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10 th Grade Registration. Class of 2019!. OMHS Counseling Staff Kristi Wade- 9 th – 10 th A-K Jerry Riggins- 9 th - 10 th L-Z Bobby Deavers- 11 th -12 th A-K Pat Holder- 11 th – 12 th L-Z. Alabama High School Diploma.
10thGrade Registration Class of 2019!
OMHS Counseling Staff Kristi Wade- 9th – 10th A-K Jerry Riggins- 9th - 10th L-Z Bobby Deavers- 11th -12th A-K Pat Holder- 11th – 12th L-Z
Alabama High School Diploma In order to earn your diploma you must meet the following diploma requirements: • Earn 24 credits • Take four years of the CORE subjects (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies - 4 X 4 requirements) • Take 1 year PE or 2 years of band • Take 1 year of Career Preparedness • Take ½ year of Health • 3 Credits earned from the following elective areas: • Foreign Language and/or • Fine Arts and/or • Career Technical Education • 2.5 Credits of other electives
Alabama High School DiplomaSCBOE Advanced Academic Endorsement • Minimum of Algebra II / Trig • Chemistry • 2 consecutive years of the same foreign language • Fine Art Course • Minimum of 2 AP courses (or equivalent), one of which must be a COREsubject (English, Math, Science, or Social Studies)
Transcript Audit Credits • .5 Credits are earned each semester for every course passed. • 7 Credits per year are possible >To move to 10th grade- must earn a minimum of 6 credits during your 9th grade year. >To move to 11th grade- must earn a minimum of 12 Credits your 10th grade year. >To move to 12th grader- must earn a minimum of 18 Credits your 11th grade year. • To graduate- Pass all Core subjects, required electives, with a minimum of 24 Credits • Check Transcript against 4 year plan • GPA is Cumulative and is based on a 4.0 scale
Transcript Audit GPA • GPA is Cumulative and is based on a 4.0 but extra quality points are awarded for Honors, AP, and Dual Enrollment:
Valedictorian / Salutatorian Beginning with the Class of 2015 (and beyond), there will be one Valedictorian and one Salutatorian per graduating class. This is determined at the end of the 1st semester of Senior Year.
Honor and Advanced Placement Courses • Honors English • Honors Geometry • Honors Algebra II / Trig. • Honors Chemistry • AP US History (two year commitment) • AP European History • AP Computer Science
AP Computer Science Principles • Do you have an interest in 3-D animation, engineering, sports science, or medicine, etc.. • Do you like creative problem solving • Do you enjoy learning about Internet structures and important cyber security • Requires Alg. I
How do I decide if Honor courses or AP Courses are for me? • Current performance • Teacher Recommendation • Personal interest, aptitude, and commitment to work hard
Virtual Classroom 1. Open to any 10th-12th grader 2. Must have an overall 3.0 GPA 3. Must have made a B in the class the previous year...get teacher signature 4. Must have been an OMHS student the previous year
Science Changes Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year….. Zoology will ONLY be considered as an ELECTIVE. It will not count as a SCIENCE.
“GO AHEAD” Classes • Career Prep offered • Health will be offered during summer • Driver ed will be offered during summer
Process for completing the Registration Forms ___ Need teacher recommendations for Honors and AP classes in English, Science and History NO SIGNATURES = REGULAR CLASSES ___ Need math teacher’s recommendation for math class ______ By signing the Course Selection Sheet for AP classes you are committing to take the AP Exam and may not be able to get out of the class after May 26! ___ If you are overriding a teacher recommendation, Override Letters must be signed by the parent with an understanding that if placed in a higher class than recommended, you will not be able to move down. These need to be turned in with Course Selection Sheets. ___ Math override forms will need to be turned into Mr. DuBose in room 249 by the stated deadline! You must take a test to do a Math Override. No override test=next level class. ___ Shelby County CCC applications need to be completed and returned along with course selection sheets. See counselor ASAP if this applies to you.
Registration Deadline… Students will register for classes during their Science period on the following days: All materialswith teachers’ signatures and parent signatures must be complete to register! Biology- Thursday, 2/25 and Chemistry and Physical Science- Friday, 2/26
For More Information… Check out the complete Shelby County Academic Guide http://www.shelbyed.k12.al.us/instruction/doc/15-16_HSAG.pdf
Virtual Lockers • The virtual parking and locker lines will be open for RISING Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors on February 23 at 1:30. • For the virtual locker line, students will need their “s” number - located on your transcript. • You will go to a link on the school’s website to access the link to Virtual Lockers and Parking.
Credit Recovery/Summer School * Probably not offered at OMHS * USUALLY HELD IN MONTH OF JUNE * Athletes who fail core course (English, math, science and/or social studies) need to see counselor if you plan to play in college / NCAA rules
Additional Requirements Additional requirements include… • Aspire test spring of 10th grade • ACT test spring of 11th grade • WorkKeys test spring of 12thgrade
Community Service Requirement • 5 hours perschool year • Due April 15th each year • Counts as a 50 point project grade for the 4th 9-weeks of history class • Volunteer opportunities shared with us are put on announcements