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RFVIIa: usos cl nicos para manejo del sangrado cr tico.

Slide No. 2 Footer . rFVIIa en el manejo del sangrado crtico. IntroduccinMecanismo de accinUso en hemofilia congnitaUso en hemofilia adquiridaDficit congnito de FVIITrombastenia de Glanzmann y trombocitopatasNuevas indicaciones (Uso compasivo). Slide No. 3 Footer . INTR

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RFVIIa: usos cl nicos para manejo del sangrado cr tico.

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Slide No. 1 Footer rFVIIa: usos clnicos para manejo del sangrado crtico. Servicio de Terapia Intensiva - Hospital de Clnicas Montevideo Uruguay.

    2. Slide No. 2 Footer rFVIIa en el manejo del sangrado crtico Introduccin Mecanismo de accin Uso en hemofilia congnita Uso en hemofilia adquirida Dficit congnito de FVII Trombastenia de Glanzmann y trombocitopatas Nuevas indicaciones (Uso compasivo)

    3. Slide No. 3 Footer INTRODUCCION 1981 la Dra. Ulla Hedner purifica pequeas cantidades de FVIIa. 1983 se publica el primer trabajo en el J Clin Invest. 1988 primer paciente hemoflico tratado en forma efectiva en una ciruga ortopdica mayor. 1996 aprobacin para su uso en Europa. 2000 aprobacin para su en Japn. 2003 aprobacin para su uso en Europa para la Tromboastenia de Glanzmann.

    4. Slide No. 4 Footer NovoSeven Factor recombinante VIIa (rFVIIa)

    5. Slide No. 5 Footer Comparacin de FVIIa recombinante con el FVII plasmtico.

    6. Slide No. 6 Footer Mecanismos de accin NovoSeven tiene dos mecanismos de accin Sustitucin del FVIIa congnitamente ausente en la iniciacin de la hemostasia. Derivacin (by-pass) de defectos en el proceso normal de coagulacin en ciertos pacientes con coagulopata.

    7. Slide No. 7 Footer El sistema hemosttico Las tres fases Hemostasia primaria: vasoconstriccin y tapn plaquetario Hemostasia secundaria: cogulo de fibrina Fibrinlisis: lisis del cogulo

    8. Slide No. 8 Footer FVIIa en la iniciacin de la coagulacin

    9. Slide No. 9 Footer Hemostasia primaria Formacin del trombo plaquetario

    10. Slide No. 10 Footer Fisiopatologa de la hemofilia A

    11. Slide No. 11 Footer

    12. Slide No. 12 Footer

    13. Slide No. 13 Footer

    14. Slide No. 14 Footer rFVIIa en la hemofilia A con inhibidores

    15. Slide No. 15 Footer El FVIIa se une a las Plaquetas La baja afinidad de la unin del rFVIIa a las plaquetas activadas explica el requerimiento de altas dosis. El hallazgo de que el rFVIIa no se une al resto de las plaquetas explica porqu no se observa una coagulacin sistmica luego de la utilizacin del rFVIIa. FVIIa Binding to Platelets To assess the interaction of FVIIa with platelets, the binding of FVIIa to platelets was examined using indirect immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. The results are shown on this slide. The units of measure in flow cytometry are relative fluorescence. The fluorescence levels from several different experiments were normalized so that binding from several people could be compared. FVIIa did not bind to the unactivated platelets (shown in red), nor did it bind to activated platelets in the absence of calcium (shown in orange). However, in the presence of calcium, FVIIa bound weakly to activated platelets with a half-maximal binding at 100 nM (in contrast to binding to tissue factor [TF], which is half maximal at less than 0.01 nM). Monroe DM et al. Br J Haematol 1997;99:542547.La baja afinidad de la unin del rFVIIa a las plaquetas activadas explica el requerimiento de altas dosis. El hallazgo de que el rFVIIa no se une al resto de las plaquetas explica porqu no se observa una coagulacin sistmica luego de la utilizacin del rFVIIa. FVIIa Binding to Platelets To assess the interaction of FVIIa with platelets, the binding of FVIIa to platelets was examined using indirect immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. The results are shown on this slide. The units of measure in flow cytometry are relative fluorescence. The fluorescence levels from several different experiments were normalized so that binding from several people could be compared. FVIIa did not bind to the unactivated platelets (shown in red), nor did it bind to activated platelets in the absence of calcium (shown in orange). However, in the presence of calcium, FVIIa bound weakly to activated platelets with a half-maximal binding at 100 nM (in contrast to binding to tissue factor [TF], which is half maximal at less than 0.01 nM). Monroe DM et al. Br J Haematol 1997;99:542547.

