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Reproductive System Male Anatomy & Physiology

Reproductive System Male Anatomy & Physiology. Chapter 28. Basic Vocabulary. Gametes = sex cells (sperm & eggs), produced by meiosis Gonads = reproductive organs that produce gametes (testes & ovaries) Fertilization = process during which egg and sperm unite Zygote = fertilized egg

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Reproductive System Male Anatomy & Physiology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reproductive SystemMale Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 28

  2. Basic Vocabulary • Gametes = sex cells (sperm & eggs), produced by meiosis • Gonads = reproductive organs that produce gametes (testes & ovaries) • Fertilization = process during which egg and sperm unite • Zygote = fertilized egg • Gynecology = branch of medicine concerned with treatment of female reproductive system • Urology = studies urinary system & disorders of male reproductive system

  3. Egg 1n Haploid nucleus Sperm 1n Haploid nucleus Fertilization Results In A Diploid Zygote

  4. Fertilization Results In A Diploid Zygote Egg 1n Haploid nucleus Sperm 1n Haploid nucleus

  5. Haploid nucleus Fertilization Results In A Diploid Zygote Egg 1n Haploid nucleus Sperm 1n

  6. Haploid nucleus Fertilization Results In A Diploid Zygote Egg 1n Haploid nucleus Sperm 1n

  7. Haploid nucleus Fertilization Results In A Diploid Zygote Egg 1n Haploid nucleus Sperm 1n

  8. Zygote 2n Zygote 2n From Zygote to Embryo

  9. From Zygote to Embryo Cleavage

  10. From Zygote to Embryo Cleavage

  11. From Zygote to Embryo Cleavage

  12. From Zygote to Embryo Cleavage

  13. From Zygote to Embryo Morula

  14. Puberty = process of physical changes by which a child’s body becomes an adult body capable of reproduction • Puberty is initiated by production of FSH and LH which cause the development of secondary sexual characteristics Secondary sexual characteristics

  15. I. MALE ANATOMY • Scrotum = sac containing the testes; sperm develop in the testes • Normal sperm production requires a temperature about 2-3 degrees C below body T • Testes develop near kidneys and start descending during the 7th month of fetal development

  16. Epididymis = site of sperm maturation • Vas deferens (or ductus deferens) = duct that transports sperm from the epididymis towards the urethra • Urethra = transports both semen & urine • Semen = sperm + the fluids secreted by accessory sex glands

  17. Accessory Sex Glands: • Seminal vesicles = glands that secrete alkaline fructose rich fluid; used to neutralize acidic environment of male urethra & vagina; fructose is used for ATP production of sperm cells • Seminal vesicles make 60% of the volume of semen

  18. Prostate gland = secretes slightly acidic fluid that contributes to sperm motility and viability • Prostate gland makes up 25% of the volume of semen • Bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s glands) = secrete an alkaline fluid into the urethra that protects the sperm by neutralizing acids from urethra Bulbourethral gland

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