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Objectives. Cholesterol MetabolismFactors affecting Cholesterol metabolismEtiologies
1. Controversies in Management of Lipids in Children & Adolescents Ramin Alemzadeh, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Director, CHW Diabetes Center
Medical College of Wisconsin
2. Objectives Cholesterol Metabolism
Factors affecting Cholesterol metabolism
Etiologies & Prevalence of Hypercholesterolemias
Cholesterol as a cardiovascular risk factor
Approaches of Cholesterol Screening
Discuss the use of lipid lowering therapy & recommendations for use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (STATINS)
4. Role of Cholesterol in The Body Importance of cholesterol synthetic pathway in body
component in cell membranes
cell proliferation
transmembrane signaling and important cellular functions
Importance of cholesterol in the brain
Important component in myelin sheaths
Brain cholesterol accounts for 25% of total body store
Promotes Synaptogenesis & neuronal plasticity
Precursor for steroid hormones such as cortisol, aldosterone, estrogen and testosterone
Precursor for bile salts
5. Etiologies of Hypercholesterolemia Primary causes (genetic defects)
Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (heFH)-AD
Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
Familial combined hyperlipidemia (hyperapobetalipoproteinemia)
Polygenic hypercholesterolemia
Secondary causes
Immunosuppressive Rx in oncology & transplant patients
Antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected children
Use of steroids
Systemic lupus erythematosus What type of conditions does one see in a Lipid Clinic?
hFH. Autosomal dominant . Effects 1 in 500 persons (one of the most common genetic conditions).
Familial combined hyperlipidemia 1 or 2/100 in the general population.What type of conditions does one see in a Lipid Clinic?
hFH. Autosomal dominant . Effects 1 in 500 persons (one of the most common genetic conditions).
Familial combined hyperlipidemia 1 or 2/100 in the general population.
6. Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (heFH) Autosomal dominant mode of inheritance
Prevalence: 1 in 500 worldwide
Total cholesterol: 270-500 mg/dL
~50% of men experience a cardiovascular event (CVE) by age 50 years
Only 15% of men reach 65 years without experiencing a CVE
7. Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia Total Cholesterol > 500 mg/dL
Relatively normal TG
Severe Defect in LDL receptor
Occurs in about 1 in 1 million persons
Tuberous or tendon xanthomas
Symptoms of vascular disease before puberty
Rarely survive beyond 2nd decade of life
Little or no response to drugs
Respond to plasmapheresis and LDL- apheresis
8. Concentrations of Total and LDL Cholesterol Among Children & Adolescentsin the U.S. NHANES 1999 to 2006 for participants 6 to 17 years of age.
The mean concentration of total cholesterol among participants 6 to 17 years of age was 163.0 mg/dL (n=9868).
The mean concentration for LDL-C for participants 12 to
17 years of age was 90.2 mg/dL (n=2724).
An elevated concentration of total cholesterol (95th% for age & gender: 191-208 mg/dL) for 9.6% to 10.7%.
An elevated concentration of LDL-C (95th% for age & gender: 133-137 mg/dL) was noted for 5.2% to 6.6% of participants.
Approximately 0.8% (n=26) of adolescents 12 to 17 years of age were potentially eligible for pharmacological treatment for elevated concentrations of LDL-C.
9. Concentrations of Total and LDL Cholesterol Among Children & Adolescentsin the U.S.
10. Cholesterol is a Risk Factor Not a Disease
11. The Atherosclerotic Process in Children Atherosclerotic disease begins in childhood
Autopsies of young Korean and Vietnam veterans
Pathobiological Determinants of atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY): victims of accidental trauma, suicide, or homicide
Bogalusa Heart Study: victims of accidents or suicide
Lipid levels show strong genetic & environmental components:
Monogenic dyslipidemias
High fat diet, polygenic disorders and environmental causes like obesity are the most common causes of hypercholesterolemia in children
12. Atherosclerosis Begins in Childhood
13. The Effects of Multiple Risk Factors on the Extent of Atherosclerosis Vascular endothelial dysfunction initiates atherosclerotic process
Extent of atherosclerotic lesions correlated with elevations in:
Total cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
Blood Pressure
14. The function of the vascular endothelium: Progression to Atherosclerosis Regulation of vascular tone
Controls vascular cell growth, particularly smooth muscle proliferation
Controls leukocyte and platelet adhesion by secretion of selectins and adhesion molecules
Thrombotic and fibrinolytic properties
Endothelial dysfunction-
leads to Increased intima media thickening (IMT) and atherosclerotic plaque
What causes increased IMT? Not inert pipes. Continually in movement and extremely active metabolically.What causes increased IMT? Not inert pipes. Continually in movement and extremely active metabolically.