    16. Slide No. 16 Footer Convierte el fibringeno en monmeros de fibrina Activa ms plaquetas y otros factores, amplificando as adicionalmente el sistema. Activa el inhibidor de la fibrinlisis activado por trombina (TAFI) Activa el factor XIII, que ayuda a estabilizar el cogulo de fibrina. Hemostasia secundaria La explosin de trombina

    17. Slide No. 17 Footer Fibrinlisis Rutas de la fibrinlisis

    18. Slide No. 18 Footer Fibrinlisis Equilibrio hemosttico

    19. Slide No. 19 Footer Indicaciones autorizadas Hemofilia congnita con inhibidores para los factores de coagulacin VIII o IX >5 BU o que se espera que tengan una respuesta anamnsica alta con los factores VIII o IX. Hemofilia adquirida. Deficiencia congnita del factor VII. Trombastenia de Glanzmann con anticuerpos contra glucoprotena GP IIb-IIIa y/ HLA, y con respuestas pasadas o presentes a la transfusin de plaquetas.

    20. Slide No. 20 Footer Hemofilia Congnita Hemofilia A: dficit de factor VIII Hemofilia B: dficit de factor IX 1800 pacientes registrados en el pas Con inhibidor aproximadamente 45 pacientes Hemofilia Leve: 5 a 25% Moderada: 1 a 4% Severa: <1%

    21. Slide No. 21 Footer Hemofilia Congnita Inhibidores: Prevalencia: Hemofilia A ~30% (10% a 50%) Hemofilia B 3% a 5% Unidades de medicin: Unidades Bethesda = UB 1 BU = cantidad de inhibidor que neutraliza el 50% de la actividad del factor luego de 2 h a 37C. Bajo ttulo: < 5UB Alto ttulo: > 5UB The prevalence of inhibitors for persons with severe FVIII deficiency has been estimated to be approximately 30% with a reported range of 10% to 50%. In individuals with severe FIX deficiency, inhibitors are mush less common with a prevalence of approximately 3% to 5%. The presence of an inhibitor is measured in the Bethesda assay and is reported in Bethesda units (BU). One BU is the amount of inhibitor that will result in a loss of 50% of factor activity when the patients plasma is incubated with normal plasma for 2 hours at 37? C. The prevalence of inhibitors for persons with severe FVIII deficiency has been estimated to be approximately 30% with a reported range of 10% to 50%. In individuals with severe FIX deficiency, inhibitors are mush less common with a prevalence of approximately 3% to 5%. The presence of an inhibitor is measured in the Bethesda assay and is reported in Bethesda units (BU). One BU is the amount of inhibitor that will result in a loss of 50% of factor activity when the patients plasma is incubated with normal plasma for 2 hours at 37? C.

    22. Slide No. 22 Footer Hemofilia Congnita Dosis efectiva: 90 - 120 mcg/kg cada 2-3 horas hasta lograr hemostasia Dosis > 200 mcg/kg puede disminuir la necesidad de dosis repetidas. Kenet et al han utilizado mega dosis de 300 mcg/kg, siendo estas dosis efectivas y seguras.

    23. Slide No. 23 Footer Hemofilia adquirida Descripcin Autoanticuerpos contra el factor VIII Se presentan clinicamente con sangrados espontneos. Generalmente en pacientes aosos Antecedentes de enfermedades autoinmunes, cncer, embarazo, exposicin a drogas. Incidencia de 1 por millon, por ao Laboratorio: KPTT prolongado (que no corrige con plasma normal). Niveles del FVIII 1-2%

    24. Slide No. 24 Footer Hemofilia adquirida Mortalidad del 13 al 22% Objetivos del tratamiento Control del sangrado: rFVIIa FEIBA PCCs FVIIIporcino Eliminar el anticuerpo Se utilizan agentes inmunosupresores (ciclofosfamida, ciclosporina corticoterapia)solos en combinacin con plasmafresis

