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The 1920s. Chapter 21. The 1920’s. I. Rise of isolationism and nativism. Americans return from WW1 disillusioned and frustrated with the outside world Americans wanted to be left alone; isolationism . I. Rise of isolationism and nativism. Isolationism leads to nativism
Chapter 21 The 1920’s
I. Rise of isolationismand nativism • Americans return from WW1 disillusioned and frustrated with the outside world • Americans wanted to be left alone; isolationism
I. Rise of isolationismand nativism Isolationism leads to nativism Nativism leads to racism Second rise of the KKK; the Red Scare (fear of communists)
II. The Red Scare • Communiststake over Russia • People feared communists would take over the world • Problems caused by the Red Scare • Palmer Raids (arrests of people thought to be communist) • Sacco and Vanzetti Case – Italian immigrants; tried for murder; put to death (were not really guilty)
I. The rise of mass media A. New forms of entertainment and communication 1. Radio 2. Movies 3. Newspapers 4. Magazines
B. Creation of American culture 1. American heroes a. Charles Lindbergh b. Amelia Earhart c. George Herman “Babe” Ruth d. Jack Dempsey 2. Popularity of Jazz
II. The Jazz Age A. Night clubs and dance halls 1. Duke Ellington 2. Louis Armstrong
B. The Harlem Renaissance – African American celebration of culture through arts, music C. The Lost Generation - the generation from WWI that came of age
III. The Roaring 20’s A. Technological advances spur on the economy 1. Affordable automobiles, new roads a. Henry Ford; b. assembly line C. Model T
B. Almost everyone is investing in the STOCK MARKET and making money
IV. Fundamentalism • People feared the changing society • People feared society’s morals were declining • People try to preserve their traditional way of life 1. The ScopesTrial 2. Xenophobia(KKK) 3. Prohibition
Scopes Trial High school teacher from Tennessee teaches evolution, rather than creationism Traditionally, creationism from the Bible had been taught Scopes Trial – case about the teaching of evolution, which showed a change in values in society
Prohibition Time period in which alcohol was banned in America (18th Amendment)
V. The era of Prohibition A. Alcoholwas poisoning society B. * (not in notes) Immigrants were known for consuming alcohol C. Prohibition originates in the Temperance movement -Women led the temperance movement Prohibition empowered women and led to the passing of the 19th Amendment (voting rights)
VI. Passing of the 18thAmendment (Prohibition) Passed on Jan. 16, 1920 B. Proved difficult to enforce 1. Bootlegging 2. Speakeasies
Bootleggers – people who illegally smuggle alcohol Speakeasies – illegal bars set up all over cities
C. Rise of organized crime 1. Al Capone – Chicago’s most famous bootlegger 2. St. Valentine’s Day Massacre – violent gang related event in Chicago during Prohibition
Jazz – a New Orleans creation • Random pictures Have you ‘scoped’ out the monkey trial?