16. Carotid artery IMT as a surrogate for coronary artery disease The Muscatine study found an association between increased carotid IMT and coronary calcification in young adults. (Circulation 1999;100:838-842).
The Multicenter Anti-Atheroma study showed that IMT of the carotid bulb was associated with coronary stenosis in adults with coronary disease (r=0.68, p=0.01). (Stroke 1997;28:1189-1194).
The Rotterdam Study found that the risk of a first myocardial infarction increased when the baseline mean IMT was 0.822 mm or greater, and the risk of stroke when the mean IMT was 0.75 mm or greater. (Circulation 1997;96:1432-7).
Risk factor profile in 12- to 18-year-old adolescents predicts adult cIMT independently of contemporaneous risk factors (Raitakari et al JAMA 2003; 290: 2227-2283).
Numerous adult studies have shown statin therapy prevents the progression of carotid IMT or reduces carotid IMT.
17. Carotid IMT in Young Patients with heFH 28 patients (11-27 years of age;12M/16F) with FH vs 28 controls
cIMT (0.71?0.15 vs 0.49?0.08 mm;p<0.001)
cIMT correlated with:
Total cholesterol
Systolic BP
18. Usefulness of Childhood Lipoprotein Measures in Predicting Adult SubclinicalAtherosclerosis: The Bogalusa Heart Study
19. Early Surrogate Markers of Atherosclerosis in Children & Adolescents Mean carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT)1
Flow-mediated dilatation of the brachial artery (FMD): vascular dilatation and nitric-oxide response to ischemia2
Electron beam computer tomography (EBCT): coronary calcifications3
Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): plaque burden & composition in common carotid artery and abdominal aorta
20. Coronary Artery Plaque (CAP) Scanning Approximate amounts of lipid Rich, fibrotic, & calcified plaque:
Lipid Rich-33%
Fibrotic & calcified-20%
CAP can be visualized by B-mode U/S
Calcified plaque is detectable by electron beam computer tomography (EBCT)
Multi-Slice (64-slice) CT
21. Usefulness of EBCT in Adolescents & Young Adults with heFH 29 youths 11 to 23 years old with FH
Significant coronary calcification in 7 out of 29
Increased BMI was associated with the presence of coronary calcium
No other risk factors (i.e., gender, LDL-C level, family history of CAD, tobacco use, etc) were associated with the presence of coronary calcium
22. Original National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP)-1992
NCEP guidelines
Classification Total cholesterol LDL
High > 200 ? 130
Borderline 170-199 110-129
Acceptable < 170 < 110
23. National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) & AHA Recommendations in Children >2 years of age with parental CHD or a first degree family history of premature CVD
AHA* Steps I & II Diets: 6-12 months
Dietary supplements: fiber, antioxidants, fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids), etc
Physical activity
Statin therapy in children 10 years and older
24. Original NCEP Guidelines-1992
Lipid-lowering Drug Treatment
Child at least 10 years of age
LDL-C > 160 mg/dL c/ family hx of premature CVD or 2 risk factors*
LDL-C > 190 mg/dL c/out family hx or 2 risk factors*
Treatment goal: LDL-C<110 mg/dL
*HDL-C<35, smoking, DM, obesity, HTN, lack of exercise
25. Current NCEP Modifications* Overweight & obese should trigger screening
Screen overweight & obese with lipid abnormality for metabolic syndrome
Statin is first-line Rx for children meeting the criteria for lipid-lowering drugs
Additional risk factors or high-risk conditions may lower cut point for LDL-C level and age (8 years) for initiation of Rx:
Male gender
HDL-C<35, ? TG, & ? VLDL
Features of metabolic syndrome
Diabetes, HIV infection, SLE, organ transplantation, cancer survivors
Current smoking and passive smoke exposure
? Lipoprotein(a), ? homocysteine & ? C-reactive protein
27. Pharmacotherapy Drugs of choice
Bile acid sequestrants (BAS)- cholestyramine, colestipol
proven efficacy and safety
Alternative therapy
Niacin alone or in combination with BAS
Fibric acid derivatives or fibrates
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins)
29. Hydroxamethylglutaryl-CoA(HMG-CoA) Reductase Inhibitors Recent studies have focused on statins
7 Short-term and Long-term Clinical trials
Efficacy similar to adult patients
? LDL-C by 18-35%
pravastatin 5-20 mg/d
lovastatin 10-40 mg/d
simvastatin 10 mg/d
atrovastatin 10-20 mg/d
30. Efficacy of 6-month Statin Therapy in Children with Familial Hypercholesterolemia
31. Does Long-term Statin Therapy Affect Cardiovascular Outcomes in Pediatric FH? Two-year pravastatin therapy1
Lowered LDL-C & TC
Lowered carotid IMT
No effect on LFTs or CPK
No effect on growth or other endocrine functions
No effect on pubertal hormones or maturation
Two-year pravastatin therapy:LDLR genotype (defective vs null) influenced clinical response to pravastatin2
Lowered LDL-C & TC
Lowered carotid IMT
32. Impact of Statins on Vascular End points
33. Potential Effects of Statin Therapy on Steroid Synthetic Pathway Inhibition of this steroid pathway by a statin may have pleiotropic effects
Influencing antioxidant activity
Intracellular processes:
signal transduction
cell proliferation
Structural components
Synthesis of Steroid hormones
34. Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome Autosomal recessive disorder
Caused from mutation in the DHCR7 gene
Located at 11q12-13
Encodes for sterol-?7-reductase
Defects in sterol-?7-reductase
Build up of 7-dehydrocholesterol
Deficiency of cholesterol
Common characteristics:
Multiple malformations at birth.
Mental retardation later.
1 in 20,000 people of central European decedents.
Rare in Africans and Asians.
35. Statin Toxicities in Adults Hepatotoxicity:<0.1%: 2:1 female to male> 60 yrs
Myotoxicity: 0.5% lovastatin
Statin use with other CYP3A4 inhibitors also increase risk of myopathy: i.e., cyclosporin, erythromycin, azole antifungals
Rhabdomyolysis: ? depletion of mevalonate, farnesol, geranylgeraniol, and mitochondrial ubiquinone
Peripheral Neuropathy: ? small risk; exacerbated in diabetics
Teratogenicity: CNS and cardiac anomalies due to inhibition of cholesterol synthesis and alteration of sterol-dependent morphogens by the lipophilic statins crossing the placenta
Cognitive effects: ? Not conclusive
Cancer: ? Not conclusive
36. Systematic Review & Meta-analysis of Statins for heFH in Children: Evaluationof Cholesterol Changes and Side Effects The search yielded 2,174 titles.
Of the 63 studies retrieved and reviewed 56 were excluded.
7 randomized control trials (RCTs) were included in the systematic review, and 4 were included in the meta-analysis.
Significant heterogeneity was detected due to methodological differences & concerns:
Suboptimal blinding
Absence of intention-to-treat in 6 trials despite stated intention
Suboptimal RCT quality criteria
Gender distribution and duration
The meta-analysis showed significant LDL lowering, HDL elevation, and increases in height and weight with statins.
The meta-analysis could not be performed for many side effects of statins, but individual trials showed no significant side effects.
37. Systematic Review & Meta-analysis of Statins for heFH in Children: Evaluationof Cholesterol Changes and Side Effects
38. Systematic Review & Meta-analysis of Statins for heFH in Children: Evaluationof Cholesterol Changes and Side Effects
Many authors or institutions were duplicated or acknowledged in multiple trials.
All 7 trials disclosed funding from pharmaceutical sources, which in each case was the manufacturer of the statin under investigation.
This bias may explain why no negative trials of statins for pediatric heFH have been published.
This also may explain the lack of intention-to-treat analysis in many trials.
External funding is a known cause of positive publication bias.
Meta-analysis showed significant LDL lowering with statin treatment.
Further studies, including epidemiologic and multicenter studies, are required.
39. Statins: Compliance & Safety in Children Compliance high but therapy was brief
duration- 24 weeks to 2 year
drop-out rates low
studies have been underpowered for safety
elevation of liver transaminases in 1% to 5% of children
No myopathy has been reported
effects on growth & development may not be evident for years
Adverse events such as headache and flu-like and GI symptoms and/or sore throat were reported in about 64% and 65% of statin and placebo treated patients, respectively
40. Clinical Effects of Statins in Adults: Relevance to Pediatrics Distinguish primary vs secondary intervention studies in adults
Statin therapy is aimed at mitigating the thrombogenic potential of existing plaque in adults
Statins have decreased cardiac mortality without showing reduction in total mortality in adults
Aggressive lipid-lowering in children based on studies in adults is not justified
Prevention of atherosclerotic plaque development and maturation in children is the goal of statin therapy
41. Conclusions Lack of definitive long-term data on the effect of drug therapy on preventing CHD in children & adolescents
Long-term safety of most lipid lowering agents in children is unknown- Bile acid sequestrans are the safest option
Balance unknown risks of treatment against estimated risk of premature CHD
Statin therapy is recommended in adolescents with heFH
? Primary prevention strategy in high risk asymptomatic children: independent clinical trials are needed
Assess the use of various biomarkers including hs-CRP cutoffs in developing therapeutic strategies in adolescents
Noninvasive imaging of childhood atherosclerosis can spare traditionally at-risk children with heFH from risk of unnecessary pharmacotherapy
? use of statins versus life-style changes in adolescents with T2DM and MS at higher risk of CVD than those with heFH