    25. Slide No. 25 Footer Hemofilia adquirida Experiencia con rFVIIa Tratamiento de salvataje: >90% de eficacia Primera lnea teraputica: 100% de eficacia NovoSeven en hemofilia adquirida > eficacia que FVIIIp, PCC, PCCa, > seguridad

    26. Slide No. 26 Footer Dficit de FVII Alteracin hereditaria del sangrado Presenta hemorragias severas cuando los niveles plasmticos son <2%. Sangrado en articulaciones, menstruaciones importantes, epistaxis, sangrado despus de una ciruga. Incidencia 2/1000000. Tratamiento: rFVIIa, FVII derivado de plasma, plasma fresco, y PCCs. Dosis recomendada de rFVIIa: 20-30 g/kg de peso. Eficacia > al 90%. Su uso fue aprobado en Europa por la EMEA en enero de 2004.

    27. Slide No. 27 Footer Alteraciones plaquetarias Alteraciones de la cantidad de las plaquetas Transplante de Stem Cell Fiebre hemorrgica Dengue Alteraciones en la funcin plaquetaria Trombastenia de Glanzmann Sndrome de Bernard Soulier Enfermedad de pool de depsito

    28. Slide No. 28 Footer Trombastenia de Glanzmann Alteracin congnita del sangrado Defecto en receptores especficos de la membrana plaquetaria (GP IIb/IIIa). Incidencia 1/1000000 Las plaquetas pierden la habilidad de agregarse y formar un tapn hemosttico. Ms frecuente en la mujer. Edad < 20 aos. Se caracteriza por epistaxis, sangrado de encas, hematomas, mentruaciones abundantes, anemia. Requerimiento transfusional en el 77% de los casos

    29. Slide No. 29 Footer Trombastenia de Glanzmann 3 Tipos Tipo I: GP IIb/IIIa ausente (<5%) Tipo II: GP IIb/IIIa (5-20%) Variantes (modificaciones cualitativas de la GP IIb/IIIa) Tratamiento convencional: transfusin de plaquetas, agentes antifibrinolticos, desmopresina Dosis de rFVIIa: 80-120 mcg/kg cada 2 horas hasta lograr hemostasia.

    30. Slide No. 30 Footer Dficit de FXI Alteracin hereditaria del sangrado Es un desrden gentico frecuente entre la poblacin juda Ashkenazi. Se diferencia de la hemofilia A y B por no presentar sangrado en articulaciones y msculos. No son frecuentes los sangrados espontneos. Tienen riesgo de sangrado despus de una ciruga Tratamiento convencional: plasma fresco, concentrados plasmticos de FXI y desmopresina Existen 4 publicaciones que informan un uso exitoso con NovoSeven en profilaxis quirrgica y manejo del sangrado

    31. Slide No. 31 Footer Enfermedad de Von Willebrand Tipo 3 Alteracin hereditaria del sangrado Caracterizada por ausencia parcial o total del factor de von Willebrand El Factor vW transporta al FVIII en el torrente sanguneo y media la adhesin plaquetaria en el sitio de la lesin. Ocurre cuando una persona tiene 2 genes defectuosos 6% del total de enfermedad de vW. Tratamiento convencional: Concentrados de FVIII/vW Concentrados de FVIII ms transfusiones de plaquetas Seis pacientes fueron tratados con rFVIIa con una efectividad del 95%

    32. Slide No. 32 Footer rFVIIa para reversin de la anticoagulacin En ratas tratadas con Warfarina, el rFVIIa corrigi el tiempo de protrombina. En voluntarios sanos, tratados con acenocumarol, la prolongacin del RIN (>2) se revirti con una dosis de rFVIIa con dosis de entre 5 a 320 mcg/kg Dosis < 120 mcg/kg pueden normalizar el RIN por el lapso de 24 horas. rFVIIa result eficaz a una dosis de 90 mcg/kg para revertir la accin de fondaparinux con una normalizacin en la generacin de trombina por ms de 6 horas luego de la administracin. La incidencia de trombosis result de un 1-2%

    33. Slide No. 33 Footer Otras indicaciones (uso compasivo) Sangrado quirrgico Trauma Hemorragia intracerebral Hemorragia posparto Hepatectoma Ciruga cardaca Injuria cerebral

    34. Slide No. 34 Footer Indicaciones quirrgicas Hepatectoma parcial, Transplante ortotpico de hgado, Ciruga cardaca (de adulto e infantil), Ciruga de la columna vertebral, y Ciruga reconstructora de la pelvis.

