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Nuclear Medicine Mentoring Program. Simin Dadparvar, MD American College of Nuclear Physician. Residents as Future Leaders.
Nuclear Medicine Mentoring Program Simin Dadparvar, MD American College of Nuclear Physician
Residents as Future Leaders • The College of nuclear physicians values the future practice of nuclear medicine. This program is established to support and train the nuclear medicine residents and fellows to start and implement a successful career. • Planning leadership classes for nuclear medicine trainees • Mentorship program • Where to find the jobs • How to write your curriculum vitae (academic VS non academic centers) • Basic interview skills
Residents as Future Leaders II • How to negotiate a contract • Transitioning from class to career • Networking your job connection • Consultant role of nuclear medicine physicians • Create a work ethic for career success • Leasing the NM department from the hospital • Running a successful out patient NM center: cardiology, mobile PET, etc. • Telemedicine application in nuclear medicine • Nuclear Medicine outreach program The operation of PET/CT, who is responsible to read? State licensing for techs needs • Other……..
ACNP’s Mentorship Program • “Networking [or mentoring] is first about building relationships. If approached with respect and honesty, there does not have to be anything exploitive, apologetic, or schmoozy about it.” Karen Young Kreeger • Remember, both parties bring value to networking and mentoring relationship.
Wise friend Odysseus entrusted to educate his son Telemachus when he went off to fight the Trojan war.
“Our Chief Want in Life Is Somebody who shall make us what we can be” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Why Mentor Nuclear Medicine Residents? • Make Nuclear Medicine residents more successful in residency and in transition to practice. • Improve Nuclear Medicine residency program and the department. • Guide how nuclear medicine physicians should practice? • Impact and/or give back to the specialty.
ACNP’s Organizational Goals in Mentoring • To assist the nuclear medicine trainees, i.e. residents, fellows & researchers to fully develop their professional career, through a support system that augments guidance by nuclear medicine residency program directors. • To complement ACNP’s priority to recruit, retain and develop job opportunities for the competent and qualified nuclear medicine physicians and researchers in USA. • To implement the proven success strategies of mentoring in career development in nuclear medicine field.
The “ACE” Mentor • A…. Accessible • C…. Chemistry • E…. Expertise
Mentoring Goals • Increase potential for academic success, thus increase number of trainees who do well in program and pass the ABNM exam. • Increase collaboration and net working opportunities. • Provide a structured system for strengthening and assuring the continuity of the nuclear medicine physicians and researchers as a specialist.
Mentoring Objectives • Resident and/or fellow as mentee will select a junior or senior ACNP member who will guide them in preparing for the future job opportunities in academic centers, private practice and/or industry. • The relationship between mentor and mentee should be kept professional and confidential.
How to find the best Mentor • There is a myth that mentoring-beyond the medical school period-shows weakness. • The residents & fellows have no longer the luxury of time to experiment and fail in this rapidly changing, productivity oriented, competitive environment. • Assuming an unfamiliar responsibilities needs guidance from mentors to learn the written and unwritten rules. • Mentorship relationships ultimately helps both individuals and nuclear medicine professionals to reach their goals.
Mentors are all around you • Clarify your needs as crisply as possible. Determine what you need most. Identify individuals of any rank who can help you with each of your needs. • Recognize what mentors can and can not do. They can offer valuable advice, be a sounding board, provide a boost to your confidence, smooth your path, and help you survive crisis. But your effort would make it happen to reach your goal.
Mentor Part teacher, counselor, parent
Mentors are all around you • Respect the time limits available for mentoring in today’s time-pressured world. If your mentor is across USA, take track of time and his/her busy schedule when trying to establish contact. • Recognize that mentoring is mutually rewarding, reciprocal relationship. You have skills and obligation to give something back to your mentor. Show appreciation to your mentor and build his/her reputation as a skilled and desired resource.
