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Learn how to request time off, review vacation balances, and navigate the Kronos system for exempt employees. HRIS support and detailed instructions included.
Kronos Workforce Timekeeper Trainingfor exempt employeesPrepared by: Chris Martin Last Updated: 12/17/09
Kronos WorkforceTimekeeper • Employees can • Request time off • Cancel a request for time • Review vacation balances on demand • Managers can • Approve or deny time off requests • Perform adjustments • Review employee vacation balances on demand • HRIS Support • Will add FMLA and disability occurrences to records for you
Kronos WorkforceTimekeeper • Please know that the Kronos system is the official company source for keeping attendance records and the work hours of non-exempt employees to properly pay them through payroll. Those using TimeSite to record time for consulting projects should continue to log time in Timesite since the Kronos and TimeSite systems serve two different purposes.
Web Address & Logging In • Supported web browsers • Mozilla Firefox 3.0 - recommended browser • Log an IT Help Desk Request if this program is not installed on your workstation • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 and later • Recommend disabling the Keep Temporary Files on Computer checkbox within the Java Control Panel to clear the Java cache upon exiting I.E. See Turn off Java caching document on HR Intranet page under Kronos Workforce Central for more information. • Apple Safari on Mac OS 10.4.8 • Kronos URL: • https://ansys.kronoshosting.com/wfc06/logon
Web Address & Logging In • Initial login credentials • Human Resources will provide you with your password and username • The system will require that you set a new password at initial login • Contact the HRISSupport e-mail group to have password reset at hrissupport@ansys.com • Password parameters • Expires every 90 days • Must be at least 8 characters • Can’t reuse last five passwords
Logging Off Be sure to log off properly by clicking the log off button to free up system resources. It slows the system for all if you close via the “X”
Navigating Kronos • Workforce Timekeeper window contains • Banner (can be hidden) • Workspace Clicking the orange button below will hide the banner if you need more workspace
ANSYS Vacation Policy • Vacation benefit is based on years of service • Employees with less than 10 years of service accrue 12 hours on the 15th of each month (Equivalent of 18 days per year) • Employees with 10 plus years of service accrue 15.33 hours on the 15th of each month (Equivalent of 23 days per year) • Reduced work week employees earn vacation benefits equal to their full time equivalency (F.T.E.) • Vacation maximum balance • Remains at five days over annual allotment – i.e. 23 days (184 hours) for employees with less than 10 years of service and 28 days (224 hours) for those with 10 plus years • California employees – due to CA state law your maximum is double your annual allotment • All time appears as hours, not days, in the system
Requesting Time Off • To Request a future or present day absence • Click on the My Information tab • Click on My Actions • Select Time off Request (TOR) • There are two versions of the TOR. Use the one “with Holidays” when a holiday is in between your vacation. This request is formatted to not count the holiday as vacation .
Requesting Time Off About the form: Choose Request Typefrom drop down list. Start Dateand End Dateneeds to be same date if requesting only one day off. If requesting a full day off select the Same Hours asScheduled Shift Radio Button. System will apply scheduled hours. Please know a core schedule of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon. – Fri. with an hour lunch has been added for all full-time employees. This means that when you make a full day request it will be for 8 hours and if your request spans a weekend, the system will know not to include the weekend in total hours being requested Actual schedules have been added for reduced work week employees for the radio button to work correctly. If requesting a partial day, select theSpecify Hours Radio Button. Complete Start Time field (entry needs to be hh:mm AM or PM.) Then complete the Hours Per Dayfield. Use decimal hours in this field when number is not whole. For example: 4.5 when requesting 4 and half hours. If you make a mistake when completing the form, shut the form and start over to make certain that you are not charged a full days absence,. Select Scheduled Days Radio Button for Day Type so the request follows schedule and does not apply to weekends. • Complete the form – being sure to follow the directions to right exactly • Only the “vacation” category will decrement your balance
Requesting Time Off • At the end of the Request form • Click Next • Save & Close • Your manager will receive an e-mail from the Kronos system notifying him/her that you have made a request • This e-mail is generic, your manager must open the inbox request to see full details • You will receive an e-mail from the Kronos system when your manager acts upon the request and you will also see a message within your Inbox area of the Kronos system. The e-mail you receive is generic and it is suggested that you review your timecard or schedule to make sure the right amount of hours is being recorded for the absence.
Canceling Time Off • Use the Cancel Request Form to cancel a previously requested absence – this form can be found where you find the TOR form • This form can only be used if: • Your manager has already approved the original TOR • The absence date is not before the current date • If your manager never approved the original TOR, simply ask your manager to reject the original request to avoid it being committed to your record • If the date of the absence has passed and your manager approved the original TOR, ask your manager or HRIS Support to remove the absence from your record
Post Dated Absences • The Request form only allows for requests to be made for the current date or a future date • Therefore, post dated absences are made directly to the timecard by you or your manager. No system generated e-mails are sent in this circumstance because the workflow is bypassed. • If you notice an absence is missing from your record and the timecard is locked from editing, please notify the HRIS Support e-mail group. • Records are locked after each pay date. Dates locked from editing are the timesheets associated with the most current pay period. See the Timesheet Schedule on HR Intranet for listing of dates. • For example – the next business day after the February 13, 2009 payday the records for dates 01/19/2009 to 01/31/2009 will be locked. As these are the dates of the non-exempt timesheets passing to the February 13 payroll. Please know records are locked for exempt and non-exempt employees.
Post Dated Absences • Add a post dated entry: • Go to My Information Tab > Click on My Timecard • Select Time Period - system is very date driven • If system does not allow you to make an entry, try using a different time period. The specific date and date range options work best. • Inside Time Card, pick absence category under Pay Code • Enter duration in date cell and click Save • You may need to add a row to the timecard if the entry is not allowed. Only one pay code per line is allowed.
Post Dated Absences • To add a row to the timecard: Click on the following symbol to add a row to the timecard.
Reviewing Absence Entries • Review absence entries by: • Viewing your project view timecard • My Information Tab > Click on My Timecard • Select Time Period - system is very date driven Review timecard to see absence occurrences Time Period – you can choose a specific date, date range or pay period. There is also a Audit tab in this area. This is where you should be able to view any adjustments made to your balance …like the import of your opening balance or corrections to that balance. Unfortunately, you do not see the monthly credits.
Reviewing Absence Entries • Approved TOR requests will not appear in your timecard until they are 10 days out from the absence date. Until then you can see that they have been committed to your record by looking at your schedule. • The schedule is located in the bottom right section under your timecard Your schedule can be found under your timecard to the right.
Reviewing Absence Entries You can also check absence entries by: • Going to – My Information tab > click on My Reports and select one of the three available reports. The Time Detail Report seems best, it itemizes absence codes by date range, but also summarizes the absence codes. • The Schedule Report – this is where you can see the core schedule assigned to your record if a full-time employee; if you are a reduced work week employee you can see your specific schedule.
Checking your Vacation Balance Check your vacation balance by: • Going to – My Information tab > My Timecard > and clicking on the Accrual Reporting Tab under your timecard • Change the “Balances as of date” to desired date • The Max Balance line is a reference that you can gauge your available balance against to see if you are nearing the max balance and must take vacation to avoid your accrual from being stopped. Available -is your vacation balance as of date specified in the balance as of area. Earned to Date shows how much vacation time you accrued from 01/01 to date in balance as of area. Vacation credits pending from day after what is in balance as of area and 12/31. Sum of vacation entries on timecard or schedule from day after balance as of thru year end. Projected vacation balances as of 12/31. Opening balance is carryover from last year. This box shows what you have taken since 01/01 to date specified.
Additional Items of Note • As an exempt employee, your use of this system is simply to: • Record vacation and other absence occurrences • To provide you with a tool to review your vacation balances on demand. • None of the absence information passes to payroll; therefore vacation balances will not be printed on the paychecks and your salary will always appear under the Regular pay code on your paycheck, it will not be itemized out as Regular and Vacation during pay periods in which you take paid vacation. • Try to limit your requests to within a year, same with timecard date ranges and report date ranges. System may not respond optimally beyond these parameters.
Additional Items of Note • It is suggested that you review the absence committed to your timecard or schedule when your manager approves your TOR to make sure the correct duration of hours is decremented from your vacation balance. • Remember – the Time Off Request is a form that has an approval workflow process. When you request time off using this form in must be in advance of or the day of the occurrence. System generated e-mail notifications are sent when the TOR is used. If an absence needs marked on your timecard after it has already occurred, mark it directly to your timecard since the TOR cannot be used in this instance. The approval workflow is bypassed when items are added directly to the timecard and no system generated e-mail notifications occur.
Additional Help Resources • ANSYS has a subscription to Kronos KnowledgePass™ • It is designed to be your post-training and refresher skills destination. Kronos KnowledgePass contains tutorials, learning snippets, job aids, and much more to support your training. Kronos KnowledgePass education support materials stream right to your desktop and are all available 24/7. https://customer.kronos.com/default.asp • Must register to use site • Once registered, click on Education in dark blue menu, then on Knowledge Pass in gray, left side menu bar and then on Knowledge Pass Site in box on right side of page • The Help Menu within Kronos Workforce Central • Kronos FAQ posted on HR Intranet page • Your Manager • The HRIS Support Team