    35. Slide No. 35 Footer Otras situaciones hemorrgicas Ejemplos de otras situaciones hemorrgicas crticas son Hemorragia postransplante de mdula sea. Infecciones vricas hemorrgicas (por ejemplo, dengue). Hemorragia aguda por varices esofgicas aguda. Hemorragia intracerebral. Lesin por traumatismo cerebral. Hemorragia posparto. Quemaduras.

    36. Slide No. 36 Footer Trauma La hemorragia severa es la principal causa de muerte en pacientes traumatizados. El 65% de las muertes ocurre despus de la admisin en hospitalaria. El traumatismo severo se correlaciona con coagulopata pos-traumtica, acidosis, hipotermia y sndrome de transfusiones mltiples.

    37. Slide No. 37 Footer La injuria traumtica es la principal causa de muerte entre los 544 aos La transfusin masiva de GR es una variable de riesgo independiente de morbilidad y mortalidad. El sangrado es la segunda causa de mortalidad en la injuria del SNC La prevencin del sangrado, previene la exanguinacin, reduce la incidencia de shock y previene la muerte en los pacientes traumatizados. Trauma is highly prevalent in the young, and bleeding episodes associated with traumatic injury are an important cause of mortality. Preventing, or significantly reducing, bleeding following trauma will lead to a reduction in the number of RBC units transfused. This, in turn, will reduce: The incidence of haemodynamic shock The number of transfusion-related complications, such as MOF and ARDS The length of stay in ICU The time spent on mechanical ventilation Trauma is highly prevalent in the young, and bleeding episodes associated with traumatic injury are an important cause of mortality. Preventing, or significantly reducing, bleeding following trauma will lead to a reduction in the number of RBC units transfused. This, in turn, will reduce: The incidence of haemodynamic shock The number of transfusion-related complications, such as MOF and ARDS The length of stay in ICU The time spent on mechanical ventilation

    38. Slide No. 38 Footer Trauma Boffard et al. J Trauma (2005).

    39. Slide No. 39 Footer Upon receiving 6 units of RBC within a 4-hour period, eligible patients within each trauma population were equally randomised to receive either placebo or NovoSeven. Patients receiving a further 2 units of RBC (a total of 8 units of RBC) then received their assigned study medication upon transfusion of the 8th unit of RBC: Three IV injections of NovoSeven (200, 100 and 100 g/kg), or Three placebo injections The second and third doses were administered after 1 and 3 hours. During the first 48 hours after administration the following were monitored: transfusion and infusion requirements; adverse events; surgical procedures. During the 30-day follow-up, mortality, time on ventilator, hospitalization data, and serious adverse events including pre-defined critical complications (MOF and acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS]) were recorded.Upon receiving 6 units of RBC within a 4-hour period, eligible patients within each trauma population were equally randomised to receive either placebo or NovoSeven. Patients receiving a further 2 units of RBC (a total of 8 units of RBC) then received their assigned study medication upon transfusion of the 8th unit of RBC: Three IV injections of NovoSeven (200, 100 and 100 g/kg), or Three placebo injections The second and third doses were administered after 1 and 3 hours. During the first 48 hours after administration the following were monitored: transfusion and infusion requirements; adverse events; surgical procedures. During the 30-day follow-up, mortality, time on ventilator, hospitalization data, and serious adverse events including pre-defined critical complications (MOF and acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS]) were recorded.

    40. Slide No. 40 Footer Boffard et al. J Trauma (2005). Variable de anlisis primaria: Nmero de unidades de GR transfundidas dentro de las 48hs de administrado el rFVIIa. Resultados de la terapia: Nmero de transfusiones de otros hemoderivados, mortalidad, das en respirador y das en UTI. Evaluacin de la seguridad

    41. Slide No. 41 Footer As would be expected, most of the blunt trauma was due to motor vehicle accidents and falls. As would be expected, most of the blunt trauma was due to motor vehicle accidents and falls.

    42. Slide No. 42 Footer Penetrating trauma was mostly due to gunshot wounds and stab wounds and was predominantly in males. Penetrating trauma was mostly due to gunshot wounds and stab wounds and was predominantly in males.

