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Dive into the rich history of ancient Greek philosophy from the V-IV centuries BC, exploring the teachings of Sophists, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Gain insights into the major concepts, academic material, and comparative characteristics of these influential philosophers.
Department of Philosophy and Psyhology Lecturer: PhD, docent Elena Shevchenko Classic period (V-IV centuries BC.) of antique Philosophy For all specialities
Lection’s plan Classic period of antique Philosophy (V-IV centuries BC.) • Sophists (sophists – sage, master, an expert) are the first professional philosophers. • Socratic method • The philosophy of Plato (Aristocles) • The philosophy of Aristotle • Features of the classical period 2
Requirements for knowledge and skills • Knowledge • Issues of the philosophy of classical period • Philosophical tendencies in classical period • Authorsandterminology ofantique philosophy • Specificity of the philosophical schools of antiquity Skills • To be able to orient in a huge variety of opinions, beliefs and values • Be able to identify the similarities and differences of philosophical concepts of antiquity • Be able to identify tendencies in the cultural dialogue between East and West 3
Themes for knowledge recovery • To prepare for the theme “Classic period (V-IV centuries BC) ancient philosophy” must be repeated themes: • Philosophy and its role in human life and society. • The origin of philosophical thought (ancient India and ancient Chinese philosophy) • The problem of being in early ancientphilosophy. 4
Contents Classic period of ancient philosophy • Main concepts • Academic material • Questions for self-examination • Recommended books 5
Main concepts Classic period of ancient philosophy • The school of Athens • Sophists • Maieutic • Triad • Ideas • Peripatetic school • Matter • Form • Metaphysics • Logic • Mind • God 6
Academic material Features of the classical period Socrates, Plato, Aristotle are the greatest ancient Greek philosophers. Athens is the center of classical philosophy. The School of Athens is the sum of the theories of the classics The peculiarity of the classical period that offset the problems of natural philosophical issues to issues of anthropological and epistemological nature. 7
Academic material Sophistry • Sophists: • Enlightenment is the ancient Greek Sophists, who taught for money “wisdom and oratory”. • Protagoras, Hippias and others are members of sophistry. • Features sophistry: • A critical attitude to reality. • The rejection of the experience of past civilizations. • The rejection of the old norms, laws and customs. • Subjectivity in assessments and judgments • Following the logic of practice and in the process of knowledge 8
Academic material Comparative characteristics of the philosophy of Socrates and the sophists • Expressions of sophists • «There are two diametrically opposed views about everything» - sophists were taught. • “Of the views you can select one that will require, the criterion of truth is in the man”. • «Human is the measure of all things» (Protagoras) Socrates (469-399 years BC) Socrates led talks and discussions with students and opponents. Socrates first made the subject of analysis of the concept, not reality itself. The Socratic method (“maieutic”) is a skilful guidance of questions in order to achieve the responses which help the truth is born One of the main philosophical problems of Socrates is self-knowledge (“Know yourself”) 9
Academic material Plato (Aristocles) ( 427-347 years BC) 10
Academic material Plato’s theory of knowledge Рисунок Epistemology Explore the world of ideas is possible not through sensation, but through a system of concepts that are tested by logic. We know “the beauty in itself”, “justice in itself” by mind, by means of dialectics, by building the system of concepts according to the principle of logic. We can justify the essence of being, the rules of morality not by intuition, but by means of the mind. 11
Academic material Aristotle (384-322 years BC) Рисунок Aristotle founded the Lyceum in Athens. Methods of teaching Aristotle called Peripatetic. Greek world “Peripateticos” means “walk about”, “promenade”because teaching was often conducted during walks. Books of Aristotle : «Organon», «Metaphysics», «Physics», «Politics», «Nicomachean Ethics» and so on. Ideas are the cause of things, but the ideas have to be in the things themselves, and not in another “world of ideas” («Plato is my friend, but the truth is more valuable») 12
Academic material Aristotle (384-322 years BC) Рисунок Theory All things are composed of two elements – the “Form” and “Matter”.«Matter» - is a passive possibility. “Form” is the active principle, the reality. Aristotle created a philosophical system of scientific disciplines.Theoretical disciplines: (mathematics, physics, psychology. Practical disciplines:ethics. Creative disciplines:technics, esthetics) 13
Academic material Main ideas in theory of Aristotle. 14
Academic material Main ideas of Aristotle's theory 15
Academic material The Aristotle's heritage 16
Acquired knowledge • Features of the classical period of ancient philosophy. • Schools, tendencies, famous philosophers of this period. • The essence of sophistry. • The philosophy of Socrates and feature of his method. • The main genre of the Plato’s books. The essence of objective idealism of Plato’s theory. Plato’s theory of knowledge. • Plato’s theory of State. • Aristotle. Peripatetic school. Theory of four causes. Theory ofmatter and form. • Classification of the sciences in Aristotle’s theory. Aristotle’s theory of State. 17
Questions for self-examination • What are the main features of the classical ancient philosophy? • What are the mainphilosophical schools ofclassical period? • What was the purpose of philosophical reasoning of Socrates? • What is the objective idealist theory of Plato? • What is the essence of things, according Aristotle’s theory? • What is the conceptual difference between the early period and classical period of ancient philosophy? 18
Recommended books 1.Philosophy: Textbook for higher education/edited by V.N. Lavrinenko. – М., 2001 2.Anthology of philosophical thought. – М., 1993. 3.AsmusV.F. Antique Philosophy. – М., 1976. 4.IlyinV. The history of philosophy: Textbook for higher education. – St. Petersburg, 2003. 5.KaratinyR. Introduction to Philosophy. – М., 2003. 6.KirilenkoG.G., Shevtsov Е.V., Short philosophical dictionary. – М., 2003. 7.Losev А.F. The history of ancient philosophy in a synoptic presentation. – М., 1998. 8.The fragments of the early Greek Philosophers. – М., 1969. – P.1 19
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