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SPL Integration Layout Impact on cryo and vacuum sectorisation

SPL Integration Layout Impact on cryo and vacuum sectorisation. ◊ Underground obstacles, constraints on slope and length of the SPL. ◊ Continuous cryostat and warm magnet options. ◊ Location of the surface buildings and of the main service shaft.

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SPL Integration Layout Impact on cryo and vacuum sectorisation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SPL IntegrationLayout Impact on cryo and vacuum sectorisation ◊ Underground obstacles, constraints on slope and length of the SPL ◊ Continuous cryostat and warm magnet options ◊ Location of the surface buildings and of the main service shaft ◊ Preliminaryintegration, impact of the position of the couplers Sylvain Weisz – SPL Cryogenic and vacuum sectorisation – 9 Nov 2009

  2. Transfert line to PS2 Personnel passage Emergency exit shaft Material access and services shaft Personnel passage Personnel and material access shaft SPL tunnel Klystron gallery Linac4 Personnel passage Emergency exit shaft

  3. TI2 injection line n_TOF target Computer Center Underground obstacles

  4. Computer Center RP requires a shielding of 6.9m of earth to keep Bld 513 a non designated area  sets the altitude of Linac4 A. Kosmicki & M. Poehler

  5. n_TOFtarget area 160µSr/h in Klystron gallerie for 7 1012 ppp on n_TOFtarget (20 GeV, 0.33Hz) A. Kosmicki & M. Poehler

  6. TI2 injection line to LHC SPL tunnel or SPL to PS2 transfert line crosses TI2 fromabove A. Kosmicki & M. Poehler

  7. Constraints on slope and length of the SPL Computer Center n_TOFtarget area Linac 4 SPL tunnel – slope = 1.7% TI2 injection line Transfert line to PS2 – slope = 8.4% ~550m

  8. SPL "baseline" layout Cold continuous cryostat 5 Gev version (HP): 23 x β=1 modules + 2 de-modulator modules extraction regions to Isolde and Eurisol 10 x β=.65 modules length = 121 m  SPL length = 527.38 m 4 Gev version (LP): 18 x β=1 modules + 2 de-modulator modules extraction regions to Isolde and Eurisol  SPL length = 452.58 m T. Renaglia

  9. Continuous cryostat and warm magnet options "Compact" version (gain on interconnections):  5 Gev version (HP):SPL length = 485.14 m (-42.24 m with respect to "baseline") "Warm quadrupole" version (withseparatecryoline):  5 Gev version (HP):SPL length = 535.92 m (+8.54 m with respect to "baseline")

  10. ~170m ~150m Material access and services shaft Personnel and material access shaft SPL tunnel Klystron gallery Location of the surface buildings and of the main service shaft

  11. Downstreamlimit of main service shaft Too far, assume 320m max. A. Kosmicki & M. Poehler

  12. Verypreliminaryintegration issue: Position of the power couplers SPL Tunnel Machine & Tunnel Services JMB 03-07-2009 Preferred to initial model  if we have manywaveguide between the two tunnels J-M. Bianco

  13. Couplersfromabovewouldbe accessible • Waveguide network would block access to • couplersfrombelow (+ probes, controls, • water cooling pipes, etc…) • Wouldneed a larger tunnel to access • from the otherside of the modules • (Compatibility withcryoline?) J-M. Bianco

  14. Summary • SPL would have a 1.7% slope • 550m shouldbeconsidered as a maximum length(includingdebuncher and vertical bend to PS2) • A warm magnet option justfits in the footprint • Surface buildings and main shaftscanbelocatedaround the mid-point of the SPL • It wouldbe a bigadvantage to install the power couplersfromabove

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