    43. Slide No. 43 Footer Treatment with NovoSeven produced a significant reduction in RBC requirements over 48 hours in patients surviving >48 hours (p=0.019). However, a statistically significant haemostatic effect for NovoSeven treatment was observed at 12 hours (p=0.008) and at 24 hours (p=0.018) following the initial treatment dose. This effect was supported by observations of significant reductions in the transfusion rate in patients treated with NovoSeven relative to placebo (0.26 units/hour versus 0.37 units/hour, p=0.036).Treatment with NovoSeven produced a significant reduction in RBC requirements over 48 hours in patients surviving >48 hours (p=0.019). However, a statistically significant haemostatic effect for NovoSeven treatment was observed at 12 hours (p=0.008) and at 24 hours (p=0.018) following the initial treatment dose. This effect was supported by observations of significant reductions in the transfusion rate in patients treated with NovoSeven relative to placebo (0.26 units/hour versus 0.37 units/hour, p=0.036).

    44. Slide No. 44 Footer Administration of NovoSeven significantly reduced the need for massive transfusions by 56% (95% CI: [9%; 79%]; p=0.03) in the first 48 hours after administration in the blunt trauma group. The need for massive transfusion in penetrating trauma patients was reduced by 63% (95% CI: [-12%; 88%]; p= 0.08). The importance of reducing massive transfusions has recently been demonstrated. A retrospective study has shown that mortality is significantly correlated with the amount of RBC transfused:1 In 5645 acute trauma patients: 479/5645 (8%) patients received RBCs In patients receiving 11 to 20 units RBCs mortality was 30% In patients receiving >20 units RBCs, mortality rose significantly to >50% This effect was independent of severity of injury 1Como JJ et al. Transfusion 2004;44:809-13. Administration of NovoSeven significantly reduced the need for massive transfusions by 56% (95% CI: [9%; 79%]; p=0.03) in the first 48 hours after administration in the blunt trauma group. The need for massive transfusion in penetrating trauma patients was reduced by 63% (95% CI: [-12%; 88%]; p= 0.08). The importance of reducing massive transfusions has recently been demonstrated. A retrospective study has shown that mortality is significantly correlated with the amount of RBC transfused:1 In 5645 acute trauma patients: 479/5645 (8%) patients received RBCs In patients receiving 11 to 20 units RBCs mortality was 30% In patients receiving >20 units RBCs, mortality rose significantly to >50% This effect was independent of severity of injury 1Como JJ et al. Transfusion 2004;44:809-13.

    45. Slide No. 45 Footer Further support for the haemostatic effect of NovoSeven came from significant reductions in both FFP (p=0.036) and platelets (p=0.023) relative to placebo in blunt trauma patients who survived 48 hours or more. The requirement for cryoprecipitate in patients treated with NovoSeven showed a trend towards reduction relative to placebo (p=0.053). Further support for the haemostatic effect of NovoSeven came from significant reductions in both FFP (p=0.036) and platelets (p=0.023) relative to placebo in blunt trauma patients who survived 48 hours or more. The requirement for cryoprecipitate in patients treated with NovoSeven showed a trend towards reduction relative to placebo (p=0.053).

    46. Slide No. 46 Footer The results from this randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel group study demonstrate a significant advance in the treatment of critically bleeding, severely ill trauma patients. NovoSeven significantly reduced the need for transfusion in patients with blunt trauma injuries after they have already received eight units of red blood cells. There was also a significant reduction in the need for massive transfusions. The results from this randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel group study demonstrate a significant advance in the treatment of critically bleeding, severely ill trauma patients. NovoSeven significantly reduced the need for transfusion in patients with blunt trauma injuries after they have already received eight units of red blood cells. There was also a significant reduction in the need for massive transfusions.

    47. Slide No. 47 Footer Hemorragia intracerebral (HIC) Factores de riesgo: Hipertensin arterial Terapia anticoagulante oral Otras causas: Sangrado de tumor cerebral Abuso de drogas Alteraciones del sangrado En el 2001, 150.000 sufrieron HIC en el mundo desarrollado

    48. Slide No. 48 Footer HIC Mayer et al. N Engl J Med. (2005).

    49. Slide No. 49 Footer

    50. Slide No. 50 Footer Patients were enrolled from August 2002 through March 2004 at 73 hospitals in 20 countries. Patients were enrolled from August 2002 through March 2004 at 73 hospitals in 20 countries.

    51. Slide No. 51 Footer Subjects in whom spontaneous ICH was confirmed by CT scanning within 3 hours of symptom onset were eligible for enrollment and were treated within 1 hour of the baseline scan.Subjects in whom spontaneous ICH was confirmed by CT scanning within 3 hours of symptom onset were eligible for enrollment and were treated within 1 hour of the baseline scan.

    52. Slide No. 52 Footer Of the 400 randomized patients, 1 subsequently withdrew consent, leaving 399 patients for analysis. Baseline characteristics were similar across groups and representative of what is known from the literature. There were 96, 108, 92, and 103 patients in the placebo, 40 ?g/kg, 80 ?g/kg, and 160 ?g/kg treatment arms, respectively. The mean age was 66 years; 61% were male, and most of the patients were white. The mean ICH volume at baseline (24 mL; range, 0.4 to 153 mL) was similar in the 4 groups. 70% of the patients were treated within a 3-hour time period. The timing of treatment was similar in the 4 treatment groups.Of the 400 randomized patients, 1 subsequently withdrew consent, leaving 399 patients for analysis. Baseline characteristics were similar across groups and representative of what is known from the literature. There were 96, 108, 92, and 103 patients in the placebo, 40 ?g/kg, 80 ?g/kg, and 160 ?g/kg treatment arms, respectively. The mean age was 66 years; 61% were male, and most of the patients were white. The mean ICH volume at baseline (24 mL; range, 0.4 to 153 mL) was similar in the 4 groups. 70% of the patients were treated within a 3-hour time period. The timing of treatment was similar in the 4 treatment groups.

    53. Slide No. 53 Footer Total Intracranial Blood Volume (ICH + IVH Volume) [not shown] The treatment effect was similar (P for trend = 0.0156 [ICTR value]; P for trend = 0.02 [NEJM value]) for hemorrhages with extension into the ventricles. The combined rFVIIa groups showed significant reduction in ICH + intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) volume compared to placebo (P = 0.006 [NEJM value]).Total Intracranial Blood Volume (ICH + IVH Volume) [not shown] The treatment effect was similar (P for trend = 0.0156 [ICTR value]; P for trend = 0.02 [NEJM value]) for hemorrhages with extension into the ventricles. The combined rFVIIa groups showed significant reduction in ICH + intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) volume compared to placebo (P = 0.006 [NEJM value]).

    54. Slide No. 54 Footer The trial showed a statistically significant reduction (38% relative reduction) in mortality for the combined rFVIIa groups compared to placebo (P = 0.025, chi-square test [ICTR value]; P = 0.02 [NEJM value]). The use of the combination of death and severe disability as a single category made it unlikely that decisions to withdraw life support influenced the results.The trial showed a statistically significant reduction (38% relative reduction) in mortality for the combined rFVIIa groups compared to placebo (P = 0.025, chi-square test [ICTR value]; P = 0.02 [NEJM value]). The use of the combination of death and severe disability as a single category made it unlikely that decisions to withdraw life support influenced the results.

    55. Slide No. 55 Footer Scores of 0 to 1 on the mRS, 7 to 8 on the E-GOS, 95 to 100 on the Barthel Index, and 0 to 1 on the NIHSS indicated a favorable outcome. Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding off. Twenty patients (5%) were alive but lacked complete outcome data and thus had some or all scores at day 15 carried forward.Scores of 0 to 1 on the mRS, 7 to 8 on the E-GOS, 95 to 100 on the Barthel Index, and 0 to 1 on the NIHSS indicated a favorable outcome. Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding off. Twenty patients (5%) were alive but lacked complete outcome data and thus had some or all scores at day 15 carried forward.

    56. Slide No. 56 Footer In total, 23 patients experienced 26 serious thromboembolic events. There appeared to be more thromboembolic SAEs in the actively treated groups (7%) compared to placebo (2%); however, the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.12, Fishers exact test). In total, 23 patients experienced 26 serious thromboembolic events. There appeared to be more thromboembolic SAEs in the actively treated groups (7%) compared to placebo (2%); however, the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.12, Fishers exact test).

    57. Slide No. 57 Footer The use of rFVIIa offers hope for a future treatment of acute ICHan area where there is currently very little opportunity to actively intervene. Available medical options have been shown to have limited success. The role of surgical treatment of ICH remains controversial.1 It is possible that the use of an agent such as rFVIIa may enhance the safety of early surgical evacuation of haematomas.1,2 rFVIIa appears not only to limit haematoma growth and reduce mortality but also to improve functional outcomes. Thus, more patients receiving the treatment survive and are functionally more independent than patients receiving placebo.3 Until further safety and efficacy data are available, rFVIIa should be used with caution in patients with ICH who have risk factors for thromboembolic disease. More research is required to identify such patients and to determine the optimal therapeutic window. More data are also needed regarding the potential use of rFVIIa for management of patients with ICH related to anticoagulant therapy.3 Morgenstern LB et al. Neurology. 2001;56:1294-1299. Brown DL et al. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:828-830. Mayer SA et a. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:777-785.The use of rFVIIa offers hope for a future treatment of acute ICHan area where there is currently very little opportunity to actively intervene. Available medical options have been shown to have limited success. The role of surgical treatment of ICH remains controversial.1 It is possible that the use of an agent such as rFVIIa may enhance the safety of early surgical evacuation of haematomas.1,2 rFVIIa appears not only to limit haematoma growth and reduce mortality but also to improve functional outcomes. Thus, more patients receiving the treatment survive and are functionally more independent than patients receiving placebo.3 Until further safety and efficacy data are available, rFVIIa should be used with caution in patients with ICH who have risk factors for thromboembolic disease. More research is required to identify such patients and to determine the optimal therapeutic window. More data are also needed regarding the potential use of rFVIIa for management of patients with ICH related to anticoagulant therapy.3 Morgenstern LB et al. Neurology. 2001;56:1294-1299. Brown DL et al. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:828-830. Mayer SA et a. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:777-785.

    58. Slide No. 58 Footer Hemorragia Posparto

    59. Slide No. 59 Footer Hemorragia Posparto En 11 mujeres se obtuvo una respuesta parcial o satisfactoria con el uso de rFVIIa. En 1 paciente no se obtuvo respuesta. En 4 pacientes que fueron sometidas a embolizacin arterial, hubo una disminucin significativa del sangrado pero no se detuvo en forma completa. El uso de rFVIIa puede ser beneficioso en el tratamiento de la hemorragia posparto con riesgo de vida

    60. Slide No. 60 Footer Ciruga Cardiaca

    61. Slide No. 61 Footer El uso de rFVIIa redujo en forma significativa el uso de transfusiones, Diprose et al, Br J Anaesth, Sept 2005. El uso de rFVIIa como terapia de rescate es efectivo en lograr la hemostasia, prevenir la reexploracin quirrgica y en la reduccin de los requerimientos transfusionales. Halkos et al, Ann Thorac Surg 2005; 79: 1303-6. El uso tardo de rFVIIa result seguro pero no incremento la eficacia respecto de la teraputica hemosttica convencional. Von Heymann et al, Crit Care Med, 2005; 33:2241-46. Ciruga Cardiaca

    62. Slide No. 62 Footer Hemorragia variceal esofgica aguda

    63. Slide No. 63 Footer Hemorragia variceal esofgica aguda El rFVIIa corrige el tiempo de protrombina en los pacientes cirrticos. No se observaron diferencias significativas respecto al tratamiento standard en la poblacin general. El rFVIIa disminuye en forma significativa el nmero de fallas y el control de sangrado a las 24 horas en el subgrupo Child B y C con varices esofgicas. No hubo diferencias respecto a placebo en la mortalidad a 5 o 42 das. No hubo diferencias significativas en la incidencia de efectos adversos inclusive eventos tromboemblicos respecto a placebo.

    64. Slide No. 64 Footer Ciruga Prosttica

    65. Slide No. 65 Footer Estudio doble ciego, randomizado controlado contra placebo. Pacientes sometidos a prostactetoma retropbica. Dosis 20 y 40 mcg/kg versus placebo. Perdida sangunea promedio: 20 mcg/kg: 1235 mL 40 mcg/kg: 1089 mL p=0.001 Placebo: 2688 mL Ningn paciente del grupo de 40 mcg/kg (16 pacientes) requirieron transfusiones. Siendo la diferencia significativa de ambos grupos respecto a placebo. No se observaron efectos adversos (el riesgo estndar de trombosis venosa es del 2-4% en esta ciruga) Ciruga Prosttica

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