“ A strong leader knows if he develops his associates he will be even stronger ” -James F. Lincoln
How to approach your Mentor? • The way not to approach your mentor is to ask: ”Please be my mentor” • Instead ask explicitly for what you have determined your need, and the estimated time you may require for assistance. • Let your mentor know that you will be available to provide whatever expertise you can if required.
Mentoring Responsibilities-I • Mentee: ask for career, professional and personal advice on issues of education, research, marketing, academic and private practice job prospects, salary negotiation, be available for net working opportunities and introduction to key individuals by mentors.
Mentoring Responsibilities-II • Mentor: guide mentee in professional and personal issues; participation in open, honest goal setting and feed back in career development; introduce mentee to individuals who can facilitate professional advancement, advising for further training as needed in cardiology, oncology, Positron Emission Tomography, Computed Axial Tomography, etc.
Mentoring Responsibilities-III • Both: 1.Complete Mentor/Mentee Agreement and send to: Nikki Wenzel Lambert, MBA American College of Nuclear Physicians 1850 Samuel Morse Drive Reston, VA 20191 2.Participate in yearly evaluation.
Mentoring Time Commitment • 1-3 year partnership beginning in the 1st or 2nd year of the mentees nuclear medicine residency, continuing through the first year advancement to practice as nuclear medicine physician or scientist after graduation. • Contact: established by mentee. • Recommended guidelines: monthly contact through e-mail and/or telephone, more frequent contacts, at agreed upon intervals.
Benefit to Mentee • Guidance in proper involvement in educational and research activities, facilitating the advancement to employment in an appropriate job environment. • Feed back on academic progress. • Acknowledgement of mentee’s unique abilities and potential for improvement. • Support and experienced guidance in self managing career development. • Increased network of contacts and resources for support.
Benefit to Mentee II • You have the chance to interact with true leaders in our profession. • To receive first hand exposure to the amazing experiences and camaraderie in our field. • Mentoring requires mutually satisfactory inter personal relationship between a resident and the mentor.
Benefits to Mentor • Sharing the wisdom and experience • Learning from the expanded view of experience of the residents and fellows. • Recognition by Mentee for Mentor’s academic and professional achievements. • Involvement in collaborations enhancing Mentor’s Professional activity. • Acknowledgement by the ACNP’s Residents as Future Leaders Program.-
Benefits to Mentor II • Help with academic productivity. • Bring prestige to the department. • Recognition • Internal value • As a mentor, you can watch maturity and growth of the resident or the fellow. • Establish an important bond with a colleague in the field and be advocate and adviser.
Mentoring Application • Name:___________________________________________________________ • Title:____________________________________________________________ • Nuclear Medicine/ Radiology Department:_______________________________ • Address:_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ • Telephone:__________________________________ • Fax:_______________________________________ • E-mail:_____________________________________ • Resident/ Fellow:_______________________________________ • (Learning from the junior or senior faculty the professional skills to work as a nuclear medicine physician or radiologist (1-2 year)) Junior ACNP member: ------------------------------------------------------------------ • (Preparing the residents/ fellows for passing the board examination and career development for the academic, private practice or industry position (1-2 year)) • Senior ACNP member: ---------------------------------------------------------------- • (Providing guidance for the residents/fellows in preparing for research, grant writing, consulting and guidance of how to start a new career including exploring private practice or industry (1-2 year))
Mentoring Application • Please check the areas that you as Junior member or Senior member of ACNP can provide guidance and expertise: • ___Role of Nuclear Medicine Physicians as consultants • ___Writing Curriculum Vitae for academic or private practice position • ___Effective job interview • ___Preparing for Nuclear Medicine board certification • ___Salary range for physicians in academia, private practice or industry • ___Supervisory skills to technologists, medical students and residents • __ Effective learning of other imaging modalities: CT, MRI, US • ___Building a network of professional colleagues across the country
