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Ring-o. A Collection of Activities Based Off Books or Songs With Science/Math and Language Arts. . The Polar Express. Ask students if they have ever seen a train or been on a train before.
Ring-o A Collection of Activities Based Off Books or Songs With Science/Math and Language Arts.
The Polar Express Ask students if they have ever seen a train or been on a train before. Go through the book page by page and ask the students to hold up their hand if they see the word train on the page. Read The Polar Express Have the students work on the three math problems listed on the next slide. LA 1.1.1- Concepts About Print:Match oral words to printed words. Math-1.3.1 Write and solve number sentences from problem situations involving addition and subtraction. MI- Logical-Mathematical
The Polar Express Use pictures, words, or numbers to explain how you got your answer. 1.If there are two seats in every row of the train, and there are 10 rows, how many kids could sit on the train? 2.Each child got to enjoy one treat. On the train we had five different kinds of cookies and 3 different kinds of candies. How many choices were available? 3. How many more choices of cookies than candies.
ChickaChicka Boom Boom Have the students sing their ABC’s Read the story ChickaChicka Boom Boom Use small plastic drink bottles(like what bottled water comes in) and you let the children put alphabet pasta, beads, glitter, beans, and whatever else you think they'll enjoy inside the bottle. They can decorate the outside of the bottle with alphabet stickers. They could even make a little grass skirt out of construction paper or art tissue to tape around the bottle.These Chicka boom boom bottles can them be used when you retell the story. When you read the words "ChickaChicka" the children shake their bottles. When you say "boom boom" they tap the bottles on their hands. Have the students write on a piece of paper the way they put their objects in the bottle such as 1st 2nd etc.. Reread ChickaChicka Boom Boom with the boom boom bottles. LA-1.7.1 Comprehension- listen attentively Science 1.5.1 use numbers up to 10 to place objects in order such as first second and third. MI- Bodily Kinesthetic, Musical
ChickaChicka 1*2*3 • Give each student a number and have them make a rhyming sentence using their number. • Read ChickaChicka 1*2*3 • Ask the students to give examples of the rhyming words that they heard in the book. • Do the chant on the next slide with the students. • Change the “style” of how you say it each time. First grade style, go around the room and have each student be the leader in their own style.
ChickaChicka 1*2*3 • I say a line and then the kids echo it back. • I said a boom Chicka boom.(echo)I said a boom Chicka boom.(echo)I said a boom ChickarockaChickarockaChicka boom.(echo)A ha!(echo)Oh yeah!(echo)One more time!(echo) • Science – 1.2.1 Use whole numbers, up to 100, in counting, identifying, measuring and describing objects and experiences. • LA-1.1.7 Create and state a series of rhyming words • MI-Intrapersonal
Frog and Toad are Friends • Ask the students to write a story of a friend that they have that is very different from them and the different activities that each one of them likes to do. • Read Frog and Toad are Friends. • Talk about Frogs and Toads. • How they are alike and how they are different. • Look up different pictures of frogs and toads for the students to look at. • Take a walk outside to see if you can find any frogs or toads. • LA-1.5.1- write brief stories describing an experience • Science1.4.2 Observe and describe that there can be differences, such as size or markings, among the individuals within one kind of plant or animal group. • MI- Naturalistic
The listening walk • Read the listening walk • Take the students on a walk. Talk to them about being quiet so everyone can hear the sounds all around them • When the students get back into the classroom have the students write about and describe what they heard outside. • When the students are finished writing what they heard have them share with the class. • Ask the students how we hear different things now then 50 years ago and what those different sounds might be. • Science- 1.2.7 Write brief informational descriptions of a real object, person, place, or event using information from observations. • LA-1.5.2 Write brief expository (informational) descriptions of a real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details
Ten apples on Top • Ask the students to get in a group and to look through the book and write down all the number words that they see. • Then read Ten Apples on Top • Draw a tree on the chalk board. Put the magnent apples up on the board • Ask each student an addition story problem about the apples and have them go up to the board and show how you would solve the problem using the apples. • LA- 1.1.11 Read common sight words. • Math-1.2.1 – Show the meaning of addition using objects • MI- interpersonal
Family Huddle • Ask the students if they have ever played football or watched a football game on T.V. • Read Family Huddle. • Have the students write of a time when they have played a sport with their family or with their friends. • Discuss with the class about how points work in a football game. • Give them story problems with simple addition and subtraction about things that can happen at a football game. • If it is nice outside go outside and throw a football. • LA- 1.1.5 write brief narratives describing an experience. • Math – 1.3.1 write and solve number sentences from problem situations involving addition and subtraction • MI- Verbal Linguistic
Two Bad Ants • Ask the students if they have ever seen ants. • Ask them about what ants do, some characteristics of ants. • Read the story Two Bad Ants by Chris Van Allsburg. • To reach their prizes, the ants travel to what to them is a mysterious land full of obstacles. To us, it’s an ordinary kitchen—but Van Allsburg doesn’t tell us that directly. He describes the setting without telling us it’s a kitchen. Have the students describe a familiar setting without naming it. Encourage them to give as many details as possible so that other students can guess the location. • LA 1.5.2 Write brief expository (informational) descriptions of a real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details • Science 1.2.7 Write brief informational descriptions of a real object, person, place, or event using information from observations.
Horton Hatches the Egg • Read Horton Hatches the Egg by Dr. Suess • Have the students create some new animals by “crossing” two. • Ask them what they would cross. What would it look like, what would it act like, What would you call it. • Draw and describe with a short paragraph you new animal. • LA 1.5.4 Use descriptive words when writing • Science 1.2.6 Describe and compare objects in terms of number, shape, texture, size, weight, color, and motion
Swimmy • Read Swimmy by Leo Lioni • Discuss how important it is to work together in all kinds of groups. Examples: family, classroom, friends, community, etc. • Talk to the students about how they feel when they get left out of something or when they feel as if they are different from their classmates. • Have students color 99 fish one color. (orange) You can color the 100th fish black to represent Swimmy. • Hang the fish together on the bulletin board creating one big fish, with Swimmy being the eye. • The students will also be able to see or relate something to the amount of 100. • Science 1.2.1 Use whole numbers, up to 100, in counting, identifying, measuring, and describing objects and experiences. • LA 1.2.7 Relate prior knowledge to what is read.