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Welcome Coaches & Umpires. Sign-in procedures for interp. mtg. credit: Head coaches should sign-in on coaches’ sheets. Head coaches only. Assistant coaches’ signatures will be annotated as Assistants before submittal, so only Head Coaches should sign.
Welcome Coaches & Umpires • Sign-in procedures for interp. mtg. credit: • Head coaches should sign-in on coaches’ sheets. Head coaches only. Assistant coaches’ signatures will be annotated as Assistants before submittal, so only Head Coaches should sign. • Umpires not from the Delco Chapter should use green form for OTHER Chapters. • Umpires from the Delco Chapter should use the Secretary’s regular sign-in sheet.
Review of Major 2010 Changes • Bats (BESR, BBCOR) • Runner’s interference on foul fly ball • (runner, not batter, is out) • Behavior of Assistant Coaches • Dugout extensions (OK if away from home plate) • Charcoal gray slacks now an option for umpires • PIAA change: • Gorilla stance by pitcher (now OK, but no swinging)
OK now. Required in 2012.
Rule 7-4-1fBatter is Out • Rule Change • Runner’s Interference • “… any member of the offensive team or coach other than the runner(s) interferes with a fielder who is attempting to field a foul fly ball.” • Rationale: This rule change clarifies the responsibility of the runner and will have the runner, not the batter, declared out for the runner’s interference.
Rule 3-3-1g6 (Unsportsmanlike Bench & Field Conduct) • “Both the head coach and the offending coach shall be restricted to the dugout for the remainder of the game, or if the offense is judged severe enough, the umpire may eject the offender and restrict or eject the head coach.” Rationale: The behavior of some assistant coaches has become disruptive and counter-productive. The head coach is held responsible for his staff and players.
Rule 1-2-4The Field • “When the dugout area is temporarily extended, for any reason, it shall be extended toward the outfield on a line parallel to the foul line. The extension of the dugout area shall be equally applied for both teams.” • Rationale: Safety and equality.
Umpires’ SlacksRule 10-1-9 • Heather gray slacks are no longer required in the NFHS rule book; “..shall wear gray slacks.” • Rule change provides more flexibility in the type of gray slacks worn. • Umpires must still dress professionally, AND ALIKE, when on the playing field.
2011 NFHS Baseball Rules Changes B. Elliot Hopkins, CAA NFHS Baseball Rules Editor
2011 NFHS Changes: • Line-up cards • Legal bats • Padding of casts, splints, braces • Definition of a Foul Tip • Concussions • Last Time By
Rule 1-1-2Lineup Cards Head coaches of both teams are required by rule to submit a team’s lineup card which shall include: Player’s name; Jersey number; Player’s position; Team’s batting order of each starting player Name and jersey number of each eligible substitute; There is no penalty for adding eligible substitutes during a contest.
Rule 1-3-2Definition of a Baseball Bat • Legal wood, aluminum or composite bats shall: • Be one or multi-pieces, permanently assembled or two pieces with interchangeable barrel construction; • Not have exposed rivets, pins, rough or sharp edges or any form of external fastener that would present a hazard; • Be free of rattles, dents, burrs, cracks, sharp edges; • Bats that are broken, altered or deface the ball are illegal.
Rule 1-3-2bDefinition of a Baseball Bat • Taper • Optional transition area which connects the narrower handle to the wider barrel portion of the bat. • Tapers are not required to be smooth or round and are permitted to have holes and geometric shapes.
Legal Bats for the 2011 Season • Solid wood bats; • Aluminum bats that meet the Ball Exit Speed Ratio (BESR) performance standard; • That includes aluminum barrel bats with composite handles • Composite bats that meet the Ball Exit Speed Ratio (BESR) performance standard and have been re-tested and granted a waiver from the NFHS (see list on the NFHS Website http://www.nfhs.org/content.aspx?id=4155).
Rule 1-3-2eBaseball Bat Rule • #1 All non-wood bats must meet the Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) and Accelerated Break-In (ABI) performance standard. • BBCOR certification is labeled on the barrel of the bat with a silkscreen or other permanent certification mark, which shall be rectangular, a minimum of a ½” on each side of the barrel of the bat in any contrasting color.
Rule 1-3-2eBaseball Bat Rule #2 The composition (aluminum or composite) of the non-wood bat must be clearly labeled on the barrel of the bat with a silkscreen or other permanent certification mark, which shall be rectangular, a minimum of a ½” on each side of the barrel of the bat in any contrasting color
Rule 1-5-8Padded Casts/Braces Knee and ankle braces which are unaltered from the manufacturer’s original design/production do not require any additional padding. The rule (1-4-2) still applies for the pitcher that he cannot wear any item on his hands, wrists or arms which may be distracting to the batter. That includes a cast, guard, brace, splint, etc., that is white, gray or anything distracting on the pitcher’s arms.
Rule 2-16-2Definition of a Foul Tip • Foul Tip: • Struck ball must go directly to the catcher’s hand or mitt. • Can only be caught by the catcher. • A strike is added to the batter’s count. • Ball remains in play.
Rule 3-1-5Concussions • Possible signs and symptoms: • Loss of consciousness • Headache • Dizziness • Confusion • Balance problems • Staggering around • “When in doubt, sit him out!”
Rule 3-1-5Concussions Only health-care professionals can determine if a player has actually experienced a concussion. Officials are asked to observe and if they see a player who exhibits the signs or symptoms of a concussion, immediately remove him from the game. “Hey coach; please take a look at this guy and make sure he’s all right.” He shall not return to play until cleared by an appropriate health-care professional.
Rule 8-2-6LLast Time By Does not exempt a runner from his running responsibilities, nor does it forgive him for intentionally trying to gain an advantage while running the bases. On the previous slide, R1 intentionally tried to gain an unfair advantage by missing a significant area of the field heading to home. Even though he touched third base on his “last time by,” he is subject to being called out by a proper appeal for his intentional unsporting act. (My question: is the appeal for LTB or for the unsportsman-like act? State Interpreter is seeking an explanation…)
2011 NFHS Points of Emphasis: • Good sporting behavior outside the field • Rolling and altering of bats • Checking bats and equipment • Concussion recognition / management • Lightning safety