Mentoring Application • ___Collaborating on projects with professional colleagues, basic or clinical research • ___Interpersonal skills, listening, building trust and resolving conflict • ___Balancing professional & personal life as resident/fellow • ___Successful marketing of Nuclear Medicine Department • ___Radionuclide therapy, ins and out for success • ___Job availabilities in academic, private practice and pharmaceutical companies • ___Basic interview skills • ___Negotiation for salary • ___Setting goals, establishing priorities and managing time • ___Designing /giving presentations • ___Managing meetings • ___Writing abstracts, designing research projects • ___Writing for peer reviewed publications • ___How to start a private Nuclear Medicine venture • ___How to run a successful outpatient cardiology, bone densitometry or PET program • ___Telemedicine application in Nuclear Medicine • ___Operation of PET/CT, licensing for reading CT • ___Other
Mentoring Application • Residents/ Fellows: • Complete the Mentoring Relationship worksheet. • Review your objectives for the Mentoring program. • Review the Mentor List of Expertise and Interest from the website: www.acnponline.org. Identify possible Mentors from the list. • Contact with a potential Mentor to see if you share goals, objectives and interests. The name and contact information is on the website. • ***You may contact multiple Mentors to find the faculty member(s) who best meets your needs. • After you have asked a Mentor to be your partner, complete the Partnership Relationship Agreement. • Send a copy of the Partnership Relationship Agreement to: • Please return completed Partnership Relation Agreement to: • American College of Nuclear Physicians • 1850 Samuel Morse Drive • Reston, VA 20190-5316 • Attention: Resident’s Mentorship program • Fax: Attn. Nikki Wenzel Lambert at: (703) 708-9020 • E-mail: nwenzel@snm.org • If you have any questions, please e-mail Simin Dadparvar, M.D. at Sdadparvar@aol.com
Mentoring Partnership Agreement • Mentoring Partnership involve an agreement between a junior and/or senior ACNP member with the residents and fellows. The Mentoring Partnership begins at the onset of residency or fellowship and continues for 1-2 years. Having defined your goals, you may list specific actions to achieve them. • Please list your objective of the Mentorship Partnership from the application: • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • Specific actions to achieve the objectives: • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • To achieve these objectives, we agree to the following arrangements: • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • Mentee (Resident/Fellow)_______________________________________________ • Nuclear Medicine Department ____________________________________________
Mentoring Partnership Agreement • Address: _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • Telephone:________________________ Fax:____________________________ • E-mail:________________________________________ • Mentor (Junior or Senior Faculty):___________________________________________ • Title:___________________________________________________________________ • Department (Academic or Non Academic)_____________________________________ • Address: _________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________ • Telephone: _______________________ Fax: __________________________________ • E-mail:_________________________________________________________________ • Please return completed Agreement to: • American College of Nuclear Physicians • 1850 Samuel Morse Drive • Reston, VA 20190-5316 • Attention: Resident’s Mentorship program • Fax: Attn. Nikki Wenzel Lambert, (703) 708-9020 • E-mail: nwenzel@snm.org • If you have any questions, please e-mail Simin Dadparvar, M.D. at Sdadparvar@aol.com.
Mentorship Award • ACNP will honor the outstanding mentor award for each year. • The annual evaluation of the mentors by mentees are necessary to be turned in by December of each year. • The Best Mentor will be awarded at the Annual meeting. • ACNP’s Best Mentor Award established in 2005 and thus far the recipients of the Mentor of the year award were as follows:
ACNP Best Mentor of the Year Award • Abass Alavi, MD 2006 • S. Ted Treves, MD 2007 • Simin Dadparvar, MD 2008 • Trence Beven, MD 2009
2009 ACNP Mentors • Simin Dadparvar, MD • Richard Vitti, MD • Reneé M. Moadel, MD • Patrice K. Rehm, MD • Hussein M. Abdel-Dayem, MD • Warren H. Moore, MD • Barbara Croft, PhD
How to become ACNP Member? • Membership applications are available at: www.acnponline.org. There is no membership fee for residents or fellows in training. • In 2010, ACNP residents members will receive the Clinical Nuclear Medicine Journal Online at a very discounted price. • Nuclear Medicine Resident Organization e- community is acnp_ro@acnponline.org.