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Dissemination of Mass Standards from the National Prototype by Thomas Mautjana

Dissemination of Mass Standards from the National Prototype by Thomas Mautjana. Presentation overview. Introduction Method description Traceability Conclusion. Introduction. Kg is the only SI unit that is still an artefact

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Dissemination of Mass Standards from the National Prototype by Thomas Mautjana

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dissemination of Mass Standards from the National PrototypebyThomas Mautjana

  2. Presentation overview • Introduction • Method description • Traceability • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Kg is the only SI unit that is still an artefact • Our mandate is to maintain and disseminate the value of the kilogram

  4. How do we disseminate the value of kg? • Weighing design is used to calibrate a set of weights using one reference standard • Subdivision and multiplication method • Calibrate in decades :D1 500, 200, 200*,100 • D2 50, 20, 20*,10 • D3 5, 2, 2*, 1 • etc D 6

  5. Weighings with 5221 structure

  6. Method description • To determine the values of all the unknown weights the normal equations would have to be orthogonal (i.e.withoutvariances) • To ensure orthogonality some of the equations may be omitted and some used more than once • Reference standard should be the defining (Head) weight

  7. Orthogonal design: 5221

  8. Calculation: Equations

  9. Calculation: Equations continues

  10. What about weights > 1kg • Define:(10) = M =10 u • u = (1) • thus (10) = 10(1)

  11. Method: Advantages and Disadvantages • Advantages: • Less use of reference weights • Use check weights • Produces no variances or co-variances • Lead to higher accuracies • Disadvantage: • Placing several weights on a pan

  12. Traceability Copy 56 E1 set of Transfer Standards E1 Working Standards 1kgTransfer Standards Customer Standards E2 Working Standards

  13. Conclusion • Orthogonal system produces no variances or co- variances • The most accurate method with self check • Customer standards are compared against the working standards and never and never will be compared against the national standard.

  14. Thank you

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