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Diagnostics for hybrid reactors

Diagnostics for hybrid reactors. Francesco Paolo Orsitto ENEA FUSION Technical Unit C R Frascati(Italy) FUNFI VARENNA 2011. Outline. Hybrid reactor (HR) models considered and their characteristics : relation to ITER and relevance for DEMO

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Diagnostics for hybrid reactors

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  1. Diagnosticsforhybridreactors Francesco Paolo Orsitto ENEA FUSION Technical Unit C R Frascati(Italy) FUNFI VARENNA 2011

  2. FUNFI Varenna 2011 Outline • Hybridreactor (HR) modelsconsidered and theircharacteristics: relation to ITER and relevancefor DEMO • HR : a small,low power DEMO with a (more) complexblanket( fusion + fission) . • Criteriadetermining the diagnosticsystemsneededfor HR • ClassificationofDiagnosticsystems:i) machineprotection;ii) basic plasma control (incl. DT reaction );iii)divertorcontrol;iv) diagnosticsforblanket (neutron source and transuranicburn) • Requirement on measurements • Technology / R&Dneeded • Conclusion and further work

  3. FUNFI Varenna 2011 References and contribution • W M StaceyFus Sci & Tech 2007(SABR design) • M KotschenreuterFusEngDes 2009(ST design) • M WangFusEngDes 2010 ( Blanket FDS) • Y Wu IAEA Conference Geneva 2008 (paper FT/P3-21) • Contributions • M Angelone , M Pillonfordiamonddetectorsdetectors • M Ciotti,J Manzano, F Crisanti, A Botrugnoforuseful and livelydiscussions

  4. FUNFI Varenna 2011 TokamakHybridreactor (HR) models

  5. FUNFI Varenna 2011 FDS-1 model FDS-I China design

  6. FUNFI Varenna 2011 Georgia Model –SABR

  7. FUNFI Varenna 2011 Comparison between FEB/FDS-I (EM) and SABR Tokamak major radius R0=3.75-4 m Tokamakhigh aspectratio A=3.4-4 ( higherthan ITER A=3) Medium magneticfield B=5-6T (like ITER) Medium-High current IP=6-8MA( 0.5*IP ITER) Relatively low norm beta bN=2-2.8(like ITER) HIPB98 =1-1.1 Main scenario : H-mode Pulsed mode Q=Pfus/Pheating=3 ( Q ITER =5-10)

  8. FUNFI Varenna 2011 ComparisonbetweenHybridReactor(HR) and ITER & relevanceof HR to DEMO Difference of HR with respect to ITER is the availability : 75% is supposed for HR While for ITER presently it’s 4%. The HR Tokamak can be considered a prototype at small scale of DEMO The HR availability is that hypotesized for a small ( R0=3m) , LOW Q (low performance) DEMO With a complex blanket: FUSION + FISSION The Q_HRfactorisof the orderof 5-7 timesthatpossible on JET at present And about½- 1/3 of Q-ITER. Q_HR = 5-7 Q_JET Q_HR = ½-1/3 Q_ITER Q_HRis intermediate between JET and ITER

  9. Criteria determining the diagnostics needed for Hybrid Tokamak as neutron source The plasma scenario is supposed assessed : no measurements dedicated to physics /scenario evaluation The engineering would permit the insertion of DIA for scenario ev. If needed. The measurements ARE NEEDED for 1. the CONTROL of the scenario ( including DT reactions and neutron production) 2. the safety of the device ( including the divertor and PWI) 3. Monitor the Blanket Modules dedicated to the tritium breeding

  10. Criteria determining Diagnostics needed for Hybrid Reactor(HR) HR asneutron source forfission The measurements ARE NEEDED to monitor the fissionofMaintransuranic(TRU) elements the secondary ( fromfission) neutron production energy production fromfission

  11. FUNFI Varenna 2011 ITER assessed Diag Plan

  12. FUNFI Varenna 2011 An example of DIA set for tokamak : Diagnostics of JT-60SA

  13. FUNFI Varenna 2011 An example of control plan :Control plan JT-60SA

  14. FUNFI Varenna 2011 Tokamak/neutron source measurements and diagnostics

  15. FUNFI Varenna 2011 Tokamak/neutron source Control Plan

  16. FUNFI Varenna 2011 Blanket modules example from China FDS(*) FDS I Hybrid Blanket design General scheme of a blanket for hybrid M Wang Fusion Engineering Design 2010 Y Wu Fusion Engineering Design 2006

  17. FUNFI VARENNA 2011 Proposed scheme of blanket

  18. FUNFI VARENNA 2011 Isotopes and decays

  19. FUNFI VARENNA 2011 Blanket diagnostics The blanketdiagnosticsneedformeasuring : The contentofisotopes ( measurementalphalinesofvariousradionuclides) The neutronmultiplication ( neutronflux / neutronspectroscopy) Tritiumbreeding ( monitorsoftritium) Sensors can beinserted in the : FUEL zone Tritiumbreeding zone Outside the vessel

  20. FUNFI VARENNA 2011 Meaurement of Isotopes The measurementofisotopes can becarried out both : Usingalphaparticlemonitorsinsertedinto the blanket verycloseto the containersofling life isotopes to monitor on line the ‘transmutation’ of long livedisotopes ii) Usingoff-linealphaparticlespectroscopy Sensors for alpha particle detection and spectroscopy in the range of 4-5MeV can be syntetic diamond diodes with technology and electronics Well known and tested These diodes have also a very good resistence to the high neutron flux

  21. FUNFI VARENNA 2011 Neutron and gamma ray measurements Sensors for neutron can be inserted into the blanket in particular in the fuel zone As well as outside the vessel The technology for this detection is well known The gamma spectroscopy in particular made using high resolution Measurements by Ge detectors can be useful to characterize both Plasma and secondary gamma derived from decay of radionuclides.

  22. FUNFI VARENNA 2011 Parametersimportantfordeterminingthe requirements on measurements Neutron flux Q=3 , Pheating =50MW , A=4 and R0=3m

  23. Requirements on measurements

  24. Requirements on measurements

  25. FUNFI VARENNA 2011 DIA for Hybrids :R&D Needs Tokamak /neutron source : Erosionofdivertor Lostalpha probe Blanket : Fuel Zone Test of Diamond detectors as Alpha particle diagnostic inside

  26. conclusions • Tokamak for Hybrid concept is located between ITER • and a low power proto-DEMO • HR Tok :Q=3, availability 75%, long pulses (months?) • ITER: Q=5-10, pulse duration 400s, availability 4% • Diagnostics for hybrid share some characteristics with a low power • proto-DEMO Diagnostic system: • No scenario evaluation , • monitor of main kinetic quantities, • control of MHD Stability and current profile via Current Drive • Diagnostics for the safety of the machine( Divertor erosion monitor) • Diag systems can be used also to monitor the FUEL zone of the blanket • Through the measurements of alpha decay of long term actinides

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