landscape analysis景观分析 • 1950’s -’60’s: national policy frameworks were favoured and debated; truly national library systems were established as part of independence settlements; 20世纪50年代 - 60年代:国家政策框架得到支持和讨论, 建立了真正意 义上的全国性的图书馆系统 • 1970’s/80’s: UNESCO began to promote fully integrated library and information systems; 20世纪70年代/80年代:联合国教科文组织开始推动全面集成的 图书馆自动化信息系统; • 1990’s National Information Policies (NIPs), growing importance of Information for Development (I4D); 20世纪90年代:国家信息政策出台,发展信息的重要性日益增加
1. Landscape analysis景观分析 • 2000 – WSIS process, MDGs, ICT policies etc.; 2000年 - 信息社会世界峰会进程,千年发展目标, 信息和通信技术政策等; • 2007 – a renewed interest in establishment of national library policies – recognition to the role that libraries can and do play in information society + their importance to ‘bridge the digital divide’. 2007年 – 国家图书馆政策中重新重视的主题: 认识图书馆在信息社会中的角色及其在“弥合数字鸿沟”中 所起的重要作用。
2. Case Studies - i) Finland 案例研究 - i)芬兰 • Ministry of Education: Library Strategy 2010: Policy for Access to knowledge and culture 教育部:2010年图书馆战略:获取知识文化政策 • Ministry of Education: Finnish Public Library Policy 2015: national areas of focus 教育部:2015年芬兰公共图书馆政策:国家重点领域 Objective: “to ensure access to knowledge and cultural sources in a networking information, civil and learning society” 目标: 在网络信息的社会环境下,确保民众对知识和文化资源的获取。
Case study (ii) Namibia 案例研究 - ii)纳米比亚 • 1997: Ministry of Education publication of Information for Self-reliance and development: a policy framework for libraries and allied information agencies in Namibia 1997年: 教育部颁发 “自主和发展信息: 纳米比亚图书馆和相关信息机构政策框架” • 2004/2005: A number of national development reports 2004/2005: 许多国家发展报告 • The Namibian Libraries & Archives Service (NLAS) commissioned a strategic assessment and economic analysis of the library & information sector 纳米比亚图书馆和档案服务中心受委托对图书馆和信息行业进行了 战略评估和经济分析 • 2011: Revised fully integrated policy 2011: 修订的综合政策
Additional interesting developments 其它国家的发展 • Colombia National Network of Public Libraries: Introduction to the Law of Public Libraries – defines technical, financial and institutional instruments as well as the planning and coordination necessary to implement. Colombia has very modern and innovative approaches to public libraries and is now developing a public library policy, which may also include standards. • 哥伦比亚 全国公共图书馆网络:公共图书馆法 – 介绍所需的技术、筹资和机构手段以及必要的规划和协调方法。 哥伦比亚公共图书馆有非常现代和创新的方法。目前正在发展一种包括标准的公共图书馆政策。
All documents available from所有文献可从下面网址获取:http://www.nida-net.org/en/activities/national-policy/
Process towards development of library policy图书馆政策的发展过程 Context: library policies cannot be drawn up in isolation: - sector assessment & financial analysis are vital; - library policies should embrace or work alongside development planning and ICT, other sector policies; Require wide stakeholder involvement from the outset. 背景:不能孤立地发展图书馆政策: - 行业评估及财务分析是非常重要的; - 图书馆政策应遵循国家发展规划并与信息通信技术和其他行业 政策协调发展; 从一开始就需要利益相关者的广泛参与。
Sector assessment 行业评估 The demand for information & knowledge in the national strategic context • Constitution • Development Plans • Strategic plans from all related ministries (e.g. Education, Culture, Health, Agriculture) Specific issues e.g. Rural-Urban information divide, Distance Education etc.. Existing Legislation 在国家战略环境下对信息与知识的需求 • 宪法 • 发展计划 • 所有相关政府部门(如教育、文化、卫生、农业)的战略计划 特殊问题:例如城乡信息鸿沟、远程教育等。现行法例
Economic analysis 经济分析 Evaluation of past performance: budget appropriation sector priorities & expenditure by economic function Financing (funding) scenarios to be considered 对过去表现的评价: 预算拨款按经济功能划分的部门优先事项和支出 需考虑的融资(资金)方案
Economic analysis 经济分析 Options of library service to be considered Recommended way forward, including: economic justification for implementing financing and expenditure proposals cost benefit analysis of library services, with economic and social benefits to the economy 可考虑的图书馆服务 推荐的发展方向,包括:执行筹资和支出建议的经济理由图书馆服务的成本效益、经济效益和社会效益的分析
Development of draft policy 发展政策草案
Developing or using a model framework 发展或使用一个模型框架 1 Introduction 引言 2 Key Library Strategic Elements 图书馆战略要素 3 Infrastructure 基础设施 4 Services 服务 5 Advocacy 宣传 6 Performance Measurement & Impact Assessment 绩效测量与影响评价 7 Action Plan 行动计划 Completed using the information gathered in the sector assessment & the economic analysis 使用在行业评估和经济分析阶段收集到的信息来完成
Conclusions 结论 • library polices are one part of a much larger mosaic of development planning and other national policies e.g. education, culture, ICT, health, agriculture; • 图书馆政策是国家发展规划和其他政策的一部分,例如:教育、文化、卫生、农业、信息通信技术; • library policies arise out of political, economic and social needs and context of a country – they reflect a country’s library priorities in meeting development goals; • 图书馆政策产生于国家政治、经济和社会的需求 -反映了图书馆在实现国家发展目标的优先次序。 • library legislation authorizes the existence and responsibilities of a country’s libraries through its policy; • 图书馆立法认可和授权图书馆在一个国家的存在和责任;
Conclusions 结论 • national library policies once approved by the government provide a framework for the delivery of library services; • 一旦获得政府批准,国家图书馆政策提供图书馆服务框架; • the existence of a body within government facilitates a truly national library policy; • 政府相关机构的设置有利于推动真正意义上的国家图书馆政策; • national library strategies give libraries credibility & political visibility; • 国家图书馆战略提升图书馆的信誉和政治能见度; • Context specific: individual countries require individual approaches. • 特定环境:个别国家要求特别的做法。
Thank you … 谢谢… questions or comments welcome… 欢迎大家提问题或意见! Carol Priestley Director, NIDA Oxford, UK Email: info@nida-net.org Website: www.nida-net.org