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US Beef Safety Perception Study: Insight & Confidence 2004

Explore US consumer attitudes on 'Mad Cow' disease prevalence, confidence in food safety inspection, beef safety, and purchasing US beef.

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US Beef Safety Perception Study: Insight & Confidence 2004

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Widespread (Top 2 Box) Isolated (Bottom 2 Box) Seriousness Of Problem How widespread do you think 'Mad Cow' Disease is in the U.S.? Texture: Statistically significant change from previous data Base: Non-vegetarians aware of BSE who believe there is currently BSE in the U.S. Source: USMEF/IPSOS, Feb. 2004, Jul. 2004, Aug. 2004

  2. Confident (Top 2 Box) Not Confident (Bottom 2 Box) Confidence In U.S. Inspection System How confident are you in the U.S. food safety inspection system? Texture: Statistically significant change from previous data Base: Non-vegetarians Source: USMEF/Ipsos Public Affairs, Feb. 2004, Jul. 2004, Aug. 2004

  3. Confident (Top 2 Box) Not Confident (Bottom 2 Box) Confidence In U.S. Beef How confident are you that beef from the U.S. is a safe food? Texture: Statistically significant change from previous data Base: Non-vegetarians aware beef is imported from the U.S. Source: USMEF/Ipsos Public Affairs, Feb. 2004, Jul. 2004

  4. Confident (Top 2 Box) Not Confident (Bottom 2 Box) Confidence In Buying U.S. Beef Assuming U.S. beef is available in your market, how comfortable are you purchasing U.S. beef or a product that contains US beef today? Texture: Statistically significant change from previous data Base: Non-vegetarians Source: USMEF/Ipsos Public Affairs, Feb. 2004, Jul. 2004, Aug. 2004

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