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Blood Glucose Sensor System

Blood Glucose Sensor System. -Yashwanth Prakash. Application. Establish a wireless communication link between an implantable glucose-sensor and a phone/computer for emergency/records purposes. Motivation/Problem Definition. Extreme cases of blood glucose level Hyperglycemia (>110 mg/dl)

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Blood Glucose Sensor System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Blood Glucose Sensor System -Yashwanth Prakash

  2. Application • Establish a wireless communication link between an implantable glucose-sensor and a phone/computer for emergency/records purposes.

  3. Motivation/Problem Definition • Extreme cases of blood glucose level • Hyperglycemia (>110 mg/dl) • Hypoglycemia (<70 mg/dl) • Sudden fluctuations of glucose level • Unconsciousness, Permanent organ failure, Paralysis • Fatality within few minutes • Patient not able to react to the warning message by the glucose sensor monitor.

  4. Architecture

  5. Design Sensor Human interface Tx PC Rx Phone DTMF

  6. Conclusion • Very useful system for saving lives. • Simple and easy to implement with the existing technology.

  7. Future work • Can be extended to mobile phones to make it more flexible. • Computers can be made to communicate (via internet) with the doctor’s database for records purpose and remote consulting.

  8. Thank You !!

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