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Energetic Economy: ATP and Cellular Energy Transfer

Discover the importance of ATP in fueling life's processes and how organisms use energy for synthesis, movement, and more. Explore how ATP stores and transfers energy efficiently and its role in phosphorylation reactions. Uncover the dynamics of ATP synthesis by ATP synthase and the formation of proton gradients in cellular respiration. Find out why ATP is a crucial energy currency and how it powers essential biological functions.

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Energetic Economy: ATP and Cellular Energy Transfer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Making energy! ATP The pointis to makeATP!

  2. The energy needs of life • Organisms are endergonic systems • What do we need energy for? • synthesis • building biomolecules • reproduction • movement • active transport • temperature regulation

  3. Where do we get the energy from? • Work of life is done by energy coupling • use exergonic (catabolic) reactions to fuel endergonic (anabolic) reactions digestion energy + + synthesis energy + +

  4. Living economy • Fueling the body’s economy • eat high energy organic molecules • food = carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids • break them down • digest=catabolism • capture released energy in a form the cell can use • Need an energy currency • a way to pass energy around • need a short term energy storage molecule ATP Whoa!Hot stuff!

  5. high energy bonds ATP • Adenosine TriPhosphate • modified nucleotide • nucleotide =adenine + ribose + Pi AMP • AMP + Pi ADP • ADP + Pi ATP • adding phosphates is endergonic How efficient! Build once,use many ways

  6. O– O– O– O– O– O– O– O– P P P P P P P P –O –O –O O– O– O– –O –O –O O– O– O– –O –O O– O– O O O O O O O O I thinkhe’s a bitunstable…don’t you? How does ATP store energy? • Each negative PO4 more difficult to add • a lot of stored energy in each bond • most energy stored in 3rd Pi • 3rd Pi is hardest group to keep bonded to molecule • Bonding of negative Pi groups is unstable • spring-loaded • Pi groups “pop” off easily & release energy ADP AMP ATP Instability of its P bonds makes ATP an excellent energy donor

  7. O– O– O– O– P P P P –O O– –O O– –O –O O– O– O O O O How does ATP transfer energy? • ATP  ADP • releases energy • ∆G = -7.3 kcal/mole • Fuel other reactions • Phosphorylation • released Pi can transfer to other molecules • destabilizing the other molecules • enzyme that phosphorylates = “kinase” 7.3energy + ADP ATP

  8. enzyme + + H H H H H H H H H2O C C C C C C C C OH OH HO HO O O + H ATP ADP + C H H P HO OH H C C + + Pi C P An example of Phosphorylation… • Building polymers from monomers • need to destabilize the monomers • phosphorylate! synthesis +4.2 kcal/mol “kinase”enzyme It’snever thatsimple! -7.3 kcal/mol -3.1 kcal/mol

  9. P ATP C 2 hexokinase C 2 ADP phosphofructokinase H C P Another example of Phosphorylation… • The first steps of cellular respiration • beginning the breakdown of glucose to make ATP glucose C-C-C-C-C-C Thosephosphatessure make ituncomfortablearound here! fructose-1,6bP P-C-C-C-C-C-C-P DHAP P-C-C-C G3P C-C-C-P activationenergy

  10. + Pi ATP / ADP cycle ATP • Can’t store ATP • good energy donor, not good energy storage • too reactive • transfers Pi too easily • only short term energy storage • carbohydrates & fats are long term energy storage cellularrespiration 7.3 kcal/mole ADP A working muscle recycles over 10 million ATPs per second Whoa!Pass methe glucose (and O2)!

  11. Cells spend a lot of time making ATP! Thepoint is to makeATP! What’s thepoint?

  12. H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ rotor rod + P catalytic head H+ ATP synthase • Enzyme channel in mitochondrial membrane • permeable to H+ • H+ flow down concentration gradient • flow like water over water wheel • flowing H+ cause change in shape of ATP synthase enzyme • powers bonding of Pi to ADP:ADP + Pi ATP ADP ATP But… How is the proton (H+) gradient formed?

  13. That’s the rest of mystory! Any